MUST Epics - Describes the minimum functionality required to deliver a Capability. Solutions MUST be successfully evaluated against each Epic and Acceptance Criteria via Capability Assessment in order to be associated with this Capability | ||
E00135 - record information for ConsultationsAs a Health or Care Professional I want to record information for Consultations for Patients So that a full history of Consultations can be maintained for each Patient Acceptance criterion 1: record basic data for ConsultationGiven the Health or Care Professional is permitted to record Consultations When the Health or Care Professional selects to record basic data information for a Patient Consultation Then start date and time for the Consultation are recorded And the organisation for which the Consultation is being performed can be recorded And the location of where the Consultation is being performed can be recorded Acceptance criterion 2: record Patient characteristics and interventionsGiven the Health or Care Professional is permitted to record Consultations When the Health or Care Professional selects to record Patient characteristics and interventions for a Patient Consultation Then coded clinical terms can be recorded And Episode Type can be recorded for coded clinical terms And free text can be recorded And numeric values can be recorded And the Consultation is recorded Acceptance criterion 3: view a Consultation for a PatientGiven the Health or Care Professional is permitted to view Consultations When the Health or Care Professional selects to view a Consultation for a Patient Then the Consultation is displayed E00135 - Additional Implementation DetailsSolutions MUST comply with the following when implementing this Epic:
E00136 - extract Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) dataAs a Health or Care Professional I want Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) data to be submitted to NHS Digital on behalf of my Healthcare Organisation So that aggregated counts of FGM information can be submitted to NHS Digital to enable monitoring Acceptance criterion 1: extract Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) dataGiven there is Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) data to be submitted by the Solution When the creation of the Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) data file is triggered Then the Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) data file is created E00136 - Additional Implementation DetailsSolutions MUST comply with the following when implementing this Epic:
E00137 - Electronic Yellow Card ReportingAs a Health or Care Professional I want reports of suspected Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) to be sent to the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) on behalf of my Healthcare Organisation So that information on ADRs for each Patient can be submitted to MHRA to enable monitoring and to meet safety standards by providing information on potential drug safety issues as part of the Yellow Card scheme Acceptance criterion 1: submit suspected Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) data to the MHRAGiven a Health or Care Professional is permitted to submit suspected Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) data to the MHRA When the Health or Care Professional selects to submit suspected Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) data for a Patient Then the suspected Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) data is submitted to the MHRA for the Patient E00137 - Additional Implementation DetailsSolutions MUST comply with the following when implementing this Epic:
E00138 - eMED3 (Fit Notes)As a Health or Care Professional I want to record eMED3 (fit notes) data So that eMED3 (fit notes) forms can be produced for Patients and data can be submitted to NHS Digital to support research analysis Acceptance criterion 1: create eMED3 data for a PatientGiven the Health or Care Professional is permitted to create eMED3 data for Patients When the Health or Care Professional selects to create the eMED3 data for a Patient Then the eMED3 data is created Acceptance criterion 2: print eMED3 form for a PatientGiven the Health or Care Professional is permitted to print eMED3 form for Patients When the Health or Care Professional selects to print an eMED3 form for a Patient Then the eMED3 form is printed Acceptance criterion 3: create eMED3 data for submissionGiven there is eMED3 data to be submitted by the Solution When the creation of the eMED3 data file is triggered Then the eMED3 data file is created E00138 - Additional Implementation DetailsSolutions MUST comply with the following when implementing this Epic: