This Roadmap Item is to uplift requirement DMI07 to include ‘audit trails’ as part of the content of data extracts produced by the Source Solution.
It was identified that ‘audit trails’ is mentioned within the Description section of the Data Migration Standard, but was not explicit in the requirement.
Outline Plan
Summary of Change
Data Migration: Requirement DMI07 updated
Applicable Framework(s)
Requirement ID
Requirement text
Applies to
All data extracts will:
Be in an encrypted electronic format
Be in conformance with the DDE provided
Be provided to the Target Solution Supplier and/or the Service Recipient as instructed by the Service Recipient (as Data Controller)
Contain the full set of Patient Records and audit trails, including documents and attached images as well as other clinical and administrative information such as tasks and appointments where applicable to the individual migration event
Be in a human readable format without any undue degradation (i.e. flattening from structured data to plain text) or the need for access to the legacy Solution to be available
Full Specification
The updated Data Migration Standard will be added at a later date. Proposed changes can be viewed in the Summary of Change above.