Minor or patch changes: There will be items on the Roadmap in the Managed Capacity route with Effective Dates every three months to cover minor and patch uplifts uplif
Jira Legacy |
showSummary | false |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b4f478f8-f5a5-32d9-bd05-d8bd68973d5c |
key | SYN-2798 |
ts to a range of existing specifications which are either Effective or Published. For example, each entry on the Roadmap could cover possible uplifts to GP Connect interfaces, IM1, GP2GP or other APIs or messaging specifications etc. but there would not be an uplift to all of these within each and every entry on the Roadmap. The scope of what is included within these will be carefully managed and monitored. Suppliers will be expected to allow capacity for these items within their List Price.