If you wish to merge practices the you will need to contact the contracted Supplier to agree a variation to the Call Off Order Form to reflect the change in Service Instances. Where a Service Instance is ceasing through merger this should not incur a penalty even where the this variation occurs within the Initial Term for that Service Instance. Information then needs to be captured on the order tracker see Ordering Solutions / Service Changes.
A new practice is coming into being
If you wish to add a new practice to the Call Off you will need to contact the contracted Supplier to agree a variation to the Call Off Order Form to reflect the commissioning of a new Service Instance. Often in such a scenario you will not have existing information to establish an initial patient number size, in which case simply estimate this based on your best available information, the standard reconciliation processes associated with our invoicing procedure with establish the correct position at the first available opportunity. Information then needs to be captured on the order tracker see Ordering Solutions / Service Changes.
Common Purchasing scenarios