Change Management
Term | Definition |
Horizon | Changes which are on the Horizon will be represented in a separate section of the Roadmap and are included for information purposes. A Horizon item is a potential change which NHS Digital are aware of, but it has either not been formally submitted into the change process and/or is only an idea or high level concept with little or no specification in place. It indicates items which are further into the future and for which it is yet to be determined whether it will progress and if so which of the change routes it will progress through. |
Managed Capacity | The main route for progressing new and uplifted Standards which apply to all relevant Suppliers and which are likely to have a Published specification. Where these have an Effective Date, all relevant Suppliers will be obliged to have achieved compliance with these items by the given date as per the terms of the Catalogue Agreement. Changes in this route will fall into one of four categories:
These items will only be commissioned via the Roadmap and Suppliers are expected to incorporate any development cost within their List Price. Some items in Managed Capacity may be associated with incentive payments for delivery of the change within a certain time boundary. |
Opportunity Item | Opportunities for Suppliers to engage with NHS Digital and the change requestor to collaborate on the definition of specifications and to deliver certain changes early ahead of publication to the wider market where applicable. These will be commissioned via the most appropriate Framework or Procurement vehicle in current operation. Changes in this route will fall into one of two categories:
Feasibility Assessment | Opportunities for Suppliers to collaborate with NHS Digital and/or the change requestor to provide information and analysis to assess the feasibility of a new change request before it progresses through another route. These may be either optional or mandatory for Suppliers depending on the nature of the assessment required. |
Urgent Change | Change requests which impact Standards and Capabilities which need to be progressed quickly outside of the usual change management principles. These will account for only a highly restricted volume of change meeting one of two criteria:
Draft | This is the status associated with specifications for a new or uplifted Capability or Standard which are still going through definition and elaboration with stakeholders.
At Draft status there will be a Supplier facing Roadmap page on which detail of the specification is released as it becomes available. |
Published | This is the status associated with specifications for a new or uplifted Capability or Standard which are fully defined, agreed and signed off and are not expected to change. Where there is a need for minor or patch uplift, this will be handled as described in the Versioning section. Suppliers would be expected to be working towards achieving compliance with a specification when it is given this status. There may be some Standards and Capabilities which do not progress beyond this status in which case they would be advisory or reflect some other scenario where it remains optional at that point. A checklist will be in place to ensure that before this status is awarded, the specification is adequately defined and ready for implementation with all necessary assurance, implementation and guidance documentation in place to enable a Supplier to complete development at minimal risk. At this point a full version of the Confluence page will be released. In the case of uplifts to existing Standards and Capabilities, this will be a complete, refreshed version of the page e.g. if there is an uplift to Data Standards, the changes will be on or linked to from the relevant Roadmap page and are likely to only show the specific requirements which are changing until it is Published, when a full updated version of the Data Standards page with a revised version number will be made available and will sit alongside the Effective version. |
Effective | This is the status associated with Standards with which all relevant Suppliers are required to have achieved compliance. It is the status associated with Capabilities which have been included within the scope of a Framework request and hence which Suppliers are able to onboard Solutions against and sell via a Framework. When the Effective Date is reached, the old Effective page will be replaced by the new one with an uplifted version number. The old one will be given a status of Retired and moved to an alternate location on Confluence. |
All relevant Suppliers | Suppliers have the choice as to which Capabilities they choose to offer through the Catalogue and as such there are different Standards with which they will need to be compliant. Therefore if a change to a Standard is not applicable to the products and Capabilities the Supplier is offering, then that change is not relevant to them. The Roadmap will indicate the Capabilities and Standards which will be impacted by a particular item on the Roadmap. |
Achieved compliance | This means that a Supplier has been awarded a DevMAC for the Roadmap item. |
Effective Date | The date on which the Standard or Capability becomes Effective. It is the date by which all relevant Suppliers will need to have achieved compliance with the change item. Effective Dates only apply to changes in the Managed Capacity and Urgent Change routes. Some items in the Managed Capacity route may not have an Effective Date, but may be associated with incentive payments for delivery over a certain time period. Those items which do have an Effective Date are mandated for delivery by all relevant Suppliers. |
Backstop Date | This term means the same as Effective Date and should not be used. |
Retired | This is the status associated with old versions of a Capability or Standard which have been uplifted or replaced. These pages may be superseded by a new Published or Effective specification. These pages will remain available for reference in an alternate location on Confluence. |
Deprecated | This is the status associated with Capabilities or Standards which are not yet Retired because products are in live service and still need to be supported. Those Suppliers with pre-existing compliance must maintain this, those with no compliance are not obligated to comply with these Standards. |
Closed | This is the status associated with a change request which will not be progressing. It is recognised that some change requests are submitted into the process and then are not taken forward at some point for a variety of reasons, therefore this status will be used to indicate to Suppliers that a change which had previously appeared on the Roadmap is now no longer required and they should not continue work on it. Changes at this status will remain on the Roadmap for a period of time to ensure awareness. |
Mandated | This term describes a Standard within the Managed Capacity route which Suppliers must deliver and which has been given an Effective Date by which all relevant Suppliers must have achieved compliance. Use of this term should be avoided where possible, instead referring to the Effective Date. |
Incentive item | The term Incentive Item or other terms regarding incentive payments and incentivisation refer to additional funding which may be associated with particular items on the Roadmap. These may be available and applied at the discretion of the Framework and Catalogue Authority and could be applied based on Suppliers maintaining compliance with Effective Dates, for delivery of a change ahead of an Effective Date, or for delivery of items which do not have an Effective Date over a certain bounded time period. |
Versioning | This is defined in the Versioning section |
Roadmap | The Digital Care Services Roadmap, known simply as 'the Roadmap', serves two primary purposes:
Priority Standard | This term is used to identify those changes to Standards and Capabilities which have been identified by the NHS England SROs group as the most important and top priority items for the forthcoming period. The Priority Standards may progress through any of the defined change routes, but once in the Managed Capacity route will have an Effective Date. Wherever possible, these items and the associated Effective Dates will be issued for Supplier feedback and agreed in advance of a Framework opportunity such that Suppliers are aware of their obligations and can price accordingly. |
Feature | A change which does not impact a Standard or Capability. |
Lifecycle of Standards and Capabilities
Expand | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Full Assessment process is triggered either by a change passing the Entry Assessment or following completion of an Opportunity Item where a change now needs to be published for all relevant Suppliers to implement. The Full Assessment process determines the route by which the change will be progressed and considers the details and parameters of that change such that it is clear to Suppliers what will need to be delivered and when. Some of the elements of this Full Assessment process have sub-processes and more detailed checklists etc. which are detailed below where applicable. In the case where a change is moving from an Opportunity Item or Feasibility Assessment into the Full Assessment process, then a new change form is not required and a discussion will be held between the Digital Care Services Change team and the change requestor to validate the original details given on the form and amend as necessary ahead of completing the Full Assessment. The Full Assessment process will include analysis of the elements listed below in order to determine the most appropriate change route for this request and the parameters associated with it. This will be completed by the Digital Care Services Change team, engaging the support of the relevant subject matter experts and Suppliers on each of the elements of this as required to ensure a consistent and fully considered assessment. This will include consultation with representatives from Business Analysis, Technical Architecture, Solutions Assurance, Service Management, Information Governance, Finance, Commercial, Buying Catalogue, Clinicians and other system users and other specialist teams as required, as well as Suppliers. Supplier engagement in this process will be managed via the RFI process, the Feasibility Assessment route or another suitable procurement vehicle or commissioning route which is available at the time. Depending on the nature of the change in question and the Capabilities and standards which are impacted, this engagement may either be mandatory or optional for Suppliers.
Further information regarding the details of each of these aspects of the assessment is included below. At any point of this assessment process, it may be necessary to escalate either by convening a meeting between relevant stakeholders or by sending to a board or other governance group to make a final decision on certain elements of the change assessment. This will be particularly important for prioritisation where the NHS England SRO group will determine the key strategic priorities for the subsequent period. Once all the details are agreed, the Roadmap entry can be updated and the change will progress into one of the defined change routes. The following table sets out some general guidelines for assessing the most suitable change route, however this is not exhaustive and change requests will need to be considered case by case:
Align to Standards and Capabilities Model
Alignments and Dependencies
Set Dates and Timescales
Determine Incentives and Funding
Sizing and Complexity
Urgent Change Assessment
The Roadmap will include a summary of information to ensure Suppliers are fully aware of the changes that are required and the opportunities which are available to them. Some of the data items are common to all change routes, and other data items are specific to a particular change route. The table below sets out the information to be included. Horizon items are not included in this table as they will not have been assigned to a change route and there is likely to be limited information available about the change. Dependent on the final form presentation of the Roadmap, certain information, such as the change route, may not be given in distinct fields and may instead be represented in an alternate format, such as in labelled swim lanes or with colour coding or sections.
Field name | Field content |
Title | A unique name for the change |
Description | A very brief summary of the change |
Date added | The date the item was added to the Roadmap |
Type | All Roadmap entries will be set to a type of 'Roadmap' NB. Once the change specification is Published, the equivalent field on the page for the Published specification will be updated to one of the other options (i.e. Overarching, Interoperability, Capability Specific, Context Specific) to reflect the type of entity the change relates to e.g. if it is a change to the Prescribing Standard, this entry would then become 'Capability Specific Standard' |
Standards/Capabilities | List of the existing Standards and/or Capabilities which are impacted by the change |
Change Route | Which of the designated change routes the item is going through or Horizon if not yet determined. Options for:
NB. This is likely to be represented in a different format on the Roadmap view rather than in a separate field |
Change Type | An indication as to the type of change this is:
Status | The status of the change item, which also includes the status of the specification within that. Options to be:
NB. This field will be marked as 'n/a' for Horizon items. There will only be one Status entry for each Roadmap item |
Effective Date | The Effective Date of the change NB. This will not be set for some items in Managed Capacity and does not apply to Opportunity Items or Horizon |
Incentives / Funding | An indication of whether additional incentives or funding will be available for this change |
Incentive Dates | The dates during which the incentive applies |
ID | A unique ID for the Roadmap entry in the format "RMXX" NB. Once the change specification is Published, the equivalent field on the page for the Published specification will be updated to reflect the type of entity that this is e.g. if it is a change to the Prescribing Standard, this entry would become 'S14' ; if this is a new or replace item, then a new ID in the same format will be created. |
Version | The version number of the Roadmap entry in the format a.b.c to indicate when changes have been made to the Roadmap entry, such as a new draft specification being issued or an amendment to one of the parameters associated with the change. NB. Once the change specification is Published, the equivalent field on the page for the Published specification will be updated in alignment with the version number of the Standard or Capability which is being uplifted or be set to 1.0.0 if this is a new or replace item. |
In addition to the Roadmap, each Capability and Standard on Confluence contains a Roadmap section linking to a page which details any Roadmap items related to that Capability or Standard and the details of that change. There is also a central Roadmap page on Confluence where a full list of Roadmap items will be available with a summary of information similar to the above.