Incentive Start Date: The date on which this Roadmap Item attains “Published” status.
Incentive End Date: 3rd 26th March 2025
Payment Rules
Applicability: DSIC compliant Foundation Solutions at the date of publication of this Roadmap Item.
Incentive amount: up to £125,000 of the Foundation Suppliers' actual and reasonable costs. The Supplier shall provide a full breakdown of costs to the Catalogue Authority for approval prior to commencement of the work. At the request of the Catalogue Authority, the Supplier shall provide evidence of such costs being actually incurred.
Payment Rules:
All evidence provided on or before Incentive End Date
The Supplier evidences to the Catalogue Authority’s satisfaction that a weekend cutover can be performed using the new Data Transfer Mechanism as per the requirements and Assurance Milestone 1 - Technical Conformance defined by this Roadmap Item
A statement has been received from both the Target and Source Suppliers for the agreed upon migration that a weekend cutover can be performed
The Supplier has contributed to and agreed to the migration plan for the Practice migration that will fully demonstrate this service in Live
The work the Supplier will undertake for this incentive will not impact the delivery of any other mandated Roadmap Items applicable to them
The solution proposed in response to this incentive will be the solution which is used in-live between the proven Suppliers Solutions when migrating.
Data Migration: MAY requirements added
Applicable Contracting Vehicle(s)
Applies to
Source Solution Suppliers only
The Source Solution Supplier (SSS) will provide a mechanism by which the Target Solution Supplier (TSS) can keep the Target Solution up to date with the live Source Solution, such that there is no need to do a large final data extract containing every Patient Record for the migrating Practice:
The mechanism provided by the SSS will enable the migrating Practice to conduct a weekend cutover (5pm Friday start, Target Solution operational for 8am the following Monday)
The SSS will provide an API or other Data Transfer Mechanism (DTM) that is accessible by the TSS and can be used to update the Target Solution on an ongoing basis over the internet
The DTM will be accessible to the TSS 24 hours per day for the duration of migration process
Data provided via the DTM will be no more than 12 hours behind the data within the live Source Solution
There will be a mechanism for the SSS to be able to understand when the data within the DTM was last updated
The SSS will ensure that it takes no longer than 6 hours at any stage for all updated data (as per DMI07) within the Source Solution to be available to be consumed by the Target Solution
The SSS will respond to any data issues raised by the TSS in a timely manner, such that the weekend cutover can be completed
Target Solution Suppliers only
The Target Solution Supplier (TSS) will consume the data provided by the Source Solution Supplier (SSS) into their solution within 6 hours of the data being made available to them via the Data Transfer Mechanism (DTM)
The TSS will retrieve the data via the DTM once per week as a minimum
Multiple retrievals within a 24 hour window should be agreed with the SSS beforehand
The TSS will have a mechanism by which they can understand when the data in the DTM was last updated
The TSS will check the consumed data in the Target Solution to validate that it is in the expected format
The TSS will notify the SSS of any issues they find with the data in a timely manner, such that the weekend cutover can be completed
The TSS will validate that they are satisfied with the data available via the DTM, and that the DTM can be used to conduct a weekend cutover. This will be confirmed in writing a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the cutover date
Full Specification
The updated Data Migration Standard will be added at a later date. Proposed changes can be viewed in the Summary of Change above.v2.1.0
Provide complete technical details of their API interface or Data Transfer Mechanism (DTM) for review
Demonstrate the implementation in a test environment, for the purposes of assurance by the Technical, Clinical, Information Governance, Security and Service Management stakeholders
Complete an initial extract of Live Patient data from their Live environment using their API interface or Data Transfer Mechanism (DTM), which has been validated by the Target Solution Supplier (i.e. successful ingesting, processing and validation of the extract for data integrity)