RSV data flow from GPIT to the NHS England Vaccinations Digital Services (VDS)
Introduce a data flow for RSV Vaccinations to flow from GPIT Solutions to the NHS England Vaccinations Digital Services (VDS); and a model clarification
Date Added
Standards and Capabilities
Patient Information Maintenance - GP
Change Route
Managed Capacity - Other
Change Type
Publication Date
Effective Date
Incentives / Funding
Incentive / Funding Dates
The Summary of Change of this Roadmap Item also includes changes introduced via RM218 - Extract vaccination data - adding schedule information.
Outline Plan
Patient Information Maintenance - GP Capability to be updated as defined in the Summary of Change.
Patient Information Maintenance - GP: E00303 updated
E00303 - extract vaccination data for Patients
As a Health or Care Professional
I want vaccination data recorded for Patients to be sent to the Authority on behalf of my Healthcare Organisation
So that vaccination data recorded at relating to my Healthcare Organisation for Patients can be submitted to the Authority
Acceptance criterion 1: create the vaccination data extractsfile
Given there is vaccination data for Patients to be submitted for the Healthcare Organisation
When the creation of the vaccination data extract file is triggered
Then the vaccination data extract file is created
E00303 - Additional Implementation Details
Solutions MUST comply with the following when implementing this Epic:
MMR vaccination - technical Specification for GPIT Suppliers to NHS Digital delimited extract