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Comment: Capability updated to v1.2.0 as per Roadmap Item RM245
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Medicines management




Effective Date


Contracting Vehicle(s)



Supports the timely and effective dispensing of


medicinal products and appliances to Patients, allowing Health or Care Professionals to dispense medication.


For a Patient:


Prescriptions can be sent to Dispensaries electronically to manage dispensing requests more efficiently and reduce waiting times for Patients to access the right medicinal products


and appliances.



Primary Care:


Support the dispensing of


medicinal products and appliances for Patients, and reduces the use of paper Prescriptions and provides a more efficient service to Patients.

For the wider NHS and social care system:


Support the dispensing of medicinal products


and appliances.



MUST Epics -


Epic 1 - manage Stock in a Dispensary

As a Practice User

I want to manage Stock in a Dispensary

So that Stock is managed in the Dispensary

Acceptance criterion 1: view Stock

Given the Practice User is permitted to manage Stock

When they choose to view Stock

Then the Stock is displayed

Acceptance criterion 2: search Stock

Given the Practice User is permitted to manage Stock

When they choose to search Stock

Then the search results are displayed

Acceptance criterion 3: create Stock

Given the Practice User is permitted to manage Stock

When they choose to create a Stock

Then the Stock is created

Acceptance criterion 4: amend Stock

Given the Practice User is permitted to manage Stock

When they choose to amend a Stock

Then the Stock is amended

Acceptance criterion 5: monitor Stock volumes automatically

Given the Practice User is permitted to manage Stock

When they choose to monitor Stock volumes automatically

Then the Stock volumes are monitored automatically

Epic 2 - manage Stock Orders

As a Practice User

I want to manage Stock Orders

So that Stock Orders are managed

Acceptance criterion 1: view Stock Orders

Given the Practice User is permitted to manage Stock

When they choose to view Stock Orders

Then Stock Orders are displayed

Acceptance criterion 2: create a Stock Order

Given the Practice User is permitted to manage Stock

When they choose to create a Stock Order

Then the Stock Order is created

Acceptance criterion 3: amend a Stock Order

Given the Practice User is permitted to manage Stock

When they choose to amend a Stock Order

Then the Stock Order is amended

Acceptance criterion 4: cancel a Stock Order

Given the Practice User is permitted to manage Stock

When they choose to cancel a Stock Order

Then the Stock Order is cancelled

Acceptance criterion 5: print a Stock Order

Given the Practice User is permitted to manage Stock

When they choose to print a Stock Order

Then the Stock Order is printed

Epic 3 - manage Dispensing tasks for a Dispensary

As a Practice User

I want to manage Dispensing for a Dispensary

So that Dispensing tasks for the Dispensary are managed

Acceptance criterion 1: view Dispensing tasks

Given the Practice User is permitted to manage Dispensing tasks

When they choose to view Dispensing tasks

Then Dispensing tasks are displayed

Acceptance criterion 2: search Dispensing tasks

Given the Practice User is permitted to manage Dispensing tasks

When they choose to search Dispensing tasks

Then search results are displayed

Acceptance criterion 3: action a Dispensing task

Given the Practice User is permitted to manage Dispensing tasks

When they choose to action a Dispensing task

Then Dispensing tasks is acted upon

Epic 4 - Dispense Medication 

As a Practice User

I want to Dispense Medication

So that Medication is Dispensed

Acceptance criterion 1: Dispense Medication

Given the Practice User is permitted to Dispense Medication

When they choose to Dispense a Medication

Then the Medication is Dispensed

Acceptance criterion 2: Dispense a part of Medication

Given the Practice User is permitted to Dispense Medication

When they choose to Dispense a part of Medication

Then that part of the Medication is Dispensed

Acceptance criterion 3: Endorse Medication

Given the Practice User is permitted to Dispense Medication

When they choose to Endorse Medication

Then the Medication is Endorsed

Acceptance criterion 4: print Labels

Given the Practice User is permitted to Dispense Medication

When they choose to print a Label

Then the Label is printed

Epic 5 - manage Dispensaries

As a Practice User

I want to manage Dispensaries

So that Dispensaries are managed

Acceptance criterion 1: create a Dispensary

Given the Practice User is permitted to manage Dispensaries

When they choose to create a Dispensary

Then the Dispensary is created

Acceptance criterion 2: amend a Dispensary

Given the Practice User is permitted to manage Dispensaries

When they choose to amend a Dispensary

Then the Dispensary is amended

Acceptance criterion 3: delete a Dispensary

Given the Practice User is permitted to manage Dispensaries

When they choose to delete a Dispensary

Then the Dispensary is deleted

Epic 6 - manage Endorsements

As a Practice User

I want to manage Endorsements

So that Endorsements are managed

Acceptance criterion 1: create an Endorsement

Given the Practice User is permitted to manage Endorsements

When they choose to create an Endorsement

Then the Endorsement is created

Acceptance criterion 2: amend an Endorsement

Given the Practice User is permitted to manage Endorsements

When they choose to amend an Endorsement

Then the Endorsement is amended

Acceptance criterion 3: delete an Endorsement

Given the Practice User is permitted to manage Endorsements

When they choose to delete an Endorsement

Then the Endorsement is deleted

Epic 7 - manage Supplier Accounts

As a Practice User

I want to manage Supplier Accounts

So that Supplier Accounts are managed

Acceptance criterion 1: create a Supplier Account

Given the Practice User is permitted to manage Supplier Accounts

When they choose to create a Supplier Account

Then the Supplier Account is created

Acceptance criterion 2: amend a Supplier Account

Given the Practice User is permitted to manage Supplier Accounts

When they choose to amend a Supplier Account

Then the Supplier Account is amended

Acceptance criterion 3: delete a Supplier Account

Given the Practice User is permitted to manage Supplier Accounts

When they choose to delete a Supplier Account

Then the Supplier Account is deleted

Epic 8 - view Stock reports

As a Practice User

I want to view Stock reports

So that I can see Stock information

Acceptance criterion 1: view a Stock report

Given the Practice User is permitted to view Stock reports

When the Practice User chooses to view a Stock report

Then the report is displayed

titleCapability Specific Standards

Suppliers will have to attain compliance with these Standards during the compliance stage before they can be live on a framework with this Capability:


titleOther Applicable Standards

Suppliers will also have to attain compliance with these additional standards during the compliance stage before they can be live on a framework with this capability:


Describes the minimum functionality required to deliver a Capability. Solutions MUST be successfully evaluated against each Epic and Acceptance Criteria via Capability Assessment in order to be associated with this Capability

E00384 - dispense medication for non-Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) Prescriptions

As a Health or Care Professional

I want to dispense medication for non-Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) Prescriptions

So that medication for non-Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) Prescriptions can be dispensed for Patients

Acceptance criterion 1: dispense medication for a Patient’s non-Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) Prescription

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to dispense medication for Patients

When the Health or Care Professional selects to dispense medication for a Patient’s non-Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) Prescription

Then the medication is recorded as dispensed

Acceptance criterion 2: dispense part of a Patient’s non-Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) Prescription

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to dispense medication for Patients

When the Health or Care Professional selects to dispense part of a Patient’s non-Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) Prescription

Then the selected medication is recorded as dispensed

Acceptance criterion 3: record medication Endorsement for a Patient’s non-Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) Prescription

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to dispense medication for Patients

When the Health or Care Professional selects to record medication Endorsement for a Patient’s non-Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) Prescription

Then the medication Endorsement is recorded


E00384 - Supporting Information

  • Medication may be prescribed using non-Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) Prescriptions where it is not appropriate to prescribe the medication using Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) e.g. Instalment Prescriptions for controlled drugs (See Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) Exceptions for further information)

  • See Endorsement guidance for more information on Prescription Endorsements

E00385 - print dispensing labels

As a Health or Care Professional

I want to print dispensing labels

So that I can label medication dispensed for Patients

Acceptance criterion 1: print dispensing labels

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to dispense medication for Patients

When the Health or Care Professional selects to print a dispensing label

Then the dispensing label is printed


E00385 - Supporting Information

MAY Epics - Describes additional functionality associated with the Capability. Suppliers should consider all MAY Epics as part of their User Research. Suppliers can choose to map their Solutions to these Epics and they will be evaluated via Capability Assessment. Contracting Authorities or purchasing organisations may require these Epics as product qualification or requirements criteria

E00386 - manage items of stock in a Dispensary

As a Health or Care Professional

I want to manage items of stock in a Dispensary

So that details relating to items of stock and stock levels in the Dispensary are up to date

Acceptance criterion 1: create an item of stock

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage items of stock

When the Health or Care Professional selects to create an item of stock

Then the item of stock is created

And the item of stock is made available to be dispensed

Acceptance criterion 2: view an item of stock

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage items of stock

When the Health or Care Professional selects to view an item of stock

Then the item of stock is displayed

Acceptance criterion 3: amend an item of stock

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage items of stock

When the Health or Care Professional selects to amend an item of stock

Then the item of stock is amended

E00387 - search for items of stock in a Dispensary

As a Health or Care Professional

I want to search for items of stock in a Dispensary

So that I can find items of stock

Acceptance criterion 1: search for items of stock in a Dispensary

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage items of stock

When the Health or Care Professional selects to search for items of stock in the Dispensary

Then the search results are displayed


E00387 - Supporting Information

  • Examples of searches MAY include, but are not limited to:

    • Search availability of an item of stock

    • Search types of medication available in the Dispensary

E00476 - record medication as Spoiled

As a Health or Care Professional

I want to record when a medication has been Spoiled

So that information on stock can be maintained

Acceptance criterion 1: record medication as Spoiled

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage items of stock

When the Health or Care Professional selects to record a medication as Spoiled

Then the medication is recorded as Spoiled

And the reason for the Spoiled medication is recorded

And the name of the Health or Care Professional responsible for the medication when it was Spoiled is recorded

E00388 - view stock level warnings

As a Health or Care Professional

I want to view stock level warnings

So that I am warned about issues relating to stock levels

Acceptance criterion 1: view stock level warnings

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage items of stock

When a stock level warning is triggered

Then the warning is displayed


E00388 - Supporting Information

  • Examples of warnings MAY include, but are not limited to:

    • Warning when an item of stock reaches a specific level

    • Warning when an item is out of stock

E00389 - configure stock level warnings

As a Health or Care Professional

I want to configure stock level warnings

So that there are warnings for stock levels customised based on my organisation’s needs

Acceptance criterion 1: create stock level warning configurations

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage configurable stock level warnings

When the Health or Care Professional selects to create a configurable stock level warning

Then the configuration is created

Acceptance criterion 2: view stock level warning configurations

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage configurable stock level warnings

When the Health or Care Professional selects to view the stock level warning configuration

Then the configuration is displayed

Acceptance criterion 3: amend stock level warning configurations

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage configurable stock level warnings

When the Health or Care Professional selects to amend a stock level warning configuration

Then the configuration is amended

Acceptance criterion 4: delete stock level warning configurations

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage configurable stock level warnings

When the Health or Care Professional selects to delete a stock level warning configuration

Then the configuration is deleted


E00389 - Supporting Information

  • Examples of warnings MAY include, but are not limited to:

    • Warning when an item of stock reaches a configurable level

    • Warning when an item of stock is no longer available

E00390 - manage stock orders

As a Health or Care Professional

I want to manage stock orders

So that stock items can be ordered

Acceptance criterion 1: create stock orders

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage stock orders

When the Health or Care Professional selects to create a stock order

Then the stock order is created

Acceptance criterion 2: view stock orders

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage stock orders

When the Health or Care Professional selects to view a stock order

Then the stock order is displayed

Acceptance criterion 3: cancel stock orders

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage stock orders

When the Health or Care Professional selects to cancel a stock order

Then the stock order is recorded as cancelled


E00390 - Supporting Information

  • It is sufficient for a Solution to support cancelling a stock order before it has been processed. Once the stock order has been processed it can be cancelled manually and does not need to be supported using the Solution

E00391 - automatically re-order stock

As a Health or Care Professional

I want stock to be re-ordered automatically

So that stock orders are created more efficiently

Acceptance criterion 1: create rules for automatically re-ordering stock

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage stock orders

When the Health or Care Professional selects to create a rule for automatically re-ordering stock

Then the rule is created

Acceptance criterion 2: view rules for automatically re-ordering stock

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage stock orders

When the Health or Care Professional selects to view a rule for automatically re-ordering stock

Then the rule is displayed

Acceptance criterion 3: amend rules for automatically re-ordering stock

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage stock orders

When the Health or Care Professional selects to amend a rule for automatically re-ordering stock

Then the rule is amended

Acceptance criterion 4: remove rules for automatically re-ordering stock

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage stock orders

When the Health or Care Professional selects to remove a rule for automatically re-ordering stock

Then the rule is removed

Acceptance criterion 5: automatically re-order stock

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage stock orders

When a rule for automatically re-ordering stock is triggered

Then the stock is automatically re-ordered


E00391 - Supporting Information

  • An example of a rule for automatically re-ordering stock MAY include, but is not limited to:

    • Stock levels have reached a defined minimum level

E00392 - manage Dispensaries

As a Health or Care Professional

I want to manage Dispensaries

So that I know the location of stock and Prescriptions awaiting dispensing

Acceptance criterion 1: create a Dispensary

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage Dispensaries

When the Health or Care Professional selects to create a Dispensary

Then the Dispensary is created

Acceptance criterion 2: view a Dispensary

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage Dispensaries

When the Health or Care Professional selects to view a Dispensary

Then the Dispensary is displayed

Acceptance criterion 3: amend a Dispensary

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage Dispensaries

When the Health or Care Professional selects to amend a Dispensary

Then the Dispensary is amended

Acceptance criterion 4: delete a Dispensary

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage Dispensaries

When the Health or Care Professional selects to delete a Dispensary

Then the Dispensary is deleted


E00392 - Supporting Information

  • Examples of data used to manage a Dispensary MAY include, but are not limited to:

    • Name of Dispensary

    • Address of Dispensary

E00393 - manage Supplier accounts

As a Health or Care Professional

I want to manage Supplier accounts

So that Supplier accounts are managed to support the ordering of stock

Acceptance criterion 1: create a Supplier account

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage Supplier accounts

When the Health or Care Professional selects to create a Supplier account

Then the Supplier account is created

Acceptance criterion 2: view a Supplier account

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage Supplier accounts

When the Health or Care Professional selects to view a Supplier account

Then the Supplier account is displayed

Acceptance criterion 3: amend a Supplier account

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage Supplier accounts

When the Health or Care Professional selects to amend a Supplier account

Then the Supplier account is amended

Acceptance criterion 4: delete a Supplier account

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage Supplier accounts

When the Health or Care Professional selects to delete a Supplier account

Then the Supplier account is deleted


E00393 - Supporting Information

  • Supplier accounts contain information about Suppliers of stock. This information may be used to order stock electronically from a Supplier

E00394 - view stock reports

As a Health or Care Professional

I want to view stock reports

So that reports relating to stock can be viewed

Acceptance criterion 1: view a stock report

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to view stock reports

When the Health or Care Professional selects to view a stock report

Then the report results are displayed


E00394 - Supporting Information

  • Examples of stock reports MAY include, but are not limited to:

    • View levels of available stock

    • View categories of stock which are most/least dispensed

    • View levels of spoiled medication

E00395 - view dispensing reports

As a Health or Care Professional

I want to view dispensing reports

So that reports relating to dispensing activity can be viewed

Acceptance criterion 1: view dispensing reports

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to view dispensing reports

When the Health or Care Professional selects to view a dispensing report

Then the report results are displayed


E00395 - Supporting Information

  • Examples of dispensing reports MAY include, but are not limited to:

    • View Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) Prescriptions that have not yet been Endorsed

    • View Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) Prescriptions that are close to the expiry date

    • View counts of dispensed medication (e.g. by medication type or by Patient)

Items on the Roadmap which impact or relate to this Capability


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