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Roadmap Item

Contracting Vehicle(s)


Data Migration Standard - Incentivising weekend cutover


Optional requirements added that support the completion of a weekend cutover as part of the overall Data Migration process

Date Added

Standards and Capabilities

Data Migration

Change Route

Managed Capacity - Other

Change Type




Publication Date

Effective Date

Incentives / Funding


Incentive / Funding Dates

Incentive Start Date: The date on which this Roadmap Item attains “Published” status.

Incentive End Date: 3rd March 2025

Payment Rules

Applicability: DSIC compliant Foundation Solutions at the date of publication of this Roadmap Item.

Incentive amount: up to £125,000 of the Foundation Suppliers' actual and reasonable costs.  The Supplier shall provide a full breakdown of costs to the Catalogue Authority for approval prior to commencement of the work. At the request of the Catalogue Authority, the Supplier shall provide evidence of such costs being actually incurred.

Payment Rules:

  • All evidence provided on or before Incentive End Date

  • The Supplier evidences to the Catalogue Authority’s satisfaction that a weekend cutover can be performed using the new Data Transfer Mechanism as per the requirements and Assurance Milestone 1 - Technical Conformance defined by this Roadmap Item

  • A statement has been received from both the Target and Source Suppliers for the agreed upon migration that a weekend cutover can be performed

  • The Supplier has contributed to and agreed to the migration plan for the Practice migration that will fully demonstrate this service in Live

  • The work the Supplier will undertake for this incentive will not impact the delivery of any other mandated Roadmap Items applicable to them

The solution proposed in response to this incentive will be the solution which is used in-live between the proven Suppliers Solutions when migrating.


It is well understood that Practice migrations are burdensome for Practices and create additional work and downtime for the Practice, which impacts Patient care and the level of service the Practice can deliver during the migration.

It is NHS England’s intention to prove that a migration can happen without the need for an extended cutover period. To achieve this NHS England are looking to prove that Foundation Suppliers can use APIs, or other technical means, to keep their Target Solution up to date with the current Source Solution, removing the need for the Source Supplier to provide an extract. The intention is that this will allow the new Foundation Solution to simply be switched on and the old Solution made read only over a weekend period.

Work is ongoing at NHS England to standardise the migration process, including the creation of a data standard that is built on GP Connect profiles to transfer data between Suppliers, allowing for a standardised process that is Supplier agnostic. APIs are currently proposed as the method of obtaining the data, which would be similar to those used in GP Connect. NHS England is however aware that Suppliers may have alternative solutions and are happy to explore a different method that achieves the desired outcome.

Outline Plan

  • A full breakdown of costs to be provided to the Catalogue Authority for approval, prior to commencement of the work

  • Suppliers to deliver both the Target and Source Solution requirements

  • Assurance to be completed in-line with the Assurance Approach documented on this Roadmap Item

    • Assurance Milestone 1 - Technical Conformance

    • Assurance Milestone 2 - Clinical Authority To Release (CATR)

  • This migration approach is to be used for all future migrations where both Target and Source Solution Supplier are compliant with these requirements

  • These MAY requirements are intended to become a MUST in the future

Summary of Change

Data Migration: MAY requirements added

Applicable Contracting Vehicle(s)



Applies to


Source Solution Suppliers only



The Source Solution Supplier (SSS) will provide a mechanism by which the Target Solution Supplier (TSS) can keep the Target Solution up to date with the live Source Solution, such that there is no need to do a large final data extract containing every Patient Record for the migrating Practice:

  • The mechanism provided by the SSS will enable the migrating Practice to conduct a weekend cutover (5pm Friday start, Target Solution operational for 8am the following Monday)

  • The SSS will provide an API or other Data Transfer Mechanism (DTM) that is accessible by the TSS and can be used to update the Target Solution on an ongoing basis over the internet

    • The DTM will be accessible to the TSS 24 hours per day for the duration of migration process

  • Data provided via the DTM will be no more than 12 hours behind the data within the live Source Solution

    • There will be a mechanism for the SSS to be able to understand when the data within the DTM was last updated

  • The SSS will ensure that it takes no longer than 6 hours at any stage for all updated data (as per DMI07) within the Source Solution to be available to be consumed by the Target Solution

  • The SSS will respond to any data issues raised by the TSS in a timely manner, such that the weekend cutover can be completed



Target Solution Suppliers only



  • The Target Solution Supplier (TSS) will consume the data provided by the Source Solution Supplier (SSS) into their solution within 6 hours of the data being made available to them via the Data Transfer Mechanism (DTM)

  • The TSS will retrieve the data via the DTM once per week as a minimum

    • Multiple retrievals within a 24 hour window should be agreed with the SSS beforehand

  • The TSS will have a mechanism by which they can understand when the data in the DTM was last updated

  • The TSS will check the consumed data in the Target Solution to validate that it is in the expected format

    • The TSS will notify the SSS of any issues they find with the data in a timely manner, such that the weekend cutover can be completed

  • The TSS will validate that they are satisfied with the data available via the DTM, and that the DTM can be used to conduct a weekend cutover. This will be confirmed in writing a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the cutover date



Full Specification

The updated Data Migration Standard will be added at a later date. Proposed changes can be viewed in the Summary of Change above.

Assurance Approach

Assurance Milestone 1 - Technical Conformance (incentivised)

The Supplier will be required to provide a detailed document submission of their proposal, along with an online session to walkthrough as to how each of the requirements (DMI28 and DMI29) in this Roadmap Item will be met from a technical, operational and service perspective, as either a Source Solution System (SSS) or as a Target Solution System (TSS).

As an integral part of the above process, the Source Solution Supplier (SSS) will have to 

  • Provide complete technical details of their API interface or Data Transfer Mechanism (DTM) for review

  • Demonstrate the implementation in a test environment, for the purposes of assurance by the Technical, Clinical, Information Governance, Security and Service Management stakeholders

  • Complete an initial extract from their Live environment using their API interface or Data Transfer Mechanism (DTM), which has been validated by the Target Solution Supplier (i.e. successful ingesting, processing and validation of the extract for data integrity)

Assurance Milestone 2 - Clinical Authority To Release (CATR)

The Supplier will be required to prove the technical capability of their API interface or Data Transfer Mechanism (DTM) as part of a First of Type (FoT) migration both as a Source Solution System (SSS) and as a Target Solution System (TSS).

The FoT GP Practice (i.e., the service recipient) stakeholders would also be engaged for review and feedback, prior to and during the first of type (FOT) migration.

Clinical Safety approvals would also be required from the CSOs in the SSS organisation, TSS organisation, GP Practice (i.e. Service Recipient) Organisation and NHS England, both for FOT entry and for FOT exit, to secure Clinical Authority To Release (CATR).

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