ID | MM |
Type | Core Requirement |
Status | Alpha |
Release | V3.0 - March 2023 |
MM-01.1 - Paper Free Prescriptions | MM-02.1 - Non-Medical Prescriptions |
MM-02.2 - Closed Loop Medication Administration | MM-03.1 - Simple & Complex Medicines |
MM-04.1 - Complete Medicine Views |
MM-05.1 - Utilisation and Consumption of Medicines | MM-06.1 - Electronic Prescriptions |
MM-07.1 - Mobile Devices |
The ability for a system to order and manage the medication assigned to patients and the ability to track them throughout their journey through the setting.
EPR MDF Core Capability | |
MM-01.1 - Paper Free Prescriptions | |
As a Clinical Professional, I want, a method of paper-free prescribing and administration of medicines in line with all legal and statutory requirements, and, notification of the patient’s pharmacy of choice, So that, electronic prescribing supports management, processing, administration (including the capture and maintenance of data into the patient record) and analysis Acceptance Criteria 1 Given I am ordering medications for a patient, When the prescription is created, Then the prescription is provided electronically, to the choice of pharmacy. | |
Application Function | Description |
AF240 Create Prescription (medicine) | The ability to electronically create a new medication prescription for a patient. This should include the ability to select from a configured list of medicines per speciality or to allow the clinician to perform a free text search of all available medications. |
AF242 Create Prescription (Blood transfusion) | The ability to prescribe/request blood transfusion products linked to a specimen and the ability to track the progress of the request. |
AF352 Electronic Prescribing | Ability of the system to generate/record prescriptions digitally
AF248 Transfer Prescription | The ability of an application to be able to electronically transfer a completed prescription to the Pharmacy dispensing system or medicine cabinet for fulfilment |
Standards Compliance | |
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EPR MDF Core Capability | |
MM-02.1 - Non-Medical Prescriptions | |
As a Clinical Professional, I want, the system to support Patient group directions and non-medical prescribing So that, I am assured that I offer an advantage for patient care, without compromising patient safety. Acceptance Criteria 1 Given the need to support patient group directions and non-medical prescribing When deemed necessary by a prescribing clinician Then patient group directions and non-medical prescriptions can be provided to the patient | |
Application Function | Description |
AF353 Non-Medical Prescriptions | Support for Patient Group directions and non-medical prescribing including
AF243 Medication Decision Support - Allergies | The ability to check prescribed medicines against known patient allergies and alert the clinician where a conflict is identified by the system. This should also include the ability to check against cross-allergies (where a specific allergy indicates the potential for the patient to be allergic to another type of medication) and cross-reactions. The system must allow a clinician to either stop the prescription or override the alert and audit this action. |
AF244 Medication Decision Support - Intolerances | The ability to check prescribed medicines against known patient intolerances and stop the prescription and alert the clinician where a conflict is identified by the system. The system must allow a clinician to override the alert and audit this action. |
AF245 Medication Decision Support - Dosage | The ability to check dosage of prescribed medicines against expected ranges and stop the prescription and alert the clinician where a conflict is identified by the system. The dosage matching process must incorporates patient safety based on age ranges, weight ranges, therapeutic doses, maximum doses and cumulative doses. The system must allow a clinician to override the alert and audit this action. |
Standards Compliance | |
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EPR MDF Core Requirement | |
MM02.2 - Closed Loop Medication Administration | |
As a clinical professional I want the ability to prescribe medicines in a closed loop fashion and include the five rights of medicines administration. So that I can be assured the correct medicines are administered and patient safety is maintained Acceptance Criteria 1Given the need to prescribe medication to a patient When medication or treatment is required Then it is possible to record the administration of medication including the five rights of medicines administration (right patient, right medication, right dose, via the right route and the right time) Acceptance Criteria 2Given the need to ensure correct medicines are ordered When presenting medicine types Then the configured list should be compliant with the DM+D standard and any coding used should be based on SNOMED Acceptance Criteria 3Given the risk of adverse reactions when medicines are administered When an adverse reaction is observed Then it should be recorded using the Electronic Yellow Card Reporting | |
Application Function | Description |
AF251 Record Medication Administration | The ability of an application to electronically record when medication has been administered (medication, dose, route and exact time) or where medication was unable to be administered (with a list of valid reasons why the medication could not be administered). This should include recording medication that is has been self-administered. |
Standards Compliance | |
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EPR MDF Core Capability | ||
MM-03.1 - Simple & Complex Medicines | ||
As a Clinical Professional, I want, to be able to create prescriptions with configured lists of medication types, So that, I can offer the patient a complete prescribing service within all aspects of best practice. Acceptance Criteria 1 Given I am administering medication to a patent, When I am ordering the medication, Then I should see a configured list of medication by type, Acceptance Criteria 2Given the need to ensure correct medicines are ordered When presenting medicine types Then the configured list should be compliant with the DM+D standard and any coding used should be based on SNOMED
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Application Function | Description | |
AF240 Create Prescription (medicine) | The ability to electronically create a new medication prescription for a patient. This should include the ability to select from a configured list of medicines per speciality or to allow the clinician to perform a free text search of all available medications. | |
AF242 Amend Prescription | This is the ability to change the current medications within a patient record whilst maintaining a history of changes | |
AF243 Medication Decision Support - Allergies | The ability to check prescribed medicines against known patient allergies and alert the clinician where a conflict is identified by the system. This should also include the ability to check against cross-allergies (where a specific allergy indicates the potential for the patient to be allergic to another type of medication) and cross-reactions. The system must allow a clinician to either stop the prescription or override the alert and audit this action. | |
AF244 Medication Decision Support - Intolerances | The ability to check prescribed medicines against known patient intolerances and stop the prescription and alert the clinician where a conflict is identified by the system. The system must allow a clinician to override the alert and audit this action. | |
AF245 Medication Decision Support - Dosage | The ability to check dosage of prescribed medicines against expected ranges and stop the prescription and alert the clinician where a conflict is identified by the system. The dosage matching process must incorporates patient safety based on age ranges, weight ranges, therapeutic doses, maximum doses and cumulative doses. The system must allow a clinician to override the alert and audit this action. | |
AF248 Transfer Prescription | The ability of an application to be able to electronically transfer a completed prescription to the Pharmacy dispensing system or medicine cabinet for fulfilment | |
Standards Compliance | ||
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EPR MDF Core Capability | |
MM-04.1 - Complete Medicine Views | |
As a Clinical Professional, I want to see all core information without truncation or wrapping, So that I have a complete picture of the medication which reduces the risk of incorrect prescribing. Acceptance Criteria 1 Given I am viewing information on medication, When the information of the medicine is displayed, Then the information is displayed without any information being hidden from view behind truncation or wrapping. Acceptance Criteria 2Given the need to ensure correct medicines are ordered When presenting medicine types Then the configured list should be compliant with the DM+D standard and any coding used should be based on SNOMED | |
Application Function | Description |
AF234 Configure Medications Data | The ability of an application to manage medication reference data in accordance with the dm+d standard and SnoMed CT coding for non-dm+d terms (e.g. route, formulation, Unit of Measure):
AF252 View Medications Administered | The ability of an application to provide a view of all medications that have been administered to a patient. |
Standards Compliance | |
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EPR MDF Transformation & Innovation Capability | |
MM-05.1 - Utilisation and Consumption of Medicines | |
As a Clinical Professional, I want the system to support the reporting of utilisation and consumption of medicines So that, re-stocking processes are timely and more efficient Acceptance Criteria 1 Given I am creating a prescription for a patient When medication or treatment is required Then it is possible track utilisation and consumption of medicines | |
Application Function | Description |
AF255 Medication re-ordering | The ability of an application to calculate when the medication being adminsistered to a patient is due to run out and to provide a notification to the clinician to prompt them to place a new order. |
AF238 Medication Stock Check | The ability of an application to make an external system check that the medication being selected by a prescribing solution features in the formulary and is in stock. |
Standards Compliance | |
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EPR MDF Transformation & Innovation Capability | |
MM-06.1 - Electronic Prescriptions | |
As a Clinical Professional, I want the system to include electronic prescribing (EPMA) So that, I can exclude paper prescriptions and use prescribing data for analysis, planning and research Acceptance Criteria 1 Given I am creating a prescription for a patient When medication or treatment is required Then it is possible to create a electronic (paper-free) prescription Acceptance Criteria 2Given the need to ensure correct medicines are ordered When presenting medicine types Then the configured list should be compliant with the DM+D standard and any coding used should be based on SNOMED | |
Application Function | Description |
medicine) | The ability to electronically create a new medication prescription for a patient. This should include the ability to select from a configured list of medicines per speciality or to allow the clinician to perform a free text search of all available medications. |
AF242 Create Prescription (Blood transfusion) | The ability to prescribe/request blood transfusion products linked to a specimen and the ability to track the progress of the request. |
AF352 Electronic Prescribing | Ability of the system to generate/record prescriptions digitally
AF248 Transfer Prescription | The ability of an application to be able to electronically transfer a completed prescription to the Pharmacy dispensing system or medicine cabinet for fulfilment |
Standards Compliance | |
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EPR MDF Transformation & Innovation Capability | |
MM-07.1 - Mobile Devices | |
As a Clinical Professional, I want the use of diagnostic and prescribing functions available on mobile devices, So that access these functions remotely using a phone or tablet. Acceptance Criteria 1 Given I am creating a prescription for a patient When medication or treatment is required Then it is possible to carry out this task on a mobile device e.g. smartphone or tablet Acceptance Criteria 2Given the need to ensure correct medicines are ordered When presenting medicine types Then the configured list should be compliant with the DM+D standard and any coding used should be based on SNOMED | |
Application Function | Description |
AF326 Maintain Patient Record via Mobile Device | The ability for a user to view/update a Patient medical record via a Mobile Device |
AF327 View/Maintain Tasks via Mobile App | The ability for a user to view/update tasks which have been allocated to them via a Mobile Device |
Standards Compliance | |
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Applicable Standards |
The following standards are applicable to the secondary care setting.
| Requirements Map | Decision Support |