



Roadmap Item


Digital Social Care Records


DSCR Minimum Reporting Data Set


A data Standard consisting of a list of required reporting fields, outlining the aggregated information care providers must collect for regulatory and other reporting purposes. 

Date Added


Standards and Capabilities


Change Route

Managed Capacity - Other

Change Type




Publication Date


Effective Date


Incentives / Funding


Incentive Dates



The Digitising Social Care (DiSC) Programme at the NHS Transformation Directorate has launched an Assured Supplier List to support Adult Social Care providers in England to buy from an assured list of Digital Social Care Records (DSCR) Solutions onboarded via the Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS). The requirements in the DPS have been converted into Capabilities and Standards so that they fit the DCS (Digital Care Services) Framework.

This roadmap item will be developed further in future to include detailed requirements. DSCR DPS assured Suppliers will be expected to implement these requirements in their Solution at some point in the future, in line with Effective date.

A data standard consisting of a list of required reporting fields, outlining the aggregated information care providers must collect for regulatory and other reporting purposes. To provide a clear list of reporting fields to support compliance with regulatory requirements and to reduce duplication with other Adult Social Care data collections. Ultimately to reduce the reporting burden on Care Managers. To provide a clear list of information fields to be collected by providers, to enable care record standardisation across the sector and support consistency in the delivery of quality care.

Outline Plan

Digital Social Care Record DPS assured Solutions are required to implement some additional requirements in due course. These requirements have not been finalised and will be refined further, no specific timescales have yet been agreed.

Summary of Change

Describes the changes being applied to the Standard or Capability (i.e. a delta). May be a link to a summary of change provided by and maintained by the relevant Programme e.g. Release Notes created on NHS Developers Site by GP Connect team. However, where the change relates to a GP IT Futures Standard or Capability, then the detail of the change should be provided in tabular form separating new, updated or removed items. Populate the relevant link or table below and delete extraneous text

The requirements of Minimum Reporting Data Set is currently under development with NHSE.

Full Specification

This should be a link or links to the updated standard or capability including the updated requirements so Suppliers can view the full specification

Assurance Approach

This should be a link or links to assurance documentation that describes the activities that will be undertaken by the delivery programme and / or Digital Care Services to assure the Roadmap Item prior to it being published, who will undertake these activities and the timing so Suppliers can understand the assurance approach.

All draft Roadmap items in the development space must have at least one of the following labels: "roadmap_item" and/or "dfocvc_roadmap_item". This allows for macros on pages used to support Roadmap Management to work as expected. Additional labels will be required in live space. Details of these are available in the Roadmap Manual Space in Confluence.