Recommended Best Practices

Recommended Best Practices









National Standards & Good Practice Guides


The following links are provided to help suppliers best understand the current best practices throughout the IT industry when provisioning, deploying and operating their infrastructure and services.

None of the below links and documents will be used for any assurance activities unless otherwise stated in other documentation.

National Standards

NHS Standards Directory

Use this directory to find nationally recognised data standards for use in health and adult social care.

You can browse by Care Setting, Topic or Type as well as source information related to Future Standards, additional information and guidance for Standards, as well as Help and Resources.


https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-technology-code-of-practice - The Technology Code of Practice is a set of criteria to help government design, build and buy technology

https://www.gov.uk/service-toolkit - The central hub for information on designing, building and running services that meet government standards

https://www.digitalmarketplace.service.gov.uk/ - Find technology or people for digital projects in the public sector

https://buyingcatalogue.digital.nhs.uk/ - The NHS Buying Catalogue is an online marketplace where buyers can purchase clinical information systems that meet digital needs in healthcare

https://www.gov.uk/service-manual/service-standard - The baseline GOV.UK standards for public services

https://service-manual.nhs.uk/standards-and-technology/service-standard - The NHS companion to the GOV.UK Service Standard designed to help teams:

  • meet the GOV.UK service standard - service manual

  • address the different needs of health service users

  • navigate the complexities of delivering digital services in health and care

https://digital.nhs.uk/services/cloud-centre-of-excellence - NHS England Cloud Centre of Excellence

GitHub - NHSDigital/software-engineering-quality-framework: 🏎️ Shared best-practice guidance & tools to support software engineering teams - NHS England Software Engineering Quality Framework


https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/ - The National Cyber Security Centre

https://www.cpni.gov.uk/ - Centre for Protection of National Infrastructure

Document Formats

https://www.gov.uk/guidance/using-open-document-formats-odf-in-your-organisation - introduction to the Open Document Format (ODF) standard and how you can select ODF-compliant solutions

https://www.gov.uk/guidance/content-design/planning-content#open-formats - GDS Content design: planning, writing and managing content

Proxy Verification and Authentication

DCB3051 Identity Verification and Authentication Standard for Digital Health and Care Services - NHS England Digital - provides for a consistent approach to identity management across digital health and care services, covering: verification, authentication and clinical authorisation.