Communicate With Practice - Citizen

Communicate With Practice - Citizen








Citizen services



Effective Date

Sep 17, 2024

Contracting Vehicle(s)


Supports secure and trusted electronic communications between Patients and the Healthcare Organisation. Integrates with Patient Information Maintenance - GP Solution.


For a Patient:

Accessing support and being able to communicate with their Healthcare Organisation remotely in a manner that suits their lifestyle, and health and care needs.

For the Healthcare Organisation:

Provision of flexible tools that support remote communications with a Citizen. This will allow for efficient access to Healthcare Organisation team members, supporting Patient care and safety and protecting Patient confidentiality.

MUST Epics - Describes the minimum functionality required to deliver a Capability. Solutions MUST be successfully evaluated against each Epic and Acceptance Criteria via Capability Assessment in order to be associated with this Capability

E00321 - Patient managing communications

As a Patient

I want to manage communications with the Healthcare Organisation

So that I can access support without attending the Healthcare Organisation

Acceptance criterion 1: create communication to the Healthcare Organisation

Given the Patient is enabled for the Communicate With Practice Citizen Service

When the Patient selects to create a communication to the Healthcare Organisation

Then a communication to the Healthcare Organisation is created

Acceptance criterion 2: view communication from the Healthcare Organisation

Given the Patient is enabled for the Communicate With Practice Citizen Service

When the Patient selects to view a communication from the Healthcare Organisation

Then the communication is displayed

Acceptance criterion 3: view communications sent to the Healthcare Organisation

Given the Patient is enabled for the Communicate With Practice Citizen Service

When the Patient selects to view a communication sent to the Healthcare Organisation

Then the communication is displayed

Acceptance criteria 4: reply to communications from the Healthcare Organisation

Given the Patient is enabled for the Communicate With Practice Citizen Service

When the Patient selects to reply to a communication from the Healthcare Organisation

Then a reply communication to the Healthcare Organisation is created

E00321 - Additional Implementation Details

Solutions MUST comply with the following when implementing this Epic:

  • Utilise Provider IM1 Patient interface(s) and adhere to IM1 - Interface Mechanism Standard (Patient interface Consumer requirements)

E00321 - Supporting Information

MAY Epics - Describes additional functionality associated with the Capability. Suppliers should consider all MAY Epics as part of their User Research. Suppliers can choose to map their Solutions to these Epics and they will be evaluated via Capability Assessment. Contracting Authorities or purchasing organisations may require these Epics as product qualification or requirements criteria

E00109 - submit Management Information (MI) data to the Authority

As a Health or Care Professional

I want Management Information (MI) data to be sent to the Authority on behalf of my Healthcare Organisation

So that aggregated counts of information can be submitted to the Authority to enable monitoring

Acceptance criterion 1: create Management Information (MI) data for submission

Given there is Management Information (MI) data to be submitted by the Solution

When the creation of the Management Information (MI) data file is triggered

Then the Management Information (MI) data file is created

E00109 - Additional Implementation Details

Solutions MUST comply with the following when implementing this Epic:

E00322 - Proxy managing communications

As a Proxy

I want to manage communications with the Healthcare Organisation on behalf of a Patient

So that I can access support for the Patient without attending the Healthcare Organisation

Acceptance criterion 1: Proxy creates communication to the Healthcare Organisation for a Patient

Given the Proxy is enabled for the Communicate With Practice Citizen Service

When the Proxy selects to create a communication to the Healthcare Organisation for a Patient

Then a communication to the Healthcare Organisation is created

Acceptance criterion 2: Proxy views communication from the Healthcare Organisation for a Patient

Given the Proxy is enabled for the Communicate With Practice Citizen Service

When the Proxy selects to view a communication from the Healthcare Organisation for a Patient

Then the communication is displayed

Acceptance criterion 3: Proxy views communications sent to the Healthcare Organisation for a Patient

Given the Proxy is enabled for the Communicate With Practice Citizen Service

When the Proxy selects to view a communication sent to the Healthcare Organisation for a Patient

Then the communication is displayed

Acceptance criteria 4: Proxy replies to communications from the Healthcare Organisation for a Patient

Given the Proxy is enabled for the Communicate With Practice Citizen Service

When the Proxy selects to reply to a communication from the Healthcare Organisation for a Patient

Then a reply communication to the Healthcare Organisation is created

E00323 - include attachments with communications

As a Citizen

I want to be able to include attachments with communications

So that I can provide additional information to support the communication

Acceptance criterion 1: include attachments with communication

Given the Citizen is enabled for the Communicate With Practice Citizen Service

When the Citizen selects to create a communication to the Healthcare Organisation

And the Citizen selects to add an attachment to the communication

Then the attachment is included with the communication

E00324 - organising communications

As a Citizen

I want to be able to organise communications

So that I can organise communications based on my preferences

Acceptance criterion 1: organise communications

Given the Citizen is enabled for the Communicate With Practice Citizen Service

When the Citizen selects to organise communications

Then the communications are organised

E00325 - notification of received communications

As a Citizen

I want to receive a notification when a communication is received from the Healthcare Organisation

So that I am notified that a new communication has been received

Acceptance criterion 1: notification of received communication

Given the Citizen is enabled for the Communicate With Practice Citizen Service

When a communication is received from the Healthcare Organisation

Then the Citizen is notified of the received communication

E00326 - display a Healthcare Organisation configured Disclaimer when creating communications

As a Citizen

I want a Disclaimer configured by the Healthcare Organisation to be displayed when creating a communication

So that I am informed about important information about the service

Acceptance criterion 1: display Healthcare Organisation configured Disclaimer

Given the Citizen is enabled for the Communicate With Practice Citizen Service

When the Citizen selects to create a communication to the Healthcare Organisation

Then a Disclaimer configured by the Healthcare Organisation is displayed

E00310 - display a Healthcare Organisation configured Welcome Message in Citizen Services

As a Health or Care Professional

I want a Welcome Message configured by the Healthcare Organisation to be displayed to Citizens

So that a Welcome Message is displayed to Citizens accessing a Citizen Service

Acceptance criterion 1: display a Welcome Message

Given the Citizen is enabled for Citizen Services

When the Citizen has logged into Citizen Services

Then a Welcome Message configured by the Healthcare Organisation is displayed

E00311 - view the Healthcare Organisation’s details

As a Citizen

I want to view the Healthcare Organisation’s details

So that I can view information about the Healthcare Organisation

Acceptance criterion 1: view Healthcare Organisation’s details

Given the Citizen is enabled for Citizen Services

When the Citizen selects to view the Healthcare Organisation’s details

Then the Healthcare Organisation’s details are displayed

E00312 - view my Citizen Services configuration

As a Citizen

I want to view my Citizen Services configuration

So that I can view which Citizen Services are configured for me to access

Acceptance criterion 1: view Service configuration

Given the Citizen is enabled for Citizen Services

When the Citizen selects to view their Citizen Services configuration

Then the Citizen Services configuration is displayed

E00313 - request to amend my Citizen Service Access

As a Citizen

I want to submit a request to amend my Citizen Service Access

So that I can request changes to the Citizen Services I have access to

Acceptance criterion 1: request to amend Citizen Service Access

Given the Citizen is enabled for Citizen Services

When the Citizen submits a request to amend their Citizen Service Access

Then the Citizen’s request is submitted to the Healthcare Organisation

E00314 - Patient viewing Demographic Information held by the Healthcare Organisation

As a Patient

I want to view my Demographic Information held by the Healthcare Organisation

So that I can ensure my Demographic Information is up to date

Acceptance criterion 1: view Patient Demographic Information

Given the Patient is enabled for Citizen Services

When the Patient selects to view their Demographic Information

Then the Patient's Demographic Information is displayed

E00315 - Proxy viewing Patient’s Demographic Information held by the Healthcare Organisation

As a Proxy

I want to view the Patient’s Demographic Information held by the Healthcare Organisation

So that I can ensure the Patient’s Demographic Information is up to date

Acceptance criterion 1: view Patient’s Demographic information

Given the Proxy is enabled for Citizen Services

When the Proxy selects to view the Patient’s Demographic Information

Then the Patient's Demographic Information is displayed

E00316 - Patient request to update Demographic Information

As a Patient

I want to request to update my Demographic Information via Citizen Services

So that my Demographic Information can be updated by my Healthcare Organisation

Acceptance criterion 1: request update to Patient Demographic Information

Given the Patient is enabled for Citizen Services

When the Patient selects to request an update to their Demographic Information

Then the Patient’s request is submitted to the Healthcare Organisation

E00317 - Proxy request to update Patient’s Demographic Information

As a Proxy

I want to request updates to the Patient’s Demographic Information via Citizen Services

So that the Patient’s Demographic Information can be updated by their Healthcare Organisation

Acceptance criterion 1: request update to Patient Demographic Information by the Proxy

Given the Proxy is enabled for Citizen Services

When the Proxy selects to request an update to the Patient’s Demographic Information

Then the request is submitted to the Healthcare Organisation

E00318 - Citizen viewing Citizen Services usage information

As a Citizen

I want to view my Citizen Services usage information

So that I can view information relating to my use of Citizen Services

Acceptance criterion 1: view Citizen Services usage information

Given the Citizen is enabled for Citizen Services

When the Citizen selects to view their Citizen Service usage information

Then information relating to the Citizen’s use of Citizen Service is displayed

E00319 - Verified User Account (VUA) credentials reminder

As a Citizen

I want to receive a reminder of my Verified User Account (VUA) credentials

So that I can view my VUA credentials

Acceptance criterion 1: reminder of Verified User Account (VUA) credentials

Given the Citizen is enabled for Citizen Services

When the Citizen selects to be reminded of their Verified User Account (VUA) credentials

Then the Citizen can view the Practice ODS Code

And the Citizen can view the Verified User Account ID

And the Citizen can view the Verified User Account Linkage Key

E00320 - request Verified User Account (VUA) Linkage Key reset

As a Citizen

I want to request a Verified User Account (VUA) Linkage Key reset

So that my Verified User Account (VUA) Linkage Key is set to inactive

Acceptance criterion 1: reset the Verified User Account (VUA) Linkage Key reset

Given the Citizen is enabled for Citizen Services

When the Citizen requests a Verified User Account (VUA) Linkage Key reset

Then the Verified User Account (VUA) Linkage Key reset request is sent


Items on the Roadmap which impact or relate to this Capability