

Type Capability
Effective Date 

GP IT Futures


The Productivity Capability is used to describe a wide range of Solutions that deliver one or more of the following outcomes to Patients/Service Users and Staff within health and care settings:

  • Reduced costs
  • Improved processes through access to better quality data
  • Improved Patient/Service User experience
  • Improved Staff experience

The Solutions that may be listed against the Productivity Capability can be loosely grouped as Patient-facing or Organisation-facing, and examples of the types of Solutions that might fall into each group are:

  • Patient-facing:
    • Appointment check-in
    • Patient communication/messaging
    • Surveys
    • Waiting-room information
  • Organisation-facing:
    • Clinical correspondence
    • Dictation
    • Label printing
    • Panic button
    • Stock management
    • Triage

This is not, however, an exhaustive list and the Capability has been deliberately documented with the goal of keeping the door open for other functions, not already identified, to be included in Solutions on the Catalogue. Because Productivity is intended to encompass a wide range of Supplier defined capabilities that can contribute to Solutions, the approach to documenting the requirements and evaluating Suppliers against these requirements differs from that used for other Capabilities, as described below.


As part of Catalogue On-Boarding, Suppliers are expected to identify one or more of the Outcomes below that their Productivity Capability aligns to.

Patient/Service User
  • Have a better experience when attending or engaging with the Healthcare Organisation
Healthcare Organisation (General Practice, CCG and others)
  • Able to purchase products that can reduce costs
  • Able to purchase products that can improve processes by enabling access to better quality data
  • Able to purchase products that can bring experience benefits for their Staff

MUST Epics - The requirements for Productivity are to be defined by Suppliers, who will provide one or more outcome-based epics and associated acceptance criteria using the following format. During the Capability Assessment Stage of Catalogue On-boarding, Suppliers must evidence that their products deliver the outcomes described by their self-defined epic(s) and all associated acceptance criteria prior to being accepted onto the Catalogue.

C41E1 - title

As a ... [add actor]

I want ... [add objective]

So that ... [add a goal or outcome]

Acceptance criterion 1: title

Given ... [add description of state/condition 1]

And (optional) ... [add one or more additional state/conditions]

When ... [add event]

Then ... [add description of outcome 1]

And (optional) ... [add (optional) description of one or more additional outcomes]

C41E2 - title

As a ... [add actor]

I want ... [add objective]

So that ... [add a goal or outcome]

Acceptance criterion 1: title

Given ... [add description of state/condition 1]

And (optional) ... [add one or more additional state/conditions]

When ... [add event]

Then ... [add description of outcome 1]

And (optional) ... [add (optional) description of one or more additional outcomes]

Capability Specific Standards

Suppliers will have to attain compliance with these Standards during the compliance stage before they can be live on a framework with this Capability:


Other Applicable Standards

Suppliers will have to attain compliance with these Standards during the compliance stage before they can be live on a framework with this Capability:

Items on the Roadmap which impact or relate to this Capability

Suppliers will not be assessed or assured on these Roadmap Items as part of Onboarding