Vaccination and Adverse Reaction Recording











Effective Date

Sep 23, 2021

Contracting Vehicle(s)

Vaccinations - Local/PCN Delivery


The Vaccination and Adverse Reaction Recording Capability enables the recording of vaccination and adverse reaction data at the point of care. The Capability also supports the delivery of this data to the Patient’s registered GP Practice Foundation Solution and to NHS Digital.



  • Ability for vaccination and adverse reaction data to be recorded for them at the point of care and delivered to their GP Patient Record

Healthcare Organisation:

  • Ability to record vaccination and adverse reaction data at the point of care for Patients

  • Ability for vaccination and adverse reaction data to be delivered to NHS Digital and a Patient’s GP Patient Record

  • Ability for vaccination data to be delivered to the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) to support GP Payments

MUST Epics - Epics and acceptance criteria will be evaluated during the Capability Assessment Stage of Onboarding

C47E1 - record structured vaccination data at the point of care for Patients registered at different GP Practices

As a Health or Care Professional

I want to record structured vaccination data at the point of care for Patients registered at different GP Practices

So that structured vaccination data can be recorded for Patients

Acceptance criterion 1: record structured vaccination data at the point of care

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to record vaccination data

And there are Patients registered across different GP Practices who require a vaccination

When the Health or Care Professional selects to record structured vaccination data for a Patient

Then the structured vaccination data is recorded

C47E2 - record structured vaccination adverse reaction data at the point of care for Patients registered at different GP Practices

As a Health or Care Professional

I want to record structured vaccination adverse reaction data at the point of care for Patients registered at different GP Practices

So that structured vaccination adverse reaction data can be recorded for Patients within the 15 minutes observation period post vaccination

Acceptance criterion 1: record structured vaccination adverse reaction data at the point of care

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to record vaccination adverse reaction data

And there are Patients registered across different GP Practices who require a vaccination

When the Health or Care Professional selects to record structured vaccination adverse reaction data for a Patient

Then the structured vaccination adverse reaction data is recorded

C47E3 - extract vaccination data for NHS Digital Daily Clinical Vaccination Extract

As a Health or Care Professional

I want vaccination data for Patients recorded at the point of care to be extracted as per the NHS Digital Daily Clinical Vaccination Extract

So that vaccination data is extracted and can be delivered to NHS Digital

Acceptance criterion 1: extract vaccination data for NHS Digital Daily Clinical Vaccination Extract

Given there is vaccination data for Patients recorded at the point of care available

When the vaccination data extraction is triggered

Then vaccination data is extracted as a .CSV file

Supporting Information
  • See Vaccination APIs for the information you must provide to NHS Digital relating to coronavirus (COVID-19)

C47E4 - extract vaccination adverse reaction data for NHS Digital Daily Clinical Adverse Reaction Extract

As a Health or Care Professional

I want vaccination adverse reaction data for Patients recorded at the point of care to be extracted as per the NHS Digital Daily Clinical Adverse Reaction Extract

So that vaccination adverse reaction data is extracted and can be delivered to NHS Digital

Acceptance criterion 1: extract vaccination adverse reaction data for NHS Digital Daily Clinical Adverse Reaction Extract

Given there is vaccination adverse reaction data for Patients recorded at the point of care available

When the vaccination adverse reaction data extraction is triggered

Then vaccination adverse reaction data is extracted as a .CSV file

Supporting Information
  • See Vaccination Adverse Reactions COVID-19 API for the information you must provide to NHS Digital on adverse reactions relating to coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccinations and Flu

  • See Flu Vaccination Adverse Reactions API for the information you must provide to NHS Digital on adverse reactions relating to Flu vaccinations

C47E5 - automatically send vaccination data to Patient’s registered GP Practice Foundation Solution using Digital Medicines FHIR messages

As a Health or Care Professional

I want vaccination data for Patients recorded at the point of care to be automatically sent to a Patient’s registered GP Practice Foundation Solution using Digital Medicines FHIR messaging via Messaging Exchange for Social Care and Health (MESH)

So that vaccination data for Patients is sent to a Patient’s registered GP Practice Foundation Solution

Acceptance criterion 1: send vaccination data to Patient’s registered GP Practice Foundation Solution using Digital Medicines FHIR messages

Given a Health or Care Professional has recorded vaccination data for a Patient at the point of care

When the sending of vaccination data to the Patient’s registered GP Practice Foundation Solution is triggered

Then the vaccination data is sent

C47E6 - automatically send vaccination adverse reaction data to Patient’s registered GP Practice Foundation Solution using Digital Medicines FHIR messages

As a Health or Care Professional

I want vaccination adverse reaction data for Patients recorded at the point of care to be automatically sent to a Patient’s registered GP Practice Foundation Solution using Digital Medicines FHIR messaging via Messaging Exchange for Social Care and Health (MESH)

So that vaccination adverse reaction data for Patients is sent to a Patient’s registered GP Practice Foundation Solution

Acceptance criterion 1: send vaccination adverse reaction data to Patient’s registered GP Practice Foundation Solution using Digital Medicines FHIR messages

Given a Health or Care Professional has recorded vaccination adverse reaction data for a Patient at the point of care

When the sending of vaccination adverse reaction data to the Patient’s registered GP Practice Foundation Solution is triggered

Then the vaccination adverse reaction data is sent

C47E7 - automatically send vaccination data to the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA)

As a Health or Care Professional

I want vaccination data for Patients recorded at the point of care to be automatically sent to the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) for GP Payment via the NHSBSA Manage Your Service API

So that data required to support payments to GPs for vaccinations is sent

Acceptance criterion 1: automatically send vaccination data to the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA)

Given there is vaccination data for Patients recorded at the point of care available

When the sending of vaccination data is triggered

Then vaccination data is sent

C47E14 - latest Clinical Screening Questions at the point of care for Patients registered at different GP Practices

As a Health or Care Professional

I want to complete the vaccination Clinical Screening Questions at the point of care for Patients registered at different GP Practices

So that I can record the Patient’s response to each screening question before administering the vaccination

Acceptance criterion 1: record latest vaccination Clinical Screening Questions responses at the point of care

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to record vaccination data

And there are Patients registered across different GP Practices who require a vaccination

When the Health or Care Professional records vaccination Clinical Screening Questions response data for a Patient

Then the vaccination Clinical Screening Questions response data is recorded

C47E15 - verify Patient information using Personal Demographics Service (PDS)

As a Health or Care Professional

I want to verify Patient demographics information using the Personal Demographics Service (PDS)

So that I can ensure Patient information held is as accurate as possible (e.g. if the data held in the Solution has not been previously verified using the Personal Demographics Service (PDS)).

Acceptance criterion 1: verify Patient information using Personal Demographics Service (PDS)

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage Patient information

When the Health or Care Professional selects to verify Patient demographic information using the Personal Demographics Service (PDS)

And a match is found on the Personal Demographics Service (PDS)

Then the Patient details can be verified

C47E16 - record structured vaccination data at the point of care for Patients using pre-configured vaccine batches

As a Health or Care Professional

I want to use pre-configured vaccine batches when recording vaccination data at the point of care

So that I can populate vaccination data using a pre-configured batch rather than manually recording all data

Acceptance criterion 1: pre-configure vaccination batches

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to pre-configure vaccination batches

When the Health or Care Professional selects to pre-configure a vaccine batch

Then the vaccination data for the vaccine batch can be recorded

Acceptance criterion 2: use pre-configured vaccination batch to record structured vaccination data for Patients

Given the Health or Care Professional has selected to record structured vaccination data for a Patient

When they select to use an available pre-configured vaccine batch

Then the structured vaccination data is populated using the pre-configured data

And the structured vaccination data can be recorded

C47E17 - view vaccination information for a Patient held by the National Immunisation Management Service (NIMS) at point of care

As a Health or Care Professional

I want to view vaccination information for a Patient held by the National Immunisation Management Service (NIMS) at the point of care

So that I can view vaccination information for the Patient held by the National Immunisation Management Service (NIMS) before administering a vaccination

Acceptance criterion 1: view vaccination information for a Patient held by the National Immunisation Management Service (NIMS)

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to view Patient information

When the Health or Care Professional selects to view vaccination information for a Patient held by the National Immunisation Management Service (NIMS)

Then the vaccination information for the Patient is displayed

C47E18 - update previously recorded structured vaccination and adverse reaction data for Patients

As a Health or Care Professional

I want to update previously recorded structured vaccination and adverse reaction data for Patients

So that I can update structured vaccination and adverse reaction data for Patients

Acceptance criterion 1: update previously recorded structured vaccination data for Patients

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to record vaccination data

When they select to update previously recorded structured vaccination data for a Patient

Then the structured vaccination data is updated

Acceptance criterion 2: update previously recorded structured adverse reaction data for Patients

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to record adverse reaction data

When they select to update previously recorded structured adverse reaction data for a Patient

Then the structured adverse reaction data is updated

C47E19 - extract COVID-19 Extended Attributes data for NHS Digital Extended Attributes Extract

As a Health or Care Professional

I want COVID-19 Extended Attributes data for Patients recorded at the point of care to be extracted as per the NHS Digital Extended Attributes Extract

So that COVID-19 Extended Attributes data is extracted and can be delivered to NHS Digital

Acceptance criterion 1: extract COVID-19 Extended Attributes data for NHS Digital Extended Attributes Extract

Given there is COVID-19 Extended Attributes data for Patients recorded at the point of care available

When the COVID-19 Extended Attributes data extraction is triggered

Then COVID-19 Extended Attributes data is extracted as a .CSV file

Supporting Information

C47E20 - view reports on vaccination data

As a Health or Care Professional

I want to view reports on vaccination data

So that I can see vaccination activity for the vaccination site to support operational and payment processes

Acceptance criterion 1: view report on vaccination data

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to view vaccination reports

When they select to view a report on vaccination data

Then the report results are displayed


MAY Epics - All May Epics and Acceptance Criteria will be evaluated during the Capability Assessment Stage of On-boarding. These Epics are not mandatory. Any May Epics that are assessed as met will be available to buyers to support them when comparing Solutions

C47E8 - view information from the GP Patient Record using GP Connect Access Record HTML

As a Health or Care Professional

I want to view information from the GP Patient Record held by the Foundation GP Practice Solution using GP Connect Access Record HTML

So that I can view information from the GP Patient Record held by the Foundation GP Practice Solution when this is a different Solution

Acceptance criterion 1: view information from the GP Patient Record using GP Connect Access Record HTML

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to view GP Patient Record information

When the Health or Care Professional selects to view information for a Patient from the GP Patient Record

And the GP Patient Record is held by a different Solution

Then the GP Patient Record information is displayed

C47E9 - view information from the GP Patient Record held by the same Solution

As a Health or Care Professional

I want to view information from the GP Patient Record held by the ‘Foundation’ GP Practice Solution when this is the same Solution

So that I can view information from the GP Patient Record held by the ‘Foundation’ GP Practice Solution

Acceptance criterion 1: view information from the GP Patient Record

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to view GP Patient Record information

When the Health or Care Professional selects to view information for a Patient from the GP Patient Record

And the GP Patient Record is held by the same Solution

Then the GP Patient Record information is displayed

C47E10 - view Summary Care Record (SCR) for a Patient

As a Health or Care Professional

I want to view the Summary Care Record (SCR) for a Patient

So that I can view information from the Patient’s Summary Care Record (SCR)

Acceptance criterion 1: view information from the GP Patient Record

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to view Summary Care Record (SCR) information for Patients

When the Health or Care Professional selects to view the Summary Care Record (SCR) for a Patient

Then the Summary Care Record (SCR) is displayed

C47E11 - scanning of a GS1 barcode when recording vaccination data

As a Health or Care Professional

I want to automatically populate vaccination information via the scanning of a GS1 barcode when recording vaccination data

So that I can record vaccination data for a Patient more efficiently and accurately

Acceptance criterion 1: scanning of a GS1 barcode when recording vaccination data

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to record vaccination data

When the Health or Care Professional selects to record structured vaccination data for a Patient

Then they can automatically populate vaccination data by scanning a GS1 barcode

Supporting Information

C47E12 - record structured vaccination data at the point of care directly into GP Patient Record

As a Health or Care Professional

I want to record structured vaccination data at the point of care for Patients directly into the GP Patient Record held by the Foundation GP Practice Solution

So that structured vaccination data can be recorded for Patients directly into the GP Record

Acceptance criterion 1: record structured vaccination data at the point of care directly into GP Patient Record

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to record vaccination data

When the Health or Care Professional selects to record structured vaccination data for a Patient

Then the structured vaccination data is recorded directly into the GP Patient Record

C47E13 - record structured vaccination adverse reaction data at the point of care directly into GP Patient Record

As a Health or Care Professional

I want to record structured vaccination adverse reaction data at the point of care for Patients directly into the GP Patient Record held by the Foundation GP Practice Solution

So that structured vaccination adverse reaction data can be recorded for Patients directly into the GP Patient Record

Acceptance criterion 1: record structured vaccination adverse reaction data at the point of care directly into GP Patient Record

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to record vaccination adverse reaction data

When the Health or Care Professional selects to record structured vaccination adverse reaction data for a Patient

Then the structured vaccination adverse reaction data is recorded directly into the GP Patient Record

Other Applicable Standards & Specifications

Suppliers will have to attain compliance with these Standards and technical requirements during the compliance stage before they can be live on a Contracting Vehicle with this Capability: