GP2GP Auto-integration
ID | RM175 |
Version | 2.0.0 |
Type | Roadmap Item |
Frameworks |
Title | GP2GP Auto-integration |
Description | Auto-integration of Electronic Patient Record transfers from GP2GP |
Date Added | Mar 17, 2023 |
Standards and Capabilities | GP2GP, Patient Information Maintenance - GP |
Change Route | Managed Capacity - Minor uplift |
Change Type | Uplift |
Status | Closed |
Publication Date | Dec 21, 2023 |
Effective Date | Jun 30, 2024 |
Incentives / Funding | No |
Incentive / Funding Dates | N/A |
When a Patient moves from one GP Practice to another, the new GP Practice assumes immediate responsibility for the Patient, and their records should be available in full, without obstruction, to the treating Health or Care Professional at the point of care. The current process is:
New GP Practice registers the Patient
Upon registration, the clinical system uses GP2GP to request and receive the Patient’s Electronic Patient Record (EPR) from their previous GP Practice. This is automated and usually takes no more than a couple of minutes
The new GP Practice manually integrates (also referred to as ‘filing’) the received EPR. This makes it available for use within the GP Practice and informs the sending GP Practice if they need to print copies of the EPR or missing attachments
The third step introduces unnecessary delay and administrative burden if Patient Records are not integrated promptly. The process to manually integrate an incoming GP2GP has been reassessed and this process can be automated. This Roadmap Item change will remove the need for GP Practice Users to manually integrate the Patient Records and will automate the integration.
Automatic integration of GP2GP records at the point of transfer will ensure that:
Health or Care Professionals can access the full EPR at the point of care
GP2GP records are received immediately when a new GP Practice assumes responsibility for a Patient and cannot be obstructed by administrative processes of the previous GP Practice
All subsequent new Patient tasks and workflows, such as medication authorisation, resolving degrades etc will remain unaffected.
Outline Plan
All Foundation Suppliers must be compliant against this specification by the Effective Date. Prior to going live Suppliers must have completed the Solution Assurance by NHSE.
Suppliers should contact the team when they are ready to start development. The team can be contacted at
Summary of Change
GP2GP: Automatic Integration Specification v1.0 added to ID GP2GP04 |
ID | Description | Level |
GP2GP04 | Suppliers must meet the requirements for GP2GP 2.2b and GP2GP Automatic Integration Specification v1.0
| MUST |
Patient Information Maintenance - GP: Epic E00177 updated |
E00177 - transfer Electronic Patient Records (EPRs) between GP PracticesAs a Health or Care Professional I want to electronically transfer Electronic Patient Records (EPRs) between GP Practices So that Electronic Patient Records (EPRs) are transferred directly and securely when they move from one GP Practice to another Acceptance criterion 1: automatically electronically transfer and integrate an Electronic Patient Record (EPR)Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to transfer Electronic Patient Records (EPRs) a Patient is with the new GP Practice create Patient Registrations When the Health or Care Professional selects to transfer an Electronic Patient Records (EPR) to a new GP Practice complete the Patient Registration Then the Patient’s Electronic Patient Record (EPR) is electronically transferred to the GP Practice And the Electronic Patient Record (EPR) is automatically integrated Acceptance criterion 2: view a Patient’s transferred and integrated electronically receive an Electronic Patient Record (EPR)Given an Patient's Electronic Patient Record (EPR) has been transferred from another GP Practice and integrated to a new GP Practice When the Health or Care Professional selects to view the Patient’s integrated integrate a received Electronic Patient Record (EPR) Then the Patient’s Electronic Patient Record (EPR) is integrated displayed E00177 - Additional Implementation DetailsSolutions MUST comply with the following when implementing this Epic:
Full Specification
GP2GP v5.0.0
Patient Information Maintenance - GP v6.0.0
Assurance Approach
NHSE will apply a risk based approach to Test & Assurance
Suppliers will be asked to identify risks (Functional and Non-Functional) and demonstrate sufficient mitigations against those risks
Collaborative workshops will be held between Suppliers and NHSE / Solutions Assurance to identify, agree and rate risks – there will also be ‘clinical’ involvement
Risk Mitigations will be agreed between Supplier and NHSE
Risk Mitigations will be evidenced and provided to NHSE for sign-off (eg. evidence, explanation, screenshots and/or demonstrations)
NHSE will review Supplier testing scope, coverage and risk mitigation evidence
Some functional assurance may be performed by the NHSE Solutions Assurance team, where deemed appropriate
Some Assurance and Test assistance may be provided by the NHSE Solutions Assurance team (eg. where data is required for testing or where other GP Foundation Supplier systems are required to support interoperable integration testing)