Uplifts to Consultation Management - GP Capability

Uplifts to Consultation Management - GP Capability






Roadmap Item



Uplifts to Consultation Management - GP Capability


Add 2 new MAY Epics to Consultation Management - GP Capability and make Patch Changes to existing Epics

Date Added

Nov 14, 2024

Standards and Capabilities

Consultation Management - GP

Change Route

Managed Capacity - Minor/Patch uplifts

Change Type




Publication Date

Nov 28, 2024

Effective Date

Dec 12, 2024

Incentives / Funding


Incentive / Funding Dates



Additional requirements have been identified for the Consultation Management - GP Capability in relation to the use of Consultation form templates. The requirements will improve the quality of the Capability by expanding upon the functionality currently described for Consultation form templates, allowing Suppliers to better demonstrate their Solution functionality and allowing Buyers to make more informed choices.

Consultation form templates are used in GP Practices to capture information about Patients and their health or care conditions. They are used to standardise the ways in which Health or Care Professionals interact with Patients and assess their healthcare needs, often reproducing nationally recognised tools that allow Health or Care Professionals to make assessments using methods that are consistent across the healthcare sector. Consequently they can serve a wide range of purposes and often use numerical inputs, or other fixed values which can be converted into numbers.

Implementations can include Scored Assessments, where the Patient’s condition is rated across a number of criteria and then totalled to produce a single result upon a scale (for example, PHQ9 assigns a value of 0 to 3 across a range of criteria in order to assess a Patient’s degree of depression).

Other implementations can involve more complex Calculations, using standardised formulae (for example, calculating Body Mass Index (BMI) and Pregnancy Expected Due Date).

New MAY Epics will be added to the Consultation Management - GP Capability to describe these implementations, and existing Epics will be uplifted with Patch Changes to reflect the addition of the new functionality.

Outline Plan


Summary of Change

Consultation Management - GP: E00139 updated

E00139 - manage Consultation form templates

As a Health or Care Professional

I want to manage Consultation form templates

So that Health or Care Professionals can create Consultation information for Patients using pre-configured Consultation form templates

Acceptance criterion 1: create Consultation form template

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage Consultation form templates

When the Health or Care Professional selects to create a Consultation form template

Then the Consultation form template is created

Acceptance criterion 2: view Consultation form template

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage Consultation form templates

When the Health or Care Professional selects to view a Consultation form template

Then the Consultation form template is displayed

Acceptance criterion 3: amend Consultation form template

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage Consultation form templates

When the Health or Care Professional selects to amend a Consultation form template

Then the Consultation form template is amended

Acceptance criterion 4: delete Consultation form template

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage Consultation form templates

When the Health or Care Professional selects to delete a Consultation form template

Then the Consultation form template is deleted

Acceptance criterion 5: view Consultation form template version history

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage Consultation form templates

When the Health or Care Professional selects to view the version history of a Consultation form template

Then the Consultation form template version history is displayed

E00139 - Supporting Information

  • Creating a Consultation form template MAY include:

    • A unique identifier or name, and version

    • Template status (whether draft, published / available for viewing and use across the Solution, or obsolete)

    • Basic business logic/rules, such as the ability to:

      • auto-populate data items from within the Patient Record (e.g. use of merge fields)

      • auto-populate data items based on other data within the form

      • set mandatory data items

    • Scored Assessment criteria and results

    • Calculated fields (e.g. Body Mass Index (BMI))

Consultation Management - GP: E00144 updated

E00144 - use Supplier implemented national Consultation form templates

As a Health or Care Professional

I want to record a Consultations for a Patients using a Consultation form templates based on national forms that are created by the Supplier 

So that Health or Care Professionals don’t do not have to create these Consultation form templates and data for nationally contracted services can be recorded

Acceptance criterion 1: use Supplier implemented Consultation form templates

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to record Consultations

When the Health or Care Professional selects to record a Consultation using a published Supplier implemented Consultation form template

Then they can choose to use a Consultation form template based on a national form provided by the Supplier

And the Consultation is recorded

E00144 - Supporting Information

  • These are Consultation forms created and configured by the Supplier. These forms should ensure the appropriate data is captured to support nationally contracted services including, but not limited to:

  • Examples of Supplier implemented Consultation form templates to support nationally contracted services MAY include, but are not limited to:

    • QOF

    • GPES Data Extraction

  • Examples of Supplier implemented Scored Assessments using Consultation form templates MAY include, but are not limited to:

    • Health and care assessments (e.g. PHQ9, GAD7, NEWS2, AUDIT, AUDIT-C, SADQ)

    • Risk assessments (e.g. CHADSVASc, Wells Scoring System for deep vein thrombosis)

    • Substance withdrawal assessments (e.g. CIWA-Ar, CIWA-B, COWS)

  • Examples of Supplier implemented Calculations using Consultation form templates MAY include, but are not limited to:

    • Body Mass Index (BMI)

    • Weekly Alcohol Intake

    • Predicted Peak Flow

    • Pregnancy Expected Due Date

Consultation Management - GP: MAY Epic added

E00701 - perform Scored Assessments using published Consultation form templates

As a Health or Care Professional

I want to perform Scored Assessments using published Consultation form templates

So that Patient health and care can be assessed consistently using scored criteria

Acceptance criterion 1: perform Scored Assessments using published Consultation form templates

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to record Consultations

When the Health or Care Professional selects to complete a Scored Assessment using a published Consultation form template

Then the Scored Assessment result is displayed

And the Scored Assessment is recorded

E00701 - Supporting Information

  • Examples of Scored Assessments MAY include, but are not limited to:

    • Health and care assessments (e.g. PHQ9, GAD7, NEWS2, AUDIT, AUDIT-C, SADQ)

    • Risk assessments (e.g. CHADSVASc, Wells Scoring System for deep vein thrombosis)

    • Substance withdrawal assessments (e.g. CIWA-Ar, CIWA-B, COWS)

  • The Solution MAY display information about the scoring criteria for the Scored Assessment

Consultation Management - GP: MAY Epic added

E00702 - perform Calculations using published Consultation form templates

As a Health or Care Professional

I want to perform Calculations using published Consultation form templates

So that Calculations relating to Patient health and care can be performed consistently

Acceptance criterion 1: perform Calculations using published Consultation form templates

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to record Consultations

When the Health or Care Professional selects to complete a Calculation using a published Consultation form template

Then the Calculation result is displayed

And the Calculation result is recorded

Full Specification

Consultation Management - GP v1.1.0

Assurance Approach

Updated Epics

For Suppliers with Solutions already on the Buying Catalogue the results of previous Capability Assessments will be carried over for the Epics that have changed.

Solutions that are already compliant are not impacted by these changes.

New MAY Epic

MAY Epics describe additional functionality and these can be selected by Suppliers, but are not mandatory. If selected, Suppliers will be assessed against this Epic as per the Capability Assessment process and this will be a high level assessment based on the Acceptance Criteria defined.

If selected, Suppliers will be asked to demonstrate their mitigations against any pre-identified risks through completion of the NHS England Solution Assurance Capability Risk Log submission.