GP Connect Appointments

GP Connect Appointments



TypeRoadmap Item


GP Connect Appointments

DescriptionMinor functional changes linked to GP Connect Appointments Management APIs
Date Added


Standards and Capabilities

Interoperability Standard, GP Connect

Change Route

Managed Capacity - Minor/Patch uplifts

Change Type




Publication Date 
Effective Date


Incentives / Funding


Incentive Dates



To support the NHS through the COVID-19 pandemic, a small number of GP Connect Appointments Management API changes were accelerated in order to:

  1. increase utilisation of GP Connect Appointments Management APIs by correcting a known PDS tracing issue
  2. improve the level of information shared via GP Connect Appointments Management APIs in regards to slot type / session type to ensure that patients with suspected COVID-19 symptoms could be booked into a suitable appointment

The changes were originally communicated out in April 2020 to the four GP Foundation system Suppliers (EMIS, TPP, Microtest and Vision).

These changes remain valid outside of the COVID-19 use case and are now being formally published in the GP Connect API 1.2.7 specification.

Outline Plan

All Foundation Suppliers must be fully compliant against this specification by 31st January 2021. Any requirements which were missed from the initial delivery must be completed by this date.

If a Supplier believes that they do not need to meet any of the requirements within this specification, within the requested time period, then evidence must be provided to the GP Connect programme which demonstrates why this is the case. It will then be reviewed by the GP Connect programme and a response will be provided back to the Supplier.

Summary of Change

This can be found within the specification release notes:


GP Connect Interoperability Standard


Current Requirement TextNew Requirement Text
GP Connect 1.2.3 for Appointments Management 

GP Connect 1.2.7-beta for Appointments Management

Full Specification

  • https://developer.nhs.uk/apis/gpconnect-1-2-7/

The following new versions of existing Standards have now been published:

  • GP Connect v3.0.0

Assurance Approach

The assurance approach was a tailored version of the Common Assurance Process (CAP) which is the agreed assurance approach for GP Connect Provider Solutions.

The GP Connect Appointments Management CAP approach can be found here

GP Connect API 1.2.7 assurance comprised of manual and automated functional testing. Non-functional testing was not required for this specification.

Manual and automated test packs can be provided upon request to the NHS Digital Solution Assurance team.