GP Connect - Access Record HTML (DSCR)

GP Connect - Access Record HTML (DSCR)

TypeInteroperability Standard
Effective Date


Framework(s)Digital Social Care Records
Traceability Matrix


GP Connect allows authorised staff to share and view GP Practice clinical information and data between IT systems, quickly and efficiently.

The service makes Patient/Service User medical information available to all appropriate Clinicians and non-clinicians when and where they need it to support direct care, leading to improvements in both health or care outcomes.

GP Connect currently includes the following Standards:

  1. Access Record HTML: This enables a read only view of the Patient’s GP electronic Patient Record held at the GP Practice.

  2. Appointment Management: This enables the management of GP Practice Appointments between different systems.

  3. Access Record Structured: This enables structured information to be retrieved from the electronic patient record at the GP Practice. Currently live access only includes Medications and Allergies information but work to expand out to cover the full GP Clinical Record is in delivery.

  4. Send Document: This capability provides a simple and standardised means of sending a document to a GP Practice system.

This specification specifically deals with the GP Connect for Access Record HTML

A demonstrator application of the GP Connect FHIR APIs is available, as is additional information at NHS Digital's GP Connect homepage.

Compliance, Assurance and Testing

To achieve GP Connect compliance, Suppliers will need to follow the SCAL (Supplier Conformance Assessment List). More detail on this can be found here.

For advice, access to testing resources, and support contact gpconnect@nhs.net.


The current GP Connect for Access Record HTML Specification is:


All technical documentation, including information on testing, environments and assurance, is available via the Developer hub.


Creating a compliant implementation requires implementing the following dependent interface Standards:
