DSCR Minimum Operational Data Standard






Roadmap Item


Digital Social Care Records


DSCR Minimum Operational Data Standard (MODS)


The Adult Social Care Digital Social Care Record (DSCR): Minimum Operational Data Standard (MODS) exists to ensure a consistent baseline recording of direct care data by CQC registered adult social care providers. The standard will support interoperability across a wide range of health and adult social care systems and ensure data recorded supports the delivery of quality care services

Date Added

Dec 16, 2022 

Standards and Capabilities

All Suppliers Solutions delivering any DCSR capabilities will need to meet this Standard.

Change Route

Managed Capacity - Other

Change Type




Publication Date


Effective Date


Incentives / Funding


Incentive Dates



The Adult Social Care DSCR Minimum Operational Data Standard (MODS) has been developed as an Information Standard to ensure a consistent baseline recording of data for direct social care, by CQC registered adult social care providers. As an Information Standard, MODS will enable consistent recording of data, data sharing and interoperability for a wide range of systems and products including Digital Social Care Records (DSCR).

NHSE has embarked on a programme of work to help accelerate digital maturity across the social care sector.  The workstreams include the development of a Digital Social Care Record (DSCR), enhancing digital infrastructure for the sector and developing information and interoperability standards for adoption across both the social care and health sectors.

Linked to the development of assured DSCR solutions, four discovery products commissioned in 2019/20 identified significant gaps in information standards and a requirement for the development of a standardised terminology for the sector and this standard. An Adult Social Care Terminology Standard for direct care was identified as an essential prerequisite to underpin a range of system-wide digital and integration development programmes and initiatives.

The discovery work recommended that adult social care organisations and their system suppliers should adopt and use Information and Interoperability Standards that utilised this Terminology resource.

This Information Standard will underpin and unlock the potential to deliver a range of benefits for people accessing their own DSCR record, front-line care practitioners, commissioners, and care administrators:

·       Reducing burden and duplication on data entry.

·       Improving the safety and efficiency of data sharing across health and adult social care.

·       Alignment of adult social care records with existing health care data models to enable interoperability and integrated care records.

Provide the system supplier market in adult social care and health with an assured portfolio of information and interoperability standards to support development investment, implementation planning and digital innovation.

·       Support integration of assistive technology to deliver better, timely care and care interventions.

·       Improved data consistency, quality, and capability for secondary data flows.


The DSCR Minimum Operation Data Specification and Information Standard aims to underpin the implementation of a Digital Social Care Record across England and future digital initiatives that improve care outcomes and care services

Outline Plan

The DCSR Standards and Capabilities Roadmap will be updated to confirm publication and effective dates.

Summary of Change

This is a new standard.

Full Specification

The requirements of Minimum Operational Data Standard can be found below.

Assurance Approach

  • TBC - A tool for assurance is in development, further details to be provided.