Primary Care Test Lab

Primary Care Test Lab


Living Documents

Please note that this guidance is a set of living documents and will be regularly updated.

Some processes have yet to be fully defined - these will be added as they are completed.

The processes are under continual review and will be amended as required.

Primary Care Test Lab (PCTL) is a tool for you to test your Solution prior to submitting the Clinical Safety Case Report with an opportunity to assess/witness a series of use cases during live sessions. It comprises of a controlled environment and allows you to run through end-to-end interoperable clinical workflows in an integrated environment.


  • Provide an environment where Clinicians are able to assess your Solution from an end-to-end perspective

  • Reduce the risk of issues arising when a Solution is deployed to Health or Care Organisations

  • Increased confidence around Clinical safety

Actions required of you

  1. Provide the PCTL Team with the following information about your Solution:

    1. Overview

    2. Key features for both Clinical and Administrative users

    3. Any innovative/unique functionality

  2. Ensure the following are setup and in place prior to the live sessions:

    1. Solution test environment including endpoints and test data

    2. Solution access and accounts

    3. Training material

    4. Support for the PCTL Team

  3. Attend training workshops

  4. Attend the live sessions and run through the test scenarios

  5. Receive PCTL Output Report

Actions required of us

  1. Confirm that your Solution meets the entry requirements prior to registering for PCTL

  2. Document relevant test scenarios ahead of the PCTL sessions and agree expected outcomes for each scenario

  3. Attend training workshops provided by the Supplier

  4. Attend the live sessions and run through the test scenarios

  5. Provide feedback to the Supplier regarding any risks identified in the form of the PCTL Output Report

  6. Check the exit criteria checklist:

    • Clinical scenarios completed to level acceptable to Clinical team

    • High severity clinical risks addressed or mitigated

    • Plan defined by Supplier and agreed with Clinical team to address low and medium severity risks

    • PCTL Output Report created

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