Secondary Care EPR Requirements Catalogue - What is its Purpose?

Requirements release


Publication date


Last revision date




What is the purpose of the catalogue?

The requirements catalogue outlines the essential features that every electronic patient record (EPR) must have to function effectively. These are core capabilities that form the minimum set of functionalities required to support the day-to-day operation of a secondary care organisation. A set of clinical and business capabilities are necessary to meet the minimum clinical and administrative system requirements to carry out the provider functions.

While the Digital Capabilities Framework (DCF) sets the baseline level throughout, it also offers transformative and innovative capabilities for enhancement. Transformative capabilities help to optimise the workflow and adapt to changing patient needs, while innovative capabilities are to refine the patient experience.

Role of the Purchaser

The purchaser must ensure that they meet at least the core capabilities of the DCF. It is understood that some trusts may have an existing digital infrastructure and that it may not be required to purchase an entire system, interoperability between the existing and proposed new systems should be considered.

It is understood that trusts may have specific and individual requirements over and above what is listed here. Existing procurement procedures can be used and this catalogue is intended as guidance and a checklist to ensure compliance. Acceptance criteria, scoring and weighting can be used at the trust’s discretion.

Role of the Supplier

Suppliers must ensure that their product(s) fulfil at least the core capabilities of the DCF, compliance with all the acceptance criteria as set out in the catalogue is required and suppliers must be able to provide proof of compliance.


This product is split into the following sections determined by care setting:

Some requirements from the Community and Mental Health spaces will link back to the Acute/Foundation requirements where they overlap.

Definition of Terms

Acceptance Criteria - Each User Story has either one or more acceptance criteria. These are written in the format, Given, When, Then. These criteria are binary, comply or not comply.

Application Function - is a desired piece of functionality or action that is required from the software.

Capability - these are the eight, core digital capabilities; records management, transfer of care, diagnostics, management, medicines management, decisions support, remote and assistive care, asset and resource management and business and clinical intelligence.

Core Requirement - These core requirements describe a specific scenario that the business service requires to operate effectively. Each core requirement relates back to a capability. Each one of these has one or many user stories underneath.

Core Requirements Map - A map of the core requirements, level 0 and 1 core requirements and user stories.

DCF - Digital Capabilities Framework, this is the minimum functionality required for an EPR defined by the NHS Frontline Digitisation Programme. This covers the digital technology to allow the eight core digital capabilities. DCF was formerly known as the Minimum Digital Foundation (MDF).

EPR - Electronic Patient Record.

MDF - Minimum Digital Foundation, the former name of the Digital Capabilities Framework (DCF).

Standard - A Standard is a set of guidelines that ensure the systems' interoperability, security, and compliance with national and international regulations, as well as clinical standards.

User Story - This is a story written from the user’s perspective, it states the functionality required and not the method of delivery, The format is, As a, I want, So that.

Change log

  • V3.2 – 26/06/2024 – Archived Standards Guidance Maps, and Consolidated Non-Functional Requirements (NFRs) for improved clarity and maintainability

  • V3.1 - 19/03/2024 - Added the Ambulance and Maternity care settings

  • V3.0 - 31/03/2023 - Added the Community and Mental Health care settings

  • V2.0 - 16/08/2022 - Acute / Foundation MDF Secondary Care EPR Requirements v2.0