Admission & Transfer (AT)

Admission & Transfer (AT)




Core Requirement




V3.0 - March 2023

Core Level Requirements


The management and administration of admissions and transfers internally and externally.

User Stories

AT-01.1 - Recommended Referrals

AT-01.1 - Recommended Referrals

DCF Core Capability

As a Healthcare or Clinical Professional,

I want to see system automated recommended referral routes for internal referrals and, have these integrated into the clinical workflow

So that, I can accept, amend or override referral routes in clinical workflows

Acceptance criteria 1:

Given the need for an internal referral

When the clinical need for another service is required

Then recommended referral routes are shown and integrated into to clinical workflow

Application Function


AF340 Review Recommended Referrals

The system displays recommended internal referral routes within a clinical workflow and allows the clinician to choose an appropriate referral route

AF193 Create Patient Referral

This is the ability of the system to enable an authorised clinician to initiate an electronic referral via a standardised referral form which will be sent to the applicable clinical service for review and stored against the Patient record. The form must support conditional logic to only display fields relevant to the speciality where the referral is being made.

AF194 Referral Validation

This is the ability of the system to ensure that all relevant information has been provided and that the referral is not a duplicate.

Standards Compliance

STD124 Clinical referral information

AT-01.2 - Digital Handover

AT-01.2 - Digital Handover

DCF Core Capability

As a Healthcare or Clinical Professional

I want to produce digital handovers of care between care settings onsite and remotely

So that, I can support both inbound and outbound referrals

Acceptance criteria 1:

Given the need to handover the patient between care settings (internal or external)

When a handover is required

Then I am able to handover a patient without the need for paperwork

Acceptance criteria 2:

Given the identify a patient using their NHS number

When accessing or sharing patient data

Then all patient data must be associated with an NHS number

Acceptance criteria 3:

Given the need to process patient data

When accessing or sharing patient data

Then all appropriate information governance standards will be adhered to

Acceptance criteria 4:

Given the need to share data with third party systems

When sharing data

Then the appropriate minimum dataset(s) must be used

Acceptance criteria 5:

Given the need to transfer care to other care settings

When creating the digital handover

Then the system must adhere to Transfer of Care - Acute Inpatient Discharge Standard (DAPB 4042)

Acceptance criteria 6:

Given the risk from allergies to and intolerances of medications

When transferring patient data

Then any known allergies and/or intolerances should be sent in compliance with DAPB4013

Application Function


AF193 Create Patient Referral

This is the ability of the system to enable an authorised clinician to initiate an electronic referral via a standardised referral form which will be sent to the applicable clinical service for review and stored against the Patient record. The form must support conditional logic to only display fields relevant to the speciality where the referral is being made.

AF204 Create external Patient referral

The ability of the system to enable a clinician to refer a patient to an external service via an electronic notification (Messaging, Email, API call to target system)

AF195 Review Patient Referral

The ability of a receiving service/clinician to review new referrals that have been made which they can accept, reject or request further information. Where a referral is rejected or further information is required the sender must be notified and be able to provide additional supporting information in a resubmission of the referral.

Standards Compliance

STD019 - Emergency Care Data Set

STD062 NHS Number

STD064 NHS Number for Secondary Care

STD085 The Core Information Standard

STD091 Transfer of Care - Acute Inpatient Discharge Standard

STD102 Medicine and Allergy/Intolerance Data Transfer

STD124 Clinical referral information

AT-01.3 - Digital Presentation of Handover Data

AT-01.3 - Digital Presentation of Handover Data

DCF Core Capability

As a Healthcare or Clinical Professional,

I want to create a digital presentation of patient data in a structured format and, I need to include patient context

So that, I can support and share patient data in patient handover

Acceptance criteria 1:

Given the need to handover the patient between care settings (internal or external)

When a handover is required

Then I am able to share the patient data digitally

Acceptance criteria 2:

Given the identify a patient using their NHS number

When accessing or sharing patient data

Then all patient data must be associated with an NHS number

Acceptance criteria 3:

Given the need to process patient data

When accessing or sharing patient data

Then all appropriate information governance standards will be adhered to

Acceptance criteria 4:

Given the need to share data with third party systems

When sharing data

Then the appropriate minimum dataset(s) must be used

Acceptance criteria 5:

Given the need to transfer care to other care settings

When creating the digital handover

Then the system must adhere to Transfer of Care - Acute Inpatient Discharge Standard (DAPB 4042)

Acceptance criteria 6:

Given the risk from allergies to and intolerances of medications

When transferring patient data

Then any known allergies and/or intolerances should be sent in compliance with DAPB4013

Application Function


AF341 Digital Presentation of Handover Data

The system provides a digital presentation of patient data including context as part of a digital handover to enable the sharing of relevant patient data without the need for paper based handover notes

Standards Compliance

STD019 - Emergency Care Data Set

STD062 NHS Number

STD064 NHS Number for Secondary Care

STD085 The Core Information Standard

STD091 Transfer of Care - Acute Inpatient Discharge Standard

STD102 Medicine and Allergy/Intolerance Data Transfer

STD124 Clinical referral information

AT-01.4 - National Database of Clinical & Non-Clinical Interventions

AT-01.4 - National Database of Clinical & Non-Clinical Interventions

DCF Core Capability

As a Healthcare or Clinical Professional,

I want, access to the National Directory of Services (DoS), for interventions

So that, I can enable appropriate transfers to external services

Acceptance criteria 1:

Given the need to identify services outside the hospital or trust

When a handover to an outside service

Then I am able to access the national directory of services

Application Function


AF342 Access National Directory of Services

The system provides access to the National Directory of Services to enable selection of appropriate external services to use in transfers

AT-01.5 - Outpatient Letter

AT-01.5 - Outpatient Letter

DCF Core Capability

As a Healthcare or Clinical Professional,

I want, to produce outpatient letters within the patient workflow, pre-populated from the patient record.

and, in a structured format, to PRSB guidelines

So that, they are professional, consistent, and I can send them electronically

Acceptance criteria 1:

Given a user has the correct permissions,

When a outpatient letter needs to be sent,

Then I am able to pre-populate the information from the patient record and send it electronically

And the outpatient letter should adhere to PRSB guidelines,

Acceptance criteria 2:

Given the patient is identified using their NHS number,

When accessing or sharing patient data,

Then all patient data must be associated with an NHS number.

Acceptance criteria 3:

Given that patient data is being processed,

When accessing or sharing patient data,

Then all appropriate information governance standards will be adhered to

Application Function


AF114 Create Patient Correspondence

This is the ability of an application to generate and send a letter to a patient. Data is populated automatically and presented in structured format consistent with PRSB guidelines

AF170 Patient Correspondence

The ability of a an application to electronically transmit documentation to a patient (including links to relevant multimedia content, and receive and store returned (electronically signed) documentation.

Standards Compliance

STD001 Accessible Information

STD016 Clinical Risk Management: its Application in the Deployment and Use of Health IT Systems

STD017 Clinical Risk Management: its Application in the Manufacture of Health IT Systems

STD062 NHS Number

STD064 NHS Number for Secondary Care

STD076 Secure Email

STD085 The Core Information Standard

STD097 Outpatient Letter

AT-01.6 - Patient Admission from Primary Care

AT-01.6 - Patient Admission from Primary Care

DCF Core Capability

As a clinical professional

I want to admit a patient from a primary care setting.

So I can assure continuity of care between care settings

Acceptance criteria 1:

Given the need to admit a patient

When a patient has been referred from primary to secondary care

Then the patient can be admitted to secondary care

Acceptance criteria 2:

Given the identify a patient using their NHS number

When accessing or sharing patient data

Then all patient data must be associated with an NHS number

Acceptance criteria 3:

Given the need to share data with third party systems

When sharing data

Then the appropriate minimum dataset(s) must be used

Acceptance Criteria 4:

Given the need to provide appropriate safeguarding

When a potentially vulnerable patient is admitted

Then the appropriate safeguarding standard(s) should be applied

Acceptance Criteria 5:

Given that some overseas patients are not entitled to free NHS Treatment

When a patient is identified as not qualifying for free treatment

Then the necessary data should be recorded as set out in the Overseas Visitor Charging Category guidance

Application Function


AF375 Admit patient from primary care

The system need to be able to receive a patient transfer from a primary care system and create an admission record for the patient based on the data provided

Standards Compliance

STD013 Child Protection Information Sharing

STD035 Female Genital Mutilation Enhanced Dataset

STD019 - Emergency Care Data Set

STD062 NHS Number

STD064 NHS Number for Secondary Care

STD066 Overseas Visitor Charging Category (OVCC)

STD124 Clinical referral information

AT-01.7 - Patient Admission from A&E

AT-01.7 - Patient Admission from A&E

DCF Core Capability

As a clinical professional

I want to admit a patient when they present at A&E

and include a medical decision to admit

So I can assure access to care

Acceptance criteria 1:

Given the need to admit a patient

When they present at accident & emergency

and record a medical decision to admit

Then the patient can be admitted to A&E

Acceptance Criteria 2:

Given that some overseas patients are not entitled to free NHS Treatment

When a patient is identified as not qualifying for free treatment

Then the necessary data should be recorded as set out in the Overseas Visitor Charging Category guidance

Application Function


AF300 Reassign Patient

This is the ability to reassign a patient to a different ward, unit or department and to a different clinician.

Standards Compliance

STD066 Overseas Visitor Charging Category (OVCC)

AT-01.8 - Emergency Admission

AT-01.8 - Emergency Admission

DCF Core Capability

As a clinical professional

I want to admit a patient in an emergency including when a patient is not able to provide their identity

and include a medical decision to admit

So I can assure access to care

Acceptance criteria 1:

Given the need to admit a patient

When they present in an emergency

and when they may not be able to provide their identity

Then the patient can be admitted

Acceptance Criteria 2:

Given that some overseas patients are not entitled to free NHS Treatment

When a patient is identified as not qualifying for free treatment

Then the necessary data should be recorded as set out in the Overseas Visitor Charging Category guidance

Application Function


AF136 Record Admission

This is the ability to record an admission as structured data against a patient record whilst maintaining a history of changes.

Standards Compliance

STD062 NHS Number

STD064 NHS Number for Secondary Care

STD066 Overseas Visitor Charging Category (OVCC)

STD070 Patient Identifiers for Identity Bands

STD126 Ambulance handover to emergency care

Applicable Standards

Applicable Standards

The full list of standards applicable to the secondary care setting are contained at the link below

Secondary Care Standards

The following standards apply more specifically to the requirements on this page

STD056 National Joint Registry Data Set

STD085 The Core Information Standard

STD064 NHS Number for Secondary Care

STD091 Transfer of Care - Acute Inpatient Discharge Standard

STD097 Outpatient Letter