Discharge (DC)
ID | DC |
Type | Core Requirement |
Status | Published |
Release | V3.0 - March 2023 |
Core Level Requirements
Transformation & Innovation Level Requirements
The management and administration of the discharge process including making onward referrals and discharge notes.
User Stories
DC-01.1 - Discharge Notes | |
DCF Core Capability | |
As a Healthcare or Clinical Professional, I want to create discharge notes and outpatient letters with structured messages and headings And these should be compliant with PRSB Standards So that the patient is transferred from my care with the correct and complete, relevant information Acceptance criteria 1:Given a user has the correct permissions, When a patient is discharged, Then discharge notes and outpatient letters are produced, And these documents are compliant to PRSB standards. Acceptance criteria 2:Given the system is configured corrected, When creating a digital handover, Then the system must adhere to Transfer of Care - Acute Inpatient Discharge Standard (DAPB 4042) | |
Application Function | Description |
AF345 Create discharge documentation | On discharge of a patient the discharge notes and outpatient letter(s) are created automatically by the system compliant with PRSB guidelines. All documentation is recorded in the patient record for digital access |
AF317 Patient access to records | The ability of an authenticated patient to be able to view their own medical record including:
Note: It must be possible for clinicians to be able to restrict information for sharing with the patient via the portal where necessary. |
AF210 Generate Discharge summary | The ability of an application to generate a discharge summary document |
AF213 Send Discharge summary | The ability to send an electronic discharge summary once completed in accordance with nationally defined standards. |
Standards Compliance | |
STD091 Transfer of Care - Acute Inpatient Discharge Standard | |
STD127 Assessment, Discharge and Withdrawal Notices between Hospitals and Social Services |
DC-02.1 - EDD on Admission | |
DCF Transformation & Innovation Capability | |
As a Clinical Professional, I want the system to auto advise an EDD (Estimated Date of Discharge) based, on the admission SNOMED code, and the average time of admittance (configurable) So that, I have an immediate view of admittance for planning Acceptance criteria 1:Given the need to advise on a EDD on admission When a patient is admitted to a hospital inpatient ward Then the EDD is automatically advised on admission and the average time of admission | |
Application Function | Description |
AF364 Estimated Discharge Date | On admission the system should generate and Estimated Discharge Date (EDD) based on the SNOMED admission code. The EDD can be changed by:
DC-02.2 - Override EDD | |
DCF Transformation & Innovation Capability | |
As a Clinical Professional, I want, to be able to override the system provided EDD (Estimated Date of Discharge) and, include a manual value (used in the average calculation) So that, I can readjust the value Acceptance criteria 1:Given the need to override a EDD When a patient is admitted to a hospital inpatient ward Then the EDD can be readjusted | |
Application Function | Description |
AF364 Estimated Discharge Date | On admission the system should generate and Estimated Discharge Date (EDD) based on the SNOMED admission code. The EDD can be changed by:
DC-02.3 - EDD with a Second Diagnosis | |
DCF Transformation & Innovation Capability | |
As a Clinical Professional, I want, the system provided auto EDD to auto adjust if a second diagnosis code is applied and, add the second code into the calculation of EDD for that code So that, EDD in the system will become consistent and accurate. Acceptance criteria 1:Given the need to override a EDD When a patient is admitted to a hospital inpatient ward Then the EDD can be readjusted | |
Application Function | Description |
AF364 Estimated Discharge Date | On admission the system should generate and Estimated Discharge Date (EDD) based on the SNOMED admission code. The EDD can be changed by:
DC-03.1 - Discharge Pathway Configuration | |
DCF Transformation & Innovation Capability | |
As a Clinical Professional, I want to be able to configure and view all pathways to discharge and, to adjust or change pathways as conditions vary So that, discharge decisions can be seen by the team Acceptance criteria 1:Given the need to discharge a patient When a patients treatment is complete Then the discharge pathways can be configure, view and adjust all discharge pathways | |
Application Function | Description |
AF367 Configure Discharge Pathways | The System will allow pathways to discharge to be configured and amended as required.
DC-03.2 - Intermediate Care Beds | |
DCF Transformation & Innovation Capability | |
As a Clinical Professional, I want to have visibility of intermediate care beds as part of discharge pathways So that, I can manage the care bed resource Acceptance criteria 1:Given the need to discharge a patient When a intermediate care bed is required Then these beds are visible and can be managed | |
Application Function | Description |
AF367 Configure Discharge Pathways | The System will allow pathways to discharge to be configured and amended as required.
DC-03.3 - Different Modes of Discharge | |
DCF Transformation & Innovation Capability | |
As a Clinical Professional, I want discharge information to be shown in different modes dependent on the discharge pathway So that, I can see discharge information according to the pathway adopted Acceptance criteria 1:Given the need to view discharge information based on the discharge pathway When a different modes of discharge are required Then the information is displayed in different modes, dependant on the pathway chosen | |
Application Function | Description |
AF367 Configure Discharge Pathways | The System will allow pathways to discharge to be configured and amended as required.
DC-04.1 - Visibility to Community Care | |
DCF Transformation & Innovation Capability | |
As a Clinical Professional, I want discharge information to be viewable and available to community care So that, Community Care can interact and plan for transfer into the community Acceptance criteria 1:Given the need to discharge a patient When a patients treatment is transferred to community care Then the discharge pathways can be configure, view and adjust all discharge pathways Acceptance criteria 2:Given the identify a patient using their NHS number When accessing or sharing patient data Then all patient data must be associated with an NHS number Acceptance criteria 3:Given the need to process patient data When accessing or sharing patient data Then all appropriate information governance standards will be adhered to Acceptance criteria 4:Given the need to create discharge notes and outpatient letters with PRSB compliant messages and headings When a patient is discharged Then the complete, correct and relevant information is provided according to PRSB standards Acceptance criteria 5:Given the need to transfer care to other care settings When creating the digital handover Then the system must adhere to Transfer of Care - Acute Inpatient Discharge Standard (DAPB 4042) | |
Application Function | Description |
AF367 Configure Discharge Pathways | The System will allow pathways to discharge to be configured and amended as required.
Standards Compliance | |
STD091 Transfer of Care - Acute Inpatient Discharge Standard | |
STD122 Hospital referral for assessment for community care and support | |
DC-04.2 - Access to Patient Care Record | |
DCF Transformation & Innovation Capability | |
As a Clinical Professional, I want, to have access to the patient summary record of entire treatment given to the patient and, I want Community care to have a view of the summary record So that, a full picture of patient need can be seen before transfer to Community Acceptance criteria 1:Given the need to discharge a patient When a patients treatment is transferred to community care Then the patient summary care record of the entire treatment given to the patient is accessible to community care Acceptance criteria 2:Given the identify a patient using their NHS number When accessing or sharing patient data Then all patient data must be associated with an NHS number Acceptance criteria 3:Given the need to process patient data When accessing or sharing patient data Then all appropriate information governance standards will be adhered to: Acceptance criteria 4:Given the need to create discharge notes and outpatient letters with PRSB compliant messages and headings When a patient is discharged Then the complete, correct and relevant information is provided according to PRSB standards Acceptance criteria 5:Given the need to transfer care to other care settings When creating the digital handover Then the system must adhere to Transfer of Care - Acute Inpatient Discharge Standard (DAPB 4042) | |
Application Function | Description |
AF158 View Patient Record (summary) | The ability to present a summary view of a patient record including pertinent information, e.g DNA, Allergies etc. |
Standards Compliance | |
STD091 Transfer of Care - Acute Inpatient Discharge Standard | |
STD122 Hospital referral for assessment for community care and support | |
DC-05.1 - Onward Referrals | |
DCF Transformation & Innovation Capability | |
As a Clinical Professional, I want to be able to make onward referrals for the patient at the point of discharge So that, patient care beyond admission is arranged Acceptance criteria 1:Given the need to discharge a patient When a patients treatment is transferred to community care Then the patient summary care record of the entire treatment given to the patient is accessible to community care Acceptance criteria 2:Given the need to create discharge notes and outpatient letters with PRSB compliant messages and headings When a patient is discharged Then the complete, correct and relevant information is provided according to PRSB standards Acceptance criteria 3:Given the need to transfer care to other care settings When creating the digital handover Then the system must adhere to Transfer of Care - Acute Inpatient Discharge Standard (DAPB 4042) | |
Application Function | Description |
AF365 Referral on Discharge | The ability of the system to create a referral as part of the discharge process |
Standards Compliance | |
STD091 Transfer of Care - Acute Inpatient Discharge Standard | |
STD122 Hospital referral for assessment for community care and support |
Applicable Standards |
The full list of standards applicable to the secondary care setting are contained at the link below The following standards apply more specifically to the requirements on this page STD007 Assessment, Discharge and Withdrawal Notices between Hospitals and Social Services STD085 The Core Information Standard STD064 NHS Number for Secondary Care STD091 Transfer of Care - Acute Inpatient Discharge Standard |