Bed Management (BM)

Bed Management (BM)




Core Requirement




V3.0 - March 2023

Core Level Requirements

Transformation & Innovation Level Requirements


Functionality to track and manage beds across care settings including physical and virtual beds linked to patient admissions and flow.

User Stories

BM-01.1- Track Patients

BM-01.1- Track Patients

DCF Core Capability

As a Healthcare or Clinical Professional

I want, to track patients digitally in real time, linked to specific bed utilisation and projected discharge dates/times where appropriate, and, present data on availability to improve patient flow

So that, I can see and manage the patient flow

Acceptance criteria 1:

Given the need to manage patient flow

When managing a ward or department

Then patients can be digitally in real time, linked to specific bed utilisation and projected discharge dates/times where appropriate, and, present data on availability to improve patient flow

Acceptance Criteria 2:

Given the need to track patients

When recording patient tracking information

Then the NHS Number should be used to identify the patient

Application Function


AF119 Assign Patient to Bed

The ability to assign a patient to a bed under a particular speciality. The system should be able to flag where a patient has not been assigned to the correct speciality so this can be flagged to clinicians. It must be possible to record an expected length of stay

AF 120 Update Bed Status

The ability to change the status of a bed:

  • Mark bed as closed

  • Reserve Bed

  • Mark bed as occupied

  • Mark bed as vacated

  • Mark bed as compromised (dirty/infected…)

AF118 View Bed Availability

The ability to view which beds do not have a patient assigned

AF164 View Ward, Unit or Department Data

This is the ability of an application to generate a patient view by a specific ward, unit or department.

AF273 View/update Ward Dashboard

The ability of an application to present data relevant to the administration of the selected Ward.

Standards Compliance

STD062 NHS Number

STD070 Patient Identifiers for Identity Bands

BM01.2 - Track Clinical Assets & Non-Staff Resources

BM01.2 - Track Clinical Assets & Non-Staff Resources

DCF Core Capability

As a Healthcare or Clinical Professional

I want, to track key clinical assets and resources, including assets assigned to patients.

So that, I can manage all facilities and non-staff resources that the patient may need

Acceptance criteria 1:

Given the need to track clinical assets and resources, including assets assigned to patients.

When managing a ward

Then all clinical assets and resources can be tracked.

Application Function


AF347 Track clinical assets

The ability of the system to track and display utilisation of key clinical assets and resources. This must include assets assigned directly to patients.

BM-02.1- Configure and Swap Beds

BM-02.1- Configure and Swap Beds

DCF Transformation & Innovation Capability

As a Healthcare or Clinical Professional,

I want to be able to configure beds in the system, and, change bed location, occupancy, etc...

So that, I have an accurate representation of the resource

Acceptance Criteria 1:

Given the need to configure beds within a ward

When managing the ward resources

Then beds can be configured within the system, e.g. location, occupancy etc

Application Function


AF164 View Ward, Unit or Department Data

This is the ability of an application to generate a patient view by a specific ward, unit or department.

AF165 Update Ward, Unit or Department Views

The ability to manually add information to a ward, unit or department view and store this information within the system.

AF117 Define Bed configuration

The ability to maintain data on what beds are available to be assigned to patients

  • Assign bed types to define mode of use

  • Configure rules for operation of bed types

AF119 Assign Patient to Bed

The ability to assign a patient to a bed under a particular speciality. The system should be able to flag where a patient has not been assigned to the correct speciality so this can be flagged to clinicians. [estimated length of stay]

AF 120 Update Bed Status

The ability to change the status of a bed:

  • Mark bed as closed

  • Reserve Bed

  • Mark bed as occupied

  • Mark bed as vacated

  • Mark bed as compromised (dirty/infected…)

BM-02.2- Closing Beds

BM-02.2- Closing Beds

DCF Transformation & Innovation Capability

As a Healthcare or Clinical Professional,

I want, to be able to restrict the use of bed resources i.e. close them

and, record the decision from a configurable list

So that, I have an accurate representation of the resource

Acceptance Criteria 1:

Given the need to close a bed

When managing the ward

Then a bed can be closed and a configurable list of reasons is present

Application Function


AF 120 Update Bed Status

The ability to change the status of a bed:

  • Mark bed as closed

  • Reserve Bed

  • Mark bed as occupied

  • Mark bed as vacated

  • Mark bed as compromised (dirty/infected…)

BM-02.3- Reserve beds

BM-02.3- Reserve beds

DCF Transformation & Innovation Capability

As a Healthcare or Clinical Professional,

I want, the ability to reserve beds as a resource and, record the reservation/booking reason in a configurable list

So that, I have an accurate representation of the resource

Acceptance Criteria 1:

Given the need to reserve a bed

When a bed may be required in the future, e.g. for a patient returning from surgery

Then a bed can be reserved and a reason can be selected from a configurable list

Application Function


AF 120 Update Bed Status

The ability to change the status of a bed:

  • Mark bed as closed

  • Reserve Bed

  • Mark bed as occupied

  • Mark bed as vacated

  • Mark bed as compromised (dirty/infected…)

BM-02.4- Rescheduling

BM-02.4- Rescheduling

DCF Transformation & Innovation Capability

As a Healthcare or Clinical Professional,

I want, to be able to configure rules for bed management per ward and service

So that, bed management is conducted according to criteria.

Acceptance Criteria 1:

Given the need to configure rules for bed management

When managing the ward or service bed resource

Then rules for bed management can be configured

Application Function


AF165 Update Ward, Unit or Department Views

The ability to manually add information to a ward, unit or department view and store this information within the system.

AF117 Define Bed configuration

The ability to maintain data on what beds are available to be assigned to patients

  • Assign bed types to define mode of use

  • Configure rules for operation of bed types

BM-02.5- Mark Bed Status

BM-02.5- Mark Bed Status

DCF Transformation & Innovation Capability

As a Healthcare or Clinical Professional,

I want the ability to configure and change the nature of a bed status within a ward/service

and, mark the status from a configurable list including dirty/infected/available etc...

So that, a bed can be task addressed and managed via the status

Acceptance Criteria 1:

Given the configure and change the bed status

When managing the ward or service bed resource

Then a configurable list of statuses (e.g. dirty, infected, available) is present

Application Function


AF 120 Update Bed Status

The ability to change the status of a bed:

  • Mark bed as closed

  • Reserve Bed

  • Mark bed as occupied

  • Mark bed as vacated

  • Mark bed as compromised (dirty/infected…)

BM-02.6- Bookings with Requirements

BM-02.6- Bookings with Requirements

DCF Transformation & Innovation Capability

As a Healthcare or Clinical Professional,

I want, to be able to manage (book /reserve) with specific requirements

and, include instructions against a bed resource

So that, a bed can be related to a patient procedure

Acceptance Criteria 1:

Given the book or reserves a bad

When specifics requirements are needed

Then a bed can be booked with these specific requirements

Application Function


AF 120 Update Bed Status

The ability to change the status of a bed:

  • Mark bed as closed

  • Reserve Bed

  • Mark bed as occupied

  • Mark bed as vacated

  • Mark bed as compromised (dirty/infected…)

BM-02.7- Bed Types

BM-02.7- Bed Types

DCF Transformation & Innovation Capability

As a Healthcare or Clinical Professional,

I want, to be able to assign bed 'types'

and, configure rules for beds

So that, I am able to manage beds for different modes of use

Acceptance Criteria 1:

Given the need to assign bed types

When managing bed resources

Then a bed type and configurable rules can be set for a bed

Application Function


AF117 Define Bed configuration

The ability to maintain data on what beds are available to be assigned to patients

  • Assign bed types to define mode of use

  • Configure rules for operation of bed types


BM-02.8- Pre-Operative Information

BM-02.8- Pre-Operative Information

DCF Transformation & Innovation Capability

As a Healthcare or Clinical Professional,

I want, to be able to view pre-operative information for each bed

and, see the information on a mobile device

So that, I have a clear idea of requirements for patients

Acceptance Criteria 1:

Given the view pre-operative information for each bed

When managing bed resources

Then pre-operative information can be seen for each bed on desktop and mobile

Application Function


AF327 View/Maintain Tasks via Mobile App

The ability for a user to view/update tasks which have been allocated to them via a Mobile Device

AF368 Bed Management

The ability to maintain data on what beds are available to be assigned to patients

  • Assign bed types to define mode of use

  • Configure rules for operation of bed types

BM-02.9- Out of Area Beds

BM-02.9- Out of Area Beds

DCF Transformation & Innovation Capability

As a Healthcare or Clinical Professional,

I want, to be able to view bed details in different areas including 'out of area' beds

So that, I can see all beds pertaining to the department or service

Acceptance Criteria 1:

Given the view bed details including ‘out of area’ beds

When managing bed resources

Then it is possible to view beds in different areas, including 'out of area' beds

Application Function


AF369 Out of Area Beds

Overlay details of out of area beds on ward/department views

BM-02.10- Bed Status and Availability

BM-02.10- Bed Status and Availability

DCF Transformation & Innovation Capability

As a Healthcare or Clinical Professional,

I want, to be able to view bed status including bed availability via a mobile device

and, be able to update the status of any bed as a designated resource

So that, I have an accurate representation of the resource

Acceptance Criteria 1:

Given the view bed availability and update the bed status

When using a mobile device

Then it is possible to view and update the status using a mobile device

Application Function


AF370 View Bed Status

The ability to view the status of a beds

  • Bed availability

  • Dirty / Infected Beds

AF327 View/Maintain Tasks via Mobile App

The ability for a user to view/update tasks which have been allocated to them via a Mobile Device

BM-02.11- Outliers

BM-02.11- Outliers

DCF Transformation & Innovation Capability

As a Healthcare or Clinical Professional,

I want, the ability to add up to date 'live' bed management updates for all beds including outliers

So that, I have an accurate representation of the resource

Acceptance Criteria 1:

Given the view live bed updates for all beds including outliers

When managing bed resources

Then it is possible to view live bed status for all beds including outliers

Application Function


AF370 View Bed Status

The ability to view the status of a beds

  • Bed availability

  • Dirty / Infected Beds

BM-03.1- Reporting

BM-03.1- Reporting

DCF Transformation & Innovation Capability

As a Healthcare or Clinical Professional,

I want configurable and standardised reports for bed management and KPI reporting

So that, I can regularly report on bed statistics and KPI's

Acceptance Criteria 1:

Given the need to report on bed statistics

When managing bed resources

Then it is possible to configure and create a bed management and KPI report

Application Function


AF164 View Ward, Unit or Department Data

This is the ability of an application to generate a patient view by a specific ward, unit or department.

AF359 Define bed management reporting

Ability to create standard reports showing bed management statistics. This must include the ability to define KPIs and measure captured bed management data against them.

Applicable Standards

Applicable Standards

The full list of standards applicable to the secondary care setting are contained at the link below