Electrocardiogram (ECG) Images

Electrocardiogram (ECG) Images




v1.0 - March 2024


Core Capability



Capability description

The system can support the transmission of ECG images for review or decision support


Digital Decision Support

The system must enable collaboration with clinicians for support with Electrocardiogram (ECG) traces.

AM.03.01 Digital Imaging and Communication

AM.03.01 Digital Imaging and Communication

DCF Core Capability

As an ambulance clinician,

I want the system to be able to live stream ECG traces for remote assistance

So that I can seek real-time consultation from a consultant.

Acceptance criterion 1:

Given that the system is set up for live streaming of ECG traces,

When the ECG equipment is connected and activated,

Then the system should initiate the live streaming process.

Acceptance criterion 2:

Given that the system is live streaming ECG traces,

When the live stream is active,

Then the ECG traces should be displayed with a resolution ensuring clear visibility of the trace details.

Acceptance criterion 3:

Given that the system is live streaming ECG traces,

When the live stream is initiated,

Then the system should establish a secure and encrypted channel for transmitting patient data.

Acceptance criterion 4:

Given that the system is live streaming ECG traces,

When the live stream is active,

Then the remote consultant should be able to easily access and view the live-streamed ECG traces, enabling them to provide real-time assistance and guidance.

Standards Compliance

STD080 SNOMED CT: UK Edition

AM.03.02 Store Digital Imaging in Patient Record

AM.03.02 Store Digital Imaging in Patient Record

DCF Core Capability

As an ambulance clinician,

I want the system to be have the capability to capture high resolution ECG traces as part of the patient record form (PRF),

So that I can ensure detail can be seen and the trace reviewed accurately.

Acceptance criterion 1:

Given the system should allow ECG traces to be recorded using compatible ECG equipment,

When the ECG traces are recorded,

Then the system should have a resolution that ensures clear visibility of the trace details,

And the system, should provide an interface within the PRF to easily attach and associate the captured ECG readings with the patient's record.

Standards Compliance

STD080 SNOMED CT: UK Edition

AM.03.03 Allocate Referrals

AM.03.03 Allocate Referrals

DCF Core Capability

As an ambulance clinician,

I want to securely transmit an ECG trace for remote assistance

So that the ECG reading can be reviewed and analysed for diagnosis and treatment plus healthcare pathway advice.

Acceptance criterion 1:

Given that the ECG report is encrypted during transmission to ensure data security,

When using a secure transmission protocol, such as HTTPS, to protect the data from unauthorised access,

Then, the recipient should be able to access and download the transmitted ECG trace report securely.

And the transmission process should provide a confirmation or receipt to the sender, indicating that the report has been successfully transmitted.

And the transmission should be completed within a reasonable time frame to ensure timely access to the report.

Standards Compliance

STD080 SNOMED CT: UK Edition

AM.03.04 Audit Trail

AM.03.04 Audit Trail

DCF Core Capability

As a system administrator,

I want to ensure the secure transmission of ECG trace reports,

So that the process complies with relevant data protection regulations and standards.

Acceptance criterion 1:

Given that the system is transmitting ECG trace reports,

When the transmission process is initiated,

Then it should comply with applicable data protection regulations, such as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Acceptance criterion 2:

Given that the system is transmitting ECG trace reports,

When transmission occurs,

Then the system should maintain a log of all transmissions, including details such as sender, recipient, date, and time.

Acceptance criterion 3:

Given that the system is transmitting ECG trace reports,

When access is attempted to the shared reports,

Then appropriate access controls should restrict unauthorised access.

Acceptance criterion 4:

Given that the system is transmitting ECG trace reports,

When security audits and vulnerability assessments are conducted,

Then potential security risks should be identified and addressed.

Acceptance criterion 5:

Given that the system is transmitting ECG trace reports,

When users encounter security concerns or incidents related to the transmission,

Then they should be able to report them through the system.

Standards Compliance

STD157 Formatting dates and times in data

STD039 Health and Social Care Organisation Reference Data

AM.03.05 Audit Reporting

AM.03.05 Audit Reporting

DCF Core Capability

As an ambulance clinician,

I want the ECG report transmission to be auditable

So that it supports clinical development.

Acceptance criterion 1:

Given that ECG report transmission is initiated,

When the transmission is completed,

Then, the system should generate an auditable record of the ECG report transition.

Acceptance criterion 2:

Given an ambulance clinician is permitted to access the system,

When an ECG transmission is completed and audit log created,

Then it should include relevant information such as sender, recipient, date, and time of the ECG report transition.

And the system should allow specific records based on criteria such as date range or patient information to be retrieved.

And the records should be securely stored and accessible only to authorised personnel.

Acceptance criterion 3:

Given that I need to track any modifications or actions related to the ECG report transition,

When I review the auditable record,

Then it should include details of any actions or events, such as successful transmission, failed attempts, or modifications made to the report.

Acceptance criterion 4:

Given data protection regulations must be complied with,

When generating the auditable record,

Then it should adhere to relevant data protection regulations and standards.

Acceptance criterion 5:

Given an ambulance clinician is permitted to access the system to analyse trends or patterns in ECG report transitions,

When reports based on the auditable records are generated,

Then the system should provide the necessary functionality to facilitate further analysis and support clinical development activities.

Standards Compliance

STD030 Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM)
STD080 SNOMED CT: UK Edition
STD157 Formatting dates and times in data
STD039 Health and Social Care Organisation Reference Data

AM.03.06 External Device Integration

AM.03.06 External Device Integration

DCF Core Capability

As a ambulance clinician,

I want the ECG report transmission to have interoperability with hospital clinicians, such as specialist hospitals,

So that the ECG report transmission will be attached to the patients hospital record.

Acceptance criterion 1:

Given an ambulance clinician is permitted to access the ECG report transmission system,

When an ECG trace report is transmitted,

Then the system will successfully transmit the ECG trace report to the hospital clinicians in a standardised format that is compatible with the hospital's electronic health record system.

And the ECG report will include all relevant patient information, such as name, date of birth, and medical history.

Acceptance Criterion 2:

Given an ambulance clinician is permitted to access the ECG report transmission system,

When an ambulance clinicians transmits an ECG trace,

The the system will provide a reliable connection to transmit the ECG report in a timely manner, ensuring confirmation of successful transmission is provided

And the ECG report transmission system will comply with all relevant privacy and security regulations to protect patient confidentiality.

Standards Compliance

STD030 Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM)
STD080 SNOMED CT: UK Edition
STD062 NHS Number
STD064 NHS Number for Secondary Care
STD157 Formatting dates and times in data
STD126 Ambulance handover to emergency care
STD039 Health and Social Care Organisation Reference Data
STD169 Personal Demographics Service
STD170 Personal Demographics Service - SMSP API standards