User Persona - NHS Administrator

User Persona - NHS Administrator


Persona name


Persona name


Persona role

Clinical Coding Officer

Job description

Clinical coders are responsible for making a full and accurate computer record of a patient's stay in hospital. They translate diagnoses and treatment into alphanumeric codes. They liaise with clinical professionals, including doctors, nurses and other staff to ensure that patients' diagnoses are recorded accurately. They will also be involved in reviewing data. Some will work as tutors and deliver training to staff on using clinical coding.



Company name

St Thomas Hospital, London

Company size

850 beds



 Demographic information







Education level

Bachelors Degree

Residential environment

City apartment

 Personal quote

Digital Confidence

Chris is highly digitally confident, he is a PC gamer and builds his own computers. He is comfortable finding workarounds to often complex and disconnected workflows. He has little patience with overly complex systems and can be a vocal advocate for change and can be a difficult customer to please


Chris has been in the NHS for a few years since graduating university. He didn’t intend to have a career in health informatics but the COVID pandemic made him realise the important of the role and he is now preparing for the NCCQ qualification. He lives with two housemates in London and enjoys PC gaming and board games with friends. He is a frequent visitor to his local hackerspace

Professional goals


Professional goals


  • NCCQ qualification and going up the band levels

  • Improve healthcare through effective managing of data


Sources of information

  • Finding and reconciling data from a variety of sources

  • Often comes across administrative barriers that can make his job difficult

  • Twitter

  • Reddit


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