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Core Requirement




V3.0 - March 2023

Core Requirements

Transformation and Innovation Requirements


The ability to track a patient’s journey through the care setting and the automation of tasks based on each stage of the journey.


EPR MDF Transformation & Innovation Capability

PTF-02.1 - Auto-Generate Task Lists

As a Clinical Professional,

I want the system to review details for a patient and auto generate a list of tasks for the patient

So that, it is quick and easy to generate generic tasks for a patient flow scenario

Acceptance criteria 1:

Given the need to review details for a patient

When the generating a list of tasks

Then a list of tasks is auto-generated for the patient

Application Function


AF309Auto-generate Tasks

The ability of the system to auto-generate a set of tasks (including repeating tasks) for a patient based upon a clinical event occurring (e.g. patient admission, patient diagnosis) together with a schedule of when tasks need to be undertaken.

Standards Compliance

EPR MDF Transformation & Innovation Capability

Community MDF Core Capability - CO-01.3 Care Coordination (Assign Tasks)

PTF-02.2 - Assign Generic Tasks

As a Clinical Professional,

I want to be able to assign generic patient linked tasks to different areas or personnel,

So that task creation for generic tasks is simple to create and assign.

Acceptance criteria 1:

Given the user is assigning tasks to different areas or personnel,

When these tasks are linked to patients,

Then the links are visible to the assigned user.

Application Function


AF303 Assign Tasks

The ability to enable an authorised user to assign/reassign tasks to a specific Clinician or team.

Standards Compliance

EPR MDF Transformation & Innovation Capability

PTF-02.3 - Timestamped Task History

As a Clinical Professional,

I want to be able to view task history for a patient and, see a timestamped task history

So that, I can monitor tasks in a workflow

Acceptance criteria 1:

Given the need view the task history

When reviewing the patient record

Then tasks are timestamped so I can see a chronological task history

Application Function


AF302 View Task List

This is the ability to create a view of outstanding tasks by Patient or Clinician

The application should allow lists to be configured including:

  • Reordering, e.g. by clinical priority, time since task allocated

  • Filtering, e.g. by category of task, location etc.

Standards Compliance

EPR MDF Transformation & Innovation Capability

PTF-02.4 - Connecting tasks

As a Clinical Professional,

I want to be able to add tasks to a patient workflow and, assign them to staff from within the patient record

So that, I can assign tasks from where I discover a need in the patient record

Acceptance criteria 1:

Given the quickly and simply add tasks

When viewing the patient record

Then tasks can be created and assigned from the patient record

Application Function


AF315 Configure Workflow rules

The ability to configure automated workflows consisting of sequences of tasks, data flows (messages), notifications and alerts which can be triggered via events (system or manually generated).

AF303 Assign Tasks

The ability to enable an authorised user to assign/reassign tasks to a specific Clinician or team.

Standards Compliance

EPR MDF Transformation & Innovation Capability

PTF-02.5 - Images

As a Clinical Professional,

I want to be able to attach an image to a task

and, include an image from a mobile Wi-Fi enabled device

So that, I can take images and add them to the record on the move

Acceptance criteria 1:

Given the need to add images to tasks

When creating tasks

Then images can be added to tasks on a desktop or mobile device

Application Function


AF327 View/Maintain Tasks via Mobile App

The ability for a user to view/update tasks which have been allocated to them via a Mobile Device

AF260 Send Message - Internal

The ability to send a secure message to a specific clinician or groups of clinicians selected from a directory regarding specific aspects of a Patients care and store this message against the patient record. This includes being able to include provide links to patient records including but not limited to:

  • Forwarding test results

  • Forwarded scanned images

Standards Compliance


Applicable Standards

The full list of standards applicable to the secondary care setting are contained at the link below

The following standards apply more specifically to the requirements on this page