ID | PTF |
Type | Core Requirement |
Status | Alpha |
Release | V3.0 - March 2023 |
Core Requirements
Transformation and Innovation Requirements
The ability to track a patient’s journey through the care setting and the automation of tasks based on each stage of the journey.
EPR MDF Transformation & Innovation Capability | |
PTF-02.1 - Auto-Generate Task Lists | |
As a Clinical Professional, I want the system to review details for a patient and auto generate a list of tasks for the patient So that, it is quick and easy to generate generic tasks for a patient flow scenario Acceptance criteria 1:Given the need to review details for a patient When the generating a list of tasks Then a list of tasks is auto-generated for the patient | |
Application Function | Description |
AF309Auto-generate Tasks | The ability of the system to auto-generate a set of tasks (including repeating tasks) for a patient based upon a clinical event occurring (e.g. patient admission, patient diagnosis) together with a schedule of when tasks need to be undertaken. |
Standards Compliance | |
EPR MDF Transformation & Innovation Capability | |
Community MDF Core Capability - CO-01.3 Care Coordination (Assign Tasks) | |
PTF-02.2 - Assign Generic Tasks | |
As a Clinical Professional, I want to be able to assign generic patient linked tasks to different areas or personnel, So that task creation for generic tasks is simple to create and assign. Acceptance criteria 1:Given the user is assigning tasks to different areas or personnel, When these tasks are linked to patients, Then the links are visible to the assigned user. | |
Application Function | Description |
AF303 Assign Tasks | The ability to enable an authorised user to assign/reassign tasks to a specific Clinician or team. |
Standards Compliance | |
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EPR MDF Transformation & Innovation Capability | |
PTF-02.3 - Timestamped Task History | |
As a Clinical Professional, I want to be able to view task history for a patient and, see a timestamped task history So that, I can monitor tasks in a workflow Acceptance criteria 1:Given the need view the task history When reviewing the patient record Then tasks are timestamped so I can see a chronological task history | |
Application Function | Description |
AF302 View Task List | This is the ability to create a view of outstanding tasks by Patient or Clinician The application should allow lists to be configured including:
Standards Compliance | |
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EPR MDF Transformation & Innovation Capability | |
PTF-02.4 - Connecting tasks | |
As a Clinical Professional, I want to be able to add tasks to a patient workflow and, assign them to staff from within the patient record So that, I can assign tasks from where I discover a need in the patient record Acceptance criteria 1:Given the quickly and simply add tasks When viewing the patient record Then tasks can be created and assigned from the patient record | |
Application Function | Description |
AF315 Configure Workflow rules | The ability to configure automated workflows consisting of sequences of tasks, data flows (messages), notifications and alerts which can be triggered via events (system or manually generated). |
AF303 Assign Tasks | The ability to enable an authorised user to assign/reassign tasks to a specific Clinician or team. |
Standards Compliance | |
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EPR MDF Transformation & Innovation Capability | |
PTF-02.5 - Images | |
As a Clinical Professional, I want to be able to attach an image to a task and, include an image from a mobile Wi-Fi enabled device So that, I can take images and add them to the record on the move Acceptance criteria 1:Given the need to add images to tasks When creating tasks Then images can be added to tasks on a desktop or mobile device | |
Application Function | Description |
AF327 View/Maintain Tasks via Mobile App | The ability for a user to view/update tasks which have been allocated to them via a Mobile Device |
AF260 Send Message - Internal | The ability to send a secure message to a specific clinician or groups of clinicians selected from a directory regarding specific aspects of a Patients care and store this message against the patient record. This includes being able to include provide links to patient records including but not limited to:
Standards Compliance | |
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Applicable Standards |
The full list of standards applicable to the secondary care setting are contained at the link below The following standards apply more specifically to the requirements on this page