ID | RF |
Type | Core Requirement |
Status | Alpha |
Release | V3.0 - March 2023 |
Core Requirements
The ability to produce custom and standardised reports for use at the hospital and national levels including the automatic publishing of national data collections.
EPR MDF Core Capability | |
RF-01.1 - Standardised Reports | |
As a Healthcare or Clinical Professional I want standardised reports, automatically produced and submitted electronically So that, National data collection and mandated reporting is carried out Acceptance criteria 1Given the need to produce standardised reports When there is a need to report for national bodies (i.e. Public Health England), national data collections, nationally mandated or statutory returns Then a report can be automatically populated and returned electronically Acceptance criteria 2Given the need to support various forms of data collections for secondary uses When producing report data on interventions and procedures Then these should be provided as defined in the OPCS Classification standard Acceptance criteria 3Given the need to report nationally on wait times When monthly aggregate performance statistics are submitted Then these should conform to DCB0095 standard on consultant-led RTT wait times Acceptance criteria 4Given the need to provide morbidity data When submitting morbidity data Then the international standard ICD-10 should be used | |
Application Function | Description |
AF371 Produce Standard Reports | Produced all standard reports required by national bodies and submit automatically |
AF272 Reporting extracts | The ability to generate standardised reports on a scheduled or ad hoc basis, e.g. reporting clinical outcomes, reports on numbers of referrals, breaches to targets and standards finding data to respond to complaints, coroner report requests. |
Standards Compliance | |
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EPR MDF Core Capability | |
RF-01.2- Patient Reported Outcomes | |
As a Healthcare or Clinical Professional, I want the collection and analysis of patient reported outcomes So that, I can see reported data on the patient experience Acceptance criterion 1:Given the need to collect and analyse patient reported outcomes When it is necessary to review the patient experience Then patient experience data can be reported | |
Application Function | Description |
AF376 Patient Reported Outcomes | Ability of the system to extract patient reported outcome data for reporting on aspects of the patient experience |
Applicable Standards |
The full list of standards applicable to the secondary care setting are contained at the link below The following standards apply more specifically to the requirements on this page