CO-10.1 Clinical Availability | |
DCF Core Capability | |
As a clinical professional, I want to be able to see availability across clinical schedules and corporate calendars, So that I have a complete picture of availability Acceptance criteria 1Given the user has the correct permissions, When scheduling time, Then the user can see clinical schedules and corporate calendars. | |
Application Function | Description |
AF386 View Clinical Availability | Display clinical and corporate calendars to support scheduling |
Standards Compliance | |
STD043 Identity Verification and Authentication Standard for Digital Health and Care Services - DCB3051 Guidance (NHS Digital) | |
Data Security and Protection Toolkit - |
CO-10.2 Web Enabled Appointment Solutions | |
DCF Transformation and Innovation Capability | |
As a clinical professional or patient, I want to be able to book an appointment via a web based interface, So that I have an optimised way to book appointments without exposing the full diary of clinicians. Acceptance criteria 1Given a user has the correct permissions, When booking an appointment, Then a web-based interface should be available. | |
Application Function | Description |
AF387 Web based appointment booking | Enable web-based booking to allow patients or clinicians to book appointments without access to full calendars |
Standards Compliance | |
- DCB1605 Guidance (NHS England and NHS Improvement) | |
STD043 Identity Verification and Authentication Standard for Digital Health and Care Services - DCB3051 Guidance (NHS Digital) | |
STD045 Data Security and Protection Toolkit - Data Security and Protection Toolkit | |
- ISB 0149 Guidance | |
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 - |
Applicable Standards |
The full list of standards applicable to the community care setting are contained at the link below |