Versions Compared


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If you are here looking to procure video conferencing software to support you in your response to the COVID-19 outbreak, please see the advice here


The terminology used below assumes that the reader has familiarised themselves with some key Digital Care Services concepts available via the following guidance / tutorials:

There are different ways to execute a procurement depending on which procedure you choose; however for all procedures there are a set of high level steps a buyer should follow.


Step 2: Prepare

  • Define your evaluation approach and your evaluation criteria

  • Prepare to use the procedure

Step 3: Review Catalogue Solutions

  • Use the Buying Catalogue to identify solutions that meet the requirements you have identified and establish a shortlist

Step 4: Evaluate:

Step 5: Call-off order form and contract award

  • Complete and sign the Call-Off Order Form - this is required to execute a contract - more detail is provided in the GP IT Futures Contract pages.

Step 6: Manage your contract

  • Implement the services

  • Manage any changes

    Any changes

    that need to be made to your GP estate software and services, for example: Practice Migrations, Activations of new services , Cessations, Mergers or Splits

    need to notified to NHS Digital using the GPITF Order Tracker.
  • Details of Continuity Call Off Agreements will be pre-populated on the Order Tracker you are sent, please check these are correct. 

  • The Order Tracker must be returned to the [] team at NHS Digital on a monthly basis, (even if a nil return) by the date allocated to your CCG to enable the prompt processing.

  • The submitted Order Tracker data will be used to prepare Reconciliation Invoices. The reporting of actual practice activation or cessation dates is critical to ensure that correct payments are made to suppliers. Payments for services will start and end based on the information submitted in the Order Tracker.

  • CCGs need to confirm service activation, cessation or merger dates on the Order Tracker. Site activations or cessations should be identified against an order. Cancellations or mergers of practices in the Continuity Call Off Agreement should be added Order Tracker where applicable.

  • Monitor performance


  • .

  • Monitor performance

Procurement Routes