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This page has been superseded and archived. |
ID | STD004 |
External ID | DAPB0108 |
Version | 0.1 |
Link to standard | |
Standard Type | Data Standard (NHS) |
Status | Draft |
Effective Date |
DAPB0108 is an information standard developed by GS1 UK and endorsed by NHS via NHS England and NHS Improvement sponsor and NHS Digital SRO.
NHS settings in England where Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) technologies (i.e. barcodes and RFID tags) are used as enablers to improve patient safety, ensure greater clinical effectiveness and drive operational efficiencies.
Requirement ID | Requirement Text | Level |
STD004-1 | Compliance to GS1 Standards To be compliant with DAPB0108, is to be compliant to any relevant GS1 Standards, which means that the AIDC system or product being procured, deployed, and used. | MUST |
STD004-2 | GS1 Identification keys Utilise GS1 Identification keys for the required data elements based on the functionality and purpose of the system being considered. | MUST |
STD004-3 | GS1 Data Carriers Produce, print, and read GS1 Data Carriers such as barcodes or EPC/RFID tags, in accordance with the specifications provided for the intended application. | MUST |
STD004-4 | Data Format/Carriers Whilst system design and business processes around collections and data flow remain out of scope for DAPB0108, health IT systems may need to be modified to ensure the data format and data carrier requirements specified can be complied with. The safety implications of any such modifications must be considered by manufacturers of health IT systems as well as those involved in the deployment and use of health IT systems. | MAY |
ID | STD013 |
External ID | DCB1609 |
Version | 0.1 |
Link to standard | |
Standard Type | Data Standard (NHS) |
Status | Draft |
Effective Date | TBC |
This is the Information Standards Notice for Child Protection - Information Sharing (CP-IS), a national programme delivering a solution to share a specified data set between children's social care and health unscheduled care settings.
The Child Protection - Information Sharing (CP-IS) programme is delivering a solution to share a specified data set between children's social care and health unscheduled care settings.
The scope for CP-IS is currently England Local Authority Children’s Services (Social Care) and unscheduled health care settings. This includes:
This standard will help health and social care staff to share information securely to better protect society's most vulnerable children and support decision making when a vulnerable child presents for care. CP-IS is a national solution for England that will also deal with the issues of migration of children across local boundaries as information will be shared between social care and health nationally leading to better outcomes for vulnerable children who may have otherwise have gone undetected.
Requirement ID | Requirement Text | Level |
STD013-1 | NHS Number The children’s social care system MUST use a validated NHS number as the unique identifier to send CP-IS information. | MUST |
STD013-2 | NHS Number Validation The children's social care system SHOULD undertake NHS number check validation, to ensure NHS numbers entered locally are valid NHS numbers. The actual verification of the NHS number (to confirm the NHS number received is the correct child) will be the responsibility of the CP-IS Service, upon receipt of the CP-IS Local Authority Upload message. | SHOULD |
STD013-3 | NHS Spine The children's social care system MAY use the NHS Spine PDS service to verify NHS numbers prior to any submission to the CP-IS service. | MAY |
STD013-4 | Date and Time format The presentation of any date & times associated with CP-IS information MUST be in a standardised format, e.g. DD/MM/YYYY and HH/MM/SS | MUST |
STD013-5 | CP-IS Data Set The children’s social care system MUST be able to send current and up to date CP-IS information as outlined in the CP-IS dataset, using the CP-IS Local Authority Upload message. Sending of CP-IS information will be undertaken; - as an initial upload of all CP-IS information for each child - as subsequent uploads of all CP-IS information for each child - as subsequent updates of all CP-IS information where a child's CP-IS status has changed | MUST |
STD013-6 | CP-IS Data Set - Update Any update to a CP-IS data item within a local record MUST automatically (and without manual intervention) trigger the creation of a CP-IS Local Authority Upload message, in order for this to be sent to the CP-IS service within 12hours of the original change being made. It is anticipated that the SFT client provided, will be embedded within the children’s social care application, and upon creation of the CP-IS Local Authority Upload message will automate the transmission of the CP-IS information via the SFT mechanism to the CP-IS service. | MUST |
STD013-7 | CP-IS Data Set - Upload Tel Number Where an 'Office Hours' telephone number is available locally, this SHOULD be included in the CP-IS Local Authority Upload message, in addition to the 'Out of Hours/ Emergency' telephone number. This will assist NHS healthcare workers to easily identify where to contact in non-emergency/ office hours circumstances, and will specifically be useful where a child has presented in out of area settings | SHOULD |
STD013-8 | CP-IS Data Set - Identify Update Any update to a CP-IS information locally within a local record SHOULD be easily identifiable | SHOULD |
STD013-9 | CP-IS Data Set - LA Upload message Where there is any update to a CP-IS dataset item held locally within the children's social care system, this MUST trigger the creation of a new CP-IS Local Authority Upload message (replacing what is held within the CP-IS service). E.g. the addition of an End Date to a CPP. Any update to a local record that is not a CP-IS data item, SHOULD not trigger the creation of a new CP-IS Local Authority Upload message, e.g. updated assessment information, change of address etc. | MUST |
STD013-10 | CP-IS Data Set - Messenger Identity Any update to a CP-IS data item within a local record SHOULD easily identify locally who updated the CP-IS information. | SHOULD |
STD013-11 | CP-IS Data Set - Schema Validation The children's social care system SHOULD ensure that prior to any sending of CP-IS information to the CP-IS service, the schema is validated to ensure the message is appropriately formed, and all appropriate fields have been populated appropriately. This will include: - NHS number; Source Organisation Name (Local Authority Name); - Source Organisation Code (ODS Code); - Source Organisation Telephone (Emergency Duty Team/ Out of Hours); - At least one Start Date included for 1 of the 3 CP-IS status types (CPP, Unborn CPP or LAC); - Delete Date (which will be the expected Due Date) where CPP for an Unborn Baby details have been provided. | SHOULD |
STD013-12 | CP-IS Data Set - Mothers details The children's social care system MUST ensure that when details of an Unborn CPP are sent, the following demographic information is used to populate the CP-IS Local Authority Upload message: - the Mother's NHS Number; - the Mother's Given Name; - the Mother's Family Name; - the Mother's Date of Birth | MUST |
STD013-13 | CP-IS Data Set - Birth details The children's social care system MUST ensure that when details of an Unborn CPP is sent, the expected Due Date for the baby (held locally) is used to populate the Unborn CPP End Date. The End Date (expected due date of the baby) provided will be used to trigger the deletion of the information from the mother’s NHS record at End Date+28days. As part of the wider process, the new-born baby's NHS number will be manually provided to the children's social care team. This will need to be used to resubmit any CP-IS information using the new-born baby’s NHS number, instead of the mother's NHS number. | MUST |
STD013-14 | CP-IS Data Set - Stop Sending The children’s social care system MUST allow the sending of CP-IS information, to be switched on and off, at the discretion of the Children’s Social Care Team. This will be managed by end point enabling/ disabling. Where this occurs, the CP-IS Owner (NHS Digital), MUST be informed by the Local Authority management team, that the functional capability to send CP-IS information has been switched off | MUST |
STD013-15 | CP-IS Data Set - Identify Child Record It MUST be possible to identify within the children's social care system, the appropriate child record that will have their CP-IS information sent to the CPIS service. E.g. by having an active CP-IS status associated to the local record within the children's social care system | MUST |
STD013-16 | CP-IS Data Set - Unique File Identifier The children's social care system MUST ensure that any files sent are sequential and are uniquely identifiable | MUST |
STD013-17 | CP-IS Data Set - Message Resubmission The children's social care system SHOULD resubmit a CP-IS Local Authority Upload file if no CP-IS Acknowledgement Response has been received for a CP-IS Local Authority Upload message. This SHOULD be sent if no CP-IS Acknowledgement Response message is received within15hrs of the initial CP-IS Local Authority Upload message being submitted to the CP-IS SFT client | SHOULD |
STD013-18 | CP-IS Data Set - End Date Where a child’s case (or child record) is closed locally by the social care team, (and where an End Date for the CP-IS information has not been uploaded to the CP-IS service), then the children's social care system MUST apply End Dates for each of the relevant CPP/UCPP/LAC items within that child’s case (or child record). The End Date will be the date that a child’s case (or child record) is closed. The application of the End Date to the record, will trigger the submission of a CP-IS Local Authority Upload message outlining all associated End Dates for that record. In the case of the initial bulk upload of records to the CP-IS Service, a child record MUST not be included in the upload message when it is closed or when the CPP or LAC record has an End Date that is in the past at the point of data extraction / submission to CP-IS. Where there are multiple CPP and/or LAC records for one child and if one or more CPP, UCPP or LAC record has an End DCB1609 Child Protection Information Sharing 31/05/2019 Final v2.0 Copyright © 2019 Health and Social Care Information Centre. Page 18 of 35 Date in the past, only those records without an End Date in the past are to be sent to the CP-IS Service. For example in the case of a child that has a LAC record with an End Date of 6 weeks ago and a CPP record that has a Start Date of 5 weeks ago and no End Date, only the CPP record would be sent to the CP-IS Service. Following the bulk upload, for reconciliation purposes, a report MUST be made available to the end user which will list the CPP, UCPP and LAC records that were not successfully uploaded to the CP-IS Service due to the End Date being in the past | MUST |
STD013-19 | CP-IS Data Set - Local Configuration The children's social care system MUST be able to manage the receipt of the following CP-IS messages and display the content of these messages to the end user. How the display of this information will be provided, will need to be locally defined and configured to the children's social care team’s requirements. The CP-IS messages to the children's social care system will include: - CP-IS Local Authority Acknowledgment Response (which includes file and record validation responses); - CP-IS Access to Service Notification (which includes who, when, where the CP-IS service was queried); - CP-IS Inactive NHS Number Notification (where available the new NHS Number will be provided). | MUST |
STD013-20 | CP-IS Data Set - Acknowledgment Response On receipt of a CP-IS Local Authority Acknowledgement Response message, the children's social care system MUST determine the file and record validation responses of the CP-IS Local Authority Upload message. Where all records are successfully uploaded, consideration SHOULD be given to how the successful uploads are replayed to the end user, if this is required. Where records within the Upload message are not successfully uploaded, consideration SHOULD be given to how the unsuccessful uploads will be handled by the children's social care system and/ or end user. E.g. unverified NHS numbers and the associated reasons for that number not being uploaded to the CP-IS service, being displayed to the end user. | MUST |
STD013-21 | CP-IS Data Set - Display of Information On receipt of a CP-IS Access to Service Notification message, the children's social care system SHOULD be locally configured to determine how this information will be displayed to the end user. This will include the following information: - the name of the NHS healthcare worker (in a readable format) who accessed the CP-IS service; - the name of the NHS organisation (in a readable format) where the access to the CP-IS service took place; - the date and time of when the CP-IS service was accessed. Access to Service Notification messages will be provided daily to the children's social care system, including all access event history for all the associated children to that Local Authority, specifically including where there has been no access to the CP-IS service for that day. On receipt of a CP-IS Access to Service Notification message, consideration SHOULD be given to how this information will be displayed to the end user, including any alerting functionality. Further to this, consideration SHOULD also be given to how the receipt of the access history will be managed in the following scenarios; 1. Where ‘no access’ event history is received, and whether this daily information SHOULD be displayed to the end user; 2. When an End Date is; - received as part of a typical Start/ End Dating of CP-IS information automatically created by the CP-IS service on the child's 18th birthday - automatically provided by the children’s social care system, upon closure of a case/ record locally. Following the capture of an End Date for a CP-IS information item (however this is done), the CP-IS item will still be retrievable by the NHS healthcare worker up to the End Date +365 days. Any access to CP-IS service during this 365 day period, will result in the creation of a CP-IS Access to Service Notification message back to the children's social care team. | SHOULD |
STD013-22 | CP-IS Data Set - Inactive NHS Number On receipt of a CP-IS Inactive NHS Number message, the children's social care system MUST be able to inform the end user that the NHS number previously used to submit CP-IS information to the CP-IS service is no longer a valid NHS number. The children’s social care system MUST also inform the end user of the new NHS number, where this has been included within the Inactive NHS number message. Where Inactive NHS number information is received, consideration SHOULD be given to how this information is displayed to the end user | MUST |
STD013-23 | CP-IS Data Set - Update NHS Number On receipt of a CP-IS Inactive NHS Number message that includes details of the new NHS number, the children's social care system MAY want to automatically update the NHS number within the local system. | MAY |
STD013-24 | CP-IS Data Set - Update Message On receipt of a CP-IS Inactive NHS Number message that includes details of the new NHS number, the children's social care system MAY want to automatically create and resubmit a new CP-IS Local Authority Upload message using the new NHS number | MAY |
STD013-25 | CP-IS Data Set - Local Authority Connection Only authorised Local Authority end-points MUST be permitted to connect to the CP-IS service. The mechanism for doing so may vary between systems that consume webservices to those that submit Local Authority data | MUST |
ID | STD030 |
External ID | ISB 1556 |
Version | 0.1 |
Link to standard | |
Standard Type | Guidance |
Status | Draft |
Effective Date |
Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) is the standard for the communication and management of medical imaging information and related data. The DICOM Standard facilitates interoperability of medical imaging equipment by specifying:
A testing/validation procedure to assess an implementation's conformance to the Standard.
This standard applies to all healthcare settings in England in the field of Medical Informatics. Within that field, it addresses the exchange of digital information between medical imaging equipment and other systems. Specifically radiology, cardiology, pathology, dentistry, ophthalmology and related disciplines, and image-based therapies such as interventional radiology, radiotherapy and surgery. However, it is also applicable to a wide range of image and non-image related information exchanged in clinical, research, veterinary, and other medical environments.
Requirement ID | Requirement Text | Level |
STD030-1 | DICOM Networking Conformance Requirements IT system suppliers implementations claiming DICOM network conformance shall:
| MUST |
STD030-2 | DICOM Media Interchange Conformance Requirements IT system suppliers implementations claiming DICOM Media Interchange conformance shall:
| MUST |
ID | STD039 |
External ID | DAPB0090 |
Version | 0.1 |
Link to standard | DAPB0090 - Health and Social Care Organisation Reference Data |
Standard Type | Data Standard (NHS) |
Status | Draft |
Effective Date |
This information standard provides reference data about the Organisations that comprise the health and social care services, including non-direct-care Organisations, primarily in England but also in the other UK-constituent countries. The data is distributed and uploaded to health IT systems. It supports user security, access control, messaging and is used as reference data for both operations and reporting.
All end-users of Organisation Reference Data. Including but not limited to: NHS Trusts, primary care & commissioning organisations, independent sector healthcare organisations, healthcare organisations in other UK-constituent countries, suppliers of systems, SUS/NTS & data set owners, social care, arms-length bodies, government departments & non-departmental public bodies, executive agencies, inspectorates, health and social care educational establishments, professional bodies, etc.
Requirement ID | Requirement Text | Level |
STD0039-1 | Data Composition This standard describes and governs reference data about the Organisations that comprise health and social care services, and the Sites they provide services from. This reference data is comprised of a number of core components, listed below: Dates, Name,. Identifier, Geographic Location, Contacts, Roles, Relationship(s), Succession and Additional Attributes. Full details of the data and structures is included here Health and Social Care Organisation Reference Data (SCCI0090): Requirements Specification | MUST |
ID | STD080 |
External ID | SCCI0034 |
Version | 0.1 |
Link to standard | |
Standard Type | Data Standard (NHS) |
Status | Draft |
Effective Date |
SNOMED CT is the fundamental standard for healthcare terminology. SNOMED CT provides the vocabulary for recording structured data in electronic records that relate to the health and care of an individual; it provides the clinical terms clinicians need to record to communicate key information to other clinicians.
The UK Edition of SNOMED CT must be used in the UK and not the International Edition. The UK Edition extends the International Edition with UK English descriptions (in preference to US English descriptions) and UK required components; for example clinical concepts such as PHE screening programmes are only provided by the UK Edition of SNOMED CT.
This standard will be needed in all systems that are used in the direct management of the health and care of individuals.
Systems used within Secondary Care, Acute Care, Mental Health Services, Community Services, Dentistry and Optometry
Requirement ID | Requirement Text | Level |
STD080-1 | Supplier systems used for the direct management of care of an individual - must use SNOMED CT as the clinical terminology standard within all electronic patient level recording and communications before 1 April 2020. | MUST |
STD080-2 | Systems used by all other providers of health related services where the flow of information for the direct management of patient care comes into the NHS must use SNOMED CT by 1 April 2020. | MUST |
ID | STD097 |
External ID | PRSB Outpatient letter |
Version | 0.1 |
Link to standard | |
Standard Type | Data Standard (NHS) |
Status | Draft |
Effective Date | TBC |
PRSB standards for digital outpatient letters allow clinical information to be recorded, exchanged and accessed consistently across care settings. Best practice for most outpatient letters is writing directly to patients.
The PRSB standard for outpatient letters is designed to improve and standardise the content of outpatient letters so that professionals, patients and carers receive consistent, reliable, high-quality information between clinicians and patients.
These requirements are professional, and patient endorsed, and evidence based clinical record standards. These provide the basis for technical (FHIR) specifications produced to enable suppliers to implement technical solutions.
Requirement ID | Requirement Text | Level |
STD097-1 | Patient name | MUST |
STD097-2 | Patient preferred name | SHOULD |
STD097-3 | Date of birth | MUST |
STD097-4 | Gender | SHOULD |
STD097-5 | NHS number | SHOULD |
STD097-6 | Other identifier | SHOULD |
STD097-7 | Patient address | MUST |
STD097-8 | Patient email address | MAY |
STD097-9 | Patient telephone number | MAY |
STD097-10 | Relevant contacts | MAY |
STD097-11 | Educational establishment | MAY |