The Video Consultation Capability allows Health or Care Professionals to conduct secure live remote video consultations with individual or groups of Patients/Service Users/Proxies ensuring they can receive support relating to healthcare concerns when a Video Consultation is most appropriate.
Health and Care Professionals will have the facility to conduct Video Consultations with individuals or potentially groups of Patients/Service Users/Proxies, reducing the need for travel and providing greater flexibility and choice for Healthcare or Care Professionals and Patient/Service Users in how services are delivered
For a Patient/Service User | Patient/Service Users can receive support relating to their healthcare concerns when a Video Consultation is the most appropriate method for delivering that support |
For Proxy | Proxy can receive support relating to healthcare concerns of Patient/Service User when a Video Consultation is the most appropriate method for delivering that support |
For Health or Care Professional | Health or Care Professionals can conduct consultations remotely over video ensuring care services can be delivered in a personal way regardless of location |
For Healthcare Organisation | Increase Patient/Service User access to advice or consultation by removing the barrier of locality |
MUST Epics - Epics and acceptance criteria will be evaluated during the Capability Assessment Stage of Onboarding |
E00039 - conduct Video ConsultationAs a Health or Care Professional I want to be able to conduct Video Consultations with Patients/Service Users So that I can provide support when Video Consultation is the most appropriate mode Acceptance criterion 1: conduct Video Consultation between the Patient/Service User and the Health or Care ProfessionalGiven a Video Consultation has been scheduled When the Health or Care Professional selects to conduct a Video Consultation with a Patient/Service User Then the Video Consultation can be conducted |
MAY Epics - All May Epics and Acceptance Criteria will be evaluated during the Capability Assessment Stage of On-boarding. These Epics are not mandatory. Any May Epics that are assessed as met will be available to buyers to support them when comparing Solutions |
E00040 - conduct Video Consultation with a ProxyAs a Health or Care Professional I want to be able to conduct Video Consultations with a Proxy on behalf of a Patient/Service User So that I can provide support when Video Consultation is the most appropriate mode Acceptance criterion 1: conduct Video Consultation between a Proxy and the Health or Care ProfessionalGiven a Video Consultation has been scheduled When the Health or Care Professional selects to conduct a Video Consultation with a Proxy on behalf of a Patient/Service User Then the Video Consultation can be conducted E00041 - conduct a Video Consultation with Patients/Service Users without registrationAs a Health or Care Professional I want to be able to conduct a Video Consultation with Patients/Service Users without them needing to register to use the Video Consultation Solution So that I can provide healthcare support to Patients/Service Users when a Video Consultation is most appropriate Acceptance criterion 1: share access details for Video Consultation with a Patient/Service UserGiven there is a facility for conducting Video Consultation And the Patient/Service User has contact details recorded When the Health or Care Professional selects to share access details with the Patient/Service User for Video Consultation Then the Video Consultation details are shared with the Patient/Service User Acceptance criterion 2: Patient/Service User is able to join a Video ConsultationGiven there is a facility for conducting Video Consultation And the access details for the Video Consultation have been shared with the Patient/Service User When the Patient/Service User selects to join the Video Consultation Then the Patient/Service User can join the Video Consultation without the need to pre-register with the Video Consultation Solution E00042 - conduct Video Consultation with a Proxy without registrationAs a Health or Care Professional I want to be able to conduct a Video Consultation with a Proxy acting on behalf of a Patient/Service User without them needing to register to use the Video Consultation Solution So that I can provide healthcare support to the Proxy acting on behalf of the Patient/Service User when a Video Consultation is most appropriate Acceptance criterion 1: share access details for Video Consultation with a ProxyGiven there is a facility for conducting Video Consultation And the Proxy has contact details recorded When the Health or Care Professional selects to share access details with the Proxy for Video Consultation Then the Video Consultation details are shared with the Proxy Acceptance criterion 2: Proxy is able to join a Video ConsultationGiven there is a facility for conducting Video Consultation And the access details for the Video Consultation have been shared with the Proxy acting on behalf of the Patient/Service User When the Proxy selects to join the Video Consultation Then the Proxy can join the Video Consultation without the need to pre-register with the Video Consultation Solution E00043 - end Video Consultation with a Patient/Service UserAs a Health or Care Professional I want to be able to end a Video Consultation with a Patient/Service User So that I can make sure that the Video Consultation has completed and I can effectively manage the Consultation Acceptance criterion 1: Patient/Service User can leave the Video ConsultationGiven a Health or Care Professional is conducting a Video Consultation When the Patient/Service User selects to leave the Video Consultation Then the Patient/Service User can leave the Video Consultation Acceptance criterion 2: Health or Care Professional can re-join the Video ConsultationGiven a Health or Care Professional is conducting a Video Consultation When the Health or Care Professional leaves the Video Consultation And the Patient has not left the Video Consultation Then the Health or Care Professional can re-join the Video Consultation Acceptance criterion 3: Patient/Service User can re-join the Video ConsultationGiven a Health or Care Professional is conducting a Video Consultation When the Patient/Service User leaves the Video Consultation And the Health or Care Professional has not left the Video Consultation Then the Patient/Service User can re-join the Video Consultation Acceptance criterion 4: Health or Care Professional ends Video ConsultationGiven a Health or Care Professional is conducting a Video Consultation When the Health or Care Professional selects to end the Video Consultation Then the Video Consultation is ended for both the Health or Care Professional and the Patient/Service User E00045 - Direct Messaging during a Video ConsultationAs a Health or Care Professional I want a facility to send and receive Direct Messages during a Video Consultation So that I can provide information to the other party via a written message Acceptance criterion 1: Patient/Service User can send Direct Messages during the Video ConsultationGiven a Health or Care Professional is conducting a Video Consultation with the Patient/Service User When the Patient/Service User selects to send a Direct Message Then this message can be viewed by the Health or Care Professional Acceptance criterion 2: Health or Care Professional can send Direct Messages during the Video ConsultationGiven a Health or Care Professional is conducting a Video Consultation with the Patient/Service User When the Health or Care Professional selects to send a Direct message to the Patient/Service User Then this message can be viewed by the Patient/Service User E00047 - view the Patient Record during Video ConsultationAs a Health or Care Professional I want to be able to view the Patient Record provided by the Core Clinical record So that I can view the Patient Record when conducting a Video Consultation Acceptance criterion 1: Health or Care Professional can access Patient Records during the Video ConsultationGiven a Health or Care Professional is conducting a Video Consultation When the Health or Care Professional selects to view the Patient Record held in the Core Clinical Record Then they can do so without having to end the ongoing Video Consultation E00048 - conduct group Video ConsultationsAs a Health and Care Professional I want to be able to conduct group Video Consultations So that I can provide support to a group of Patients/Service Users Acceptance criterion 1: Health and Care Professional conducts group Video ConsultationGiven that a group Video Consultation is scheduled When the Health or Care Professional selects to conduct a group Video Consultation with Patients/Service Users Then the group Video Consultation can be conducted E00051 - electronically share files during a Video ConsultationAs a Patient/Service User I want to electronically share files during a Video Consultation So that I can provide further information to the Health or Care Professional Acceptance criterion 1: Patient/Service User can share files during Video ConsultationGiven a Health or Care Professional is conducting a Video Consultation When the Patient/Service User selects to share an electronic file Then the file is shared with the Health or Care Professional during the Video Consultation And can be accessed by the Health or Care Professional Acceptance criterion 2: Health or Care Professional can share files during Video ConsultationGiven a Health or Care Professional is conducting a Video Consultation When the Health or Care Professional selects to share an electronic file Then the file is shared with the Patient/Service User during the Video Consultation And can be accessed by the Patient/Service User E00053 - Health or Care Professional can share their screen during a Video ConsultationAs a Health or Care Professional I want to share my screen with the Patient/Service User during a Video Consultation So that I can provide further information to the Patient/Service User Acceptance criterion 1: Health or Care Professional shares screen during Video ConsultationGiven a Health or Care Professional is conducting a Video Consultation When the Health or Care Professional selects to share their screen Then their screen is shared with the participants of the Video Consultation Acceptance criterion 2: Patient/Service User shares screen during Video ConsultationGiven a Patient/Service User has joined a Video Consultation When the Patient/Service User selects to share their screen Then their screen is shared with the participants of the Video Consultation E00055 - record Video Consultation outcome to the Patient RecordAs a Health or Care Professional I want to be able to record the outcome of the Video Consultation to the Patient Record held in the Core Clinical Record So that I have a complete record of interactions with the Patient/Service User Acceptance criterion 1: outcome of Video Consultation is recorded in the Patient RecordGiven that a Video Consultation with a Patient/Service User has taken place When the outcome of the Video Consultation has been selected by the Health or Care Professional Then the outcome can be recorded in the Patient Record held in the Core Clinical Record E00059 - Health or Care Professional can record a Video ConsultationAs a Health or Care Professional I want to be able to record a Video Consultation So that I have a record of the Video Consultation to refer back to Acceptance criterion 1: Health or Care Professional can record a Video ConsultationGiven a Health or Care Professional is conducting a Video Consultation with a Patient/Service User When the Health or Care Professional selects to record the Video Consultation Then a recording of the Video Consultation is made And all participants are notified when the recording starts Acceptance criterion 2: Health or Care Professional can stop the recording of a Video Consultation with a Patient/Service UserGiven a Health or Care Professional has started recording a Video Consultation with a Patient/Service User When the Health or Care Professional selects to stop the recording Then the recording can be stopped And all participants are notified the recording has stopped Acceptance criterion 3: Health or Care Professional can refer to the recording after the Video Consultation with a Patient/Service User has endedGiven a Health or Care Professional is conducting a Video Consultation with a Patient/Service User And the recording of the Video Consultation has been ended When the Health or Care Professional selects to access the recording of the Video Consultation Then the recording of the Video Consultation is available for the Health or Care Professional to refer to E00060 - Patient/Service User can record a Video ConsultationAs a Patient/Service User I want to be able to record a Video Consultation So that I have a record of the Video Consultation to refer back to Acceptance criterion 1: Patient/Service User can record a Video Consultation with a Health or Care ProfessionalGiven a Health or Care Professional is conducting a Video Consultation with a Patient/Service User When the Patient/Service User selects to record the Video Consultation Then a recording of the Video Consultation is made And all participants are notified when the recording starts Acceptance criterion 2: Patient/Service User can stop the recording of a Video ConsultationGiven a Patient/Service User has started recording a Video Consultation with a Health or Care Professional When the Patient/Service User selects to stop the recording Then the recording stops And all participants are notified the recording has stopped Acceptance criterion 3: Patient/Service User can refer to the recording after the Video Consultation with a Health or Care Professional has endedGiven a Health or Care Professional is conducting a Video Consultation with a Patient/Service User And the recording of the Video Consultation has been ended When the Patient/Service User selects to access the recording of the Video Consultation Then the recording of the Video Consultation is available for the Patient/Service User to refer to E00061 - accessibility options for Video ConsultationAs a Patient/Service User I want the Video Consultation solution to provide accessibility options So that I can access all the information provided during a Video Consultation Acceptance criterion 1: provide accessibility options for Video ConsultationGiven a Health or Care Professional is conducting a Video Consultation When the Patient/Service User selects to enable accessibility options Then accessibility options are available for the Patient/Service User to use E00062 - waiting roomAs a Patient/Service User I want a waiting room facility So that I can join the Video Consultation and wait for the Health or Care Professional to join Acceptance criterion 1: Patient/Service User can access the waiting roomGiven that a Health or Care Professional has shared access details for a Video Consultation When a Patient/Service User selects to join the Video Consultation And the Health or Care Professional has not yet joined the Video Consultation Then the Patient/Service User enters a waiting room Acceptance criterion 2: Health or Care Professional is notified of a Patient/Service User entering the waiting roomGiven that a Health or Care Professional has shared access details for a Video Consultation When the Patient/Service User selects to join the Video Consultation And the Health or Care Professional has not yet joined the Video Consultation Then the Health or Care Professional is notified that the Patient/Service User is in the waiting room Acceptance criterion 3: Patient/Service User can leave the waiting room and join the Video ConsultationGiven that a Patient/Service User is in a waiting room When the Health or Care Professional selects to join the Video Consultation Then the Patient/Service User leaves the waiting room And joins the Video Consultation with the Health or Care Professional E00063 - disable and enable Direct Messaging during a Video Consultation for the Patient/Service UserAs a Health or Care Professional I want to be able to disable and enable Direct Messaging during a Video Consultation for the Patient/Service User So I can control whether Patients/Service Users are able to send Direct Messages during a Video Consultation Acceptance criterion 1: Health or Care Professional can disable Direct Messaging during a Video Consultation for the Patient/Service UserGiven Direct Messaging during a Video Consultation is enabled for the Patient/Service User When the Health or Care Professional selects to disable Direct Messaging Then Direct Messaging is disabled for the Patient/Service User And Patients/Service Users are unable to send Direct Messages during a Video Consultation Acceptance criterion 2: Health or Care Professional can enable Direct Messaging during a Video Consultation for the Patient/Service UserGiven Direct Messaging during a Video Consultation is disabled for the Patient/Service User When the Health or Care Professional selects to enable Direct Messaging Then Direct Messaging is enabled for the Patient/Service User And Patients/Service Users are able to send Direct Messages during a Video Consultation E00064 - record Direct Messages to the Patient RecordAs a Health or Care Professional I want to be able to record Direct Messages to the Patient Record held in the Core Clinical Record So that I have a complete record of interactions with the Patient/Service User Acceptance criterion 1: record Direct Messages to the Patient RecordGiven that a Health or Care Professional is conducting a Video Consultation When Direct Messages are exchanged between the Health or Care Professional and the Patient/Service User Then the Direct Messages can be recorded in the Patient Record held in the Core Clinical Record E00065 - Patient/Service User name is not automatically visible in a group Video ConsultationAs a Patient/Service User I want my name to not be automatically displayed So that my name is not visible to other Patients/Service Users in the group Video Consultation Acceptance criterion 1: a Patient/Service User's name is hiddenGiven a Patient/Service User is attending a group Video Consultation When they join the group Video Consultation Then their name is automatically hidden from other Patients/Service Users Acceptance criterion 2: Patient/Service User can create a pseudonymGiven a Patient/Service User is attending a group Video Consultation When they select to create a pseudonym Then the pseudonym is created And their pseudonym is visible to the other Patients/Service Users Acceptance criterion 3: Patient/Service User pseudonym and personal details are visible to the Health or Care ProfessionalGiven a Patient/Service User is attending a group Video Consultation When they have select to display a pseudonym Then the Health or Care Professional can view Patient/Service User’s pseudonym And the Patient/Service User’s name Acceptance criterion 4: Patient/Service User consents to display their nameGiven a Patient/Service User’s name is automatically hidden from other Patients/Service Users in a group Video Consultation When the Patient/Service User selects to consent to their name being displayed Then their name is visible to other Patients/Service Users E00066 - invite new participants to an existing Video Consultation with a Patient/Service UserAs a Health and Care Professional I want to be able to invite additional participants to an existing Video Consultation with a Patient/Service User So that additional participants can join once the Video Consultation has already started Acceptance criterion 1: Health and Care Professional conducts group Video ConsultationGiven that a Video Consultation has already started with a Patient/Service User When the Health or Care Professional selects to invite other participants to the Video Consultation Then the other participants can join the Video Consultation And all participants in the Video Consultation are notified of their arrival E00067 - disable and enable electronic file sharing during a Video ConsultationAs a Health or Care Professional I want to be able to disable and enable the sharing of electronic files during a Video Consultation So that I can control whether the Patient/Service User is able to share electronic files Acceptance criterion 1: Health or Care Professional can disable sharing electronic files during Video ConsultationGiven a Health or Care Professional is conducting a Video Consultation with a Patient/Service User And sharing electronic files during a Video Consultation is enabled When the Health or Care Professional selects to disable the sharing of electronic files Then the sharing of electronic files is disabled And the Patient/Service User is unable to share electronic files Acceptance criterion 2: Health or Care Professional can enable sharing electronic files during Video ConsultationGiven a Health or Care Professional is conducting a Video Consultation with a Patient/Service User And sharing electronic files during a Video Consultation is disabled When the Health or Care Professional selects to enable the sharing of electronic files Then the sharing of electronic files is enabled And the Patient/Service User is able to share electronic files E00068 - disable and enable screen sharing during a Video ConsultationAs a Health or Care Professional I want to be able to disable and enable screen sharing during a Video Consultation So that I can control whether the Patient/Service User is able to share their screen Acceptance criterion 1: Health or Care Professional can disable screen sharing during a Video ConsultationGiven a Health or Care Professional is conducting a Video Consultation with a Patient/Service User And screen sharing during the Video Consultation is enabled When the Health or Care Professional selects to disable screen sharing Then screen sharing is disabled And the Patient/Service User is unable to share their screen Acceptance criterion 2: Health or Care Professional can enable screen sharing during Video ConsultationGiven a Health or Care Professional is conducting a Video Consultation with a Patient/Service User And screen sharing during the Video Consultation is disabled When the Health or Care Professional selects to enable screen sharing Then screen sharing is enabled And the Patient/Service User is able to share their screen E00069 - Patient/Service User feedback on Video ConsultationsAs a Patient/Service User I want the facility to provide feedback after a Video Consultation So that I can provide feedback on my experience Acceptance criterion 1: capture feedback on a Video ConsultationGiven that a Video Consultation with a Health or Care Professional has taken place When the Patient/Service User selects to provide feedback on their experience Then that feedback is captured and shared with the Healthcare Organisation E00070 - test the Video Consultation settingsAs a Health or Care Professional I want to be able to test the audio and visual settings of the Video Consultation tool before a Video Consultation starts So that there are no delays to the Video Consultation starting Acceptance criterion 1: Health or Care Professional can test the audio and visual settingsGiven that a Health or Care Professional has access to the Video Consultation Solution When the Health or Care Professional selects to test the audio and visual settings of the Video Consultation tool Then they are able to test the audio and visual settings Acceptance criterion 2: Patient/Service User can test the audio and visual settingsGiven that a Patient/Service User has access to the Video Consultation Solution When the Patient/Service User selects to test the audio and visual settings of the Video Consultation tool Then they are able to test the audio and visual settings E00071 - consecutive consultations with multiple Patients/Service Users via a single Video ConsultationAs a Health or Care Professional I want to consult with multiple patients using the same Video Consultation access details So that I can hold consecutive consultations with multiple Patients/Service Users who are in one location via a single Video Consultation Acceptance criterion 1: continuing the Video Consultation with another Patient/Service UserGiven there are multiple Patients/Service Users in one location When a consultation ends with one Patient/Service User Then I am able to continue the Video Consultation with the next Patient/Service User without needing to leave and join a separate Video Consultation E00072 - reminder of upcoming or scheduled Video ConsultationAs a Patient/Service User I want to receive a reminder relating to a scheduled Video Consultation So that I have up to date information regarding the scheduled Video Consultation Acceptance criterion 1: Patient/Service User receives a reminderGiven a Video Consultation is scheduled with a Health or Care Professional When there is an upcoming Video Consultation Then I receive a reminder of the upcoming Video Consultation E00073 - disable and enable audio during a Video ConsultationAs a Health or Care Professional I want the ability to disable and enable audio in a Video Consultation So that I can provide additional privacy for Patients/Service Users Acceptance criterion 1: Health or Care Professional can disable audio during a Video ConsultationGiven a Health or Care Professional is conducting a Video Consultation And audio is enabled for the participant When I select to disable audio for the participant Then audio is disabled for that participant And they are unable to hear the Video Consultation Acceptance criterion 2: Health or Care Professional can enable audio during a Video ConsultationGiven a Health or Care Professional is conducting a Video Consultation And audio is disabled for the participant When I select to enable audio for that participant Then audio is enabled for that participant And they are able to hear the Video Consultation E00074 - disable and enable video during a Video ConsultationAs a Health or Care Professional I want the ability to disable and enable video in a Video Consultation So that I can provide additional privacy for Patients/Service Users Acceptance criterion 1: Health or Care Professional can disable video during a Video ConsultationGiven a Health or Care Professional is conducting a Video Consultation And video is enabled for the participant When I select to disable video for the participant Then video is disabled for that participant And they are unable to see the Video Consultation Acceptance criterion 2: Health or Care Professional can enable video during a Video ConsultationGiven a Health or Care Professional is conducting a Video Consultation And video is disabled for the participant When I select to enable video for that participant Then video is enabled for that participant And they are able to see the Video Consultation E00087 - retain attachments (file and images) received during Video Consultation in the Patient RecordAs a Health or Care Professional I want to be able record attachments (files and images) received during Video Consultation to the Patient Record held in the Core Clinical Record So that I have a complete record of the Patient’s/Service User’s Video Consultation Acceptance criterion 1: save attachments (file and images) received during Video Consultation in the Patient Record held in the Core Clinical RecordGiven that an attachment has been received in the Video Consultation Solution When the Health or Care Professional selects to save the attachment in the Patient Record held in the Core Clinical Record Then the attachment is saved in the Patient Record Acceptance criterion 2: do not save attachments (file and images) received during Video Consultation in the Patient Record held in the Core Clinical RecordGiven that an attachment has been received in the Video Consultation Solution When the Health or Care Professional selects to not save the attachment in the Patient Record held in the Core Clinical Record Then the attachment is not saved in the Patient Record E00088 – SNOMED code Video ConsultationAs a Health or Care Professional I want to be able to SNOMED code Video Consultation So that I am able to standardise terminologies Acceptance criterion 1: SNOMED code Video ConsultationGiven that a Video Consultation has taken place When the Health or Care Professional selects to SNOMED code Video Consultation Then the SNOMED code is applied for Video Consultation Acceptance criterion 2: SNOMED code information within Video ConsultationGiven that a Video Consultation has taken place When the Health or Care Professional selects to SNOMED code information within the Video Consultation Then the SNOMED code is applied within the Video Consultation |
Other Applicable Standards |
Suppliers will also have to attain compliance with these additional Standards during the compliance stage before they can be live on a framework with this Capability:
Items on the Roadmap which impact or relate to this Capability |
Suppliers will not be assessed or assured on these Roadmap Items as part of Onboarding |