Full or Partial Capability status. For this Capability, Solutions are required to meet a minimum of one MUST EPIC and associated acceptance criteria but not all MUST EPICs (where there are multiple MUST EPICS) to achieve Partial Capability Status, or; to meet all MUST EPICs and their associated acceptance criteria to achieve Full Capability Status.
Population Health Management is information-enabled, proactive application of strategies and interventions to defined groups of individuals to improve the health of the individuals within the group. It is a model for helping Service Providers to assess the populations they serve across health and care.
The Population Health Management Capability supports Service Providers in accumulating and accessing healthcare data from various sources, reporting on and analysing this data, performing risk stratification and segmenting Patients/Service Users into cohorts. It also supports the setting of target outcomes for groups and the monitoring and measurement of these outcomes.
It enables Service Providers to take a comprehensive approach to uncovering gaps in care, and filling those gaps in order to provide benefits for Patients/Service Users and Service Providers by improving outcomes, aligning Health and Care Professionals, coordinating care, and optimising efficiency and revenue.
Organisation/Service Provider |
Patients/Service Users |
Integrated and Federated Care Settings |
C34E1 - access healthcare data
As a Service Provider
I want to access accumulated healthcare data from various sources
So that I can analyse this data
Acceptance criterion 1: access healthcare data
Given the Service Provider wants to undertake health management for a population
When they have accumulated population related data
Then it can be accessed by the Solution to be used for analytics and reports
C34E2 - maintain cohorts
As a Service Provider
I want to maintain cohorts that segment my Patient/Service User population
So that I can identify interventions and strategies to support defined groups
Acceptance criterion 1: create Patient/Service User cohorts
Given the Service Provider has accumulated population related data
When the population related data is accessed by the Solution
Then Patient/Service User cohorts can be created
Acceptance criterion 2: view Patient/Service User cohorts
Given Patient/Service User cohorts exist
When the Service Provider chooses to view a Patient/Service User cohort
Then the Patient/Service User cohort is displayed
Acceptance criterion 3: amend a Patient/Service User cohort
Given Patient/Service User cohorts exist
When the Service Provider chooses to amend a Patient/Service User cohort
Then the Patient/Service User cohort can be amended
Acceptance criterion 4: delete a Patient/Service User cohort
Given Patient/Service User cohorts exist
When the Service Provider chooses to delete Patient/Service User cohorts
Then they can be deleted
C34E3 - stratify population by risk
As a Service Provider
I want to be able to stratify Patients/Service Users according to risk profile
So that I can prioritise the management of their care and define outcome targets
Acceptance criterion 1: risk stratify Patients/Service Users
Given that population related data can be accessed by the Solution
When the Service Provider chooses to stratify Patients/Service Users according to risk levels
Then risk levels are identified for Patients/Service Users
Acceptance criterion 2: assign risk level to Patients/Service Users
Given risk levels have been identified for Patients/Service Users
When the Service Provider chooses to assign risk levels to Patients/Service Users
Then risk levels can be assigned to Patients/Service Users
Acceptance criterion 3: stratify based on nationally or industry recognised algorithms
Given the Service Provider is using a Risk Stratification Tool
When there is a nationally or industry recognised algorithm for the Risk Stratification Tool
Then the Risk Stratification Tool uses the nationally or industry recognised algorithm
Acceptance criterion 4: view Risk Stratification Tool algorithm details
Given the Service Provider is using a Risk Stratification Tool
When the Service Provider chooses to view details about the algorithm used by the tool
Then the algorithm details can be viewed
And the source is displayed
C34E4 - data analysis and reporting
As a Service Provider
I want to analyse Patient/Service User data
So that I can view reports, trends and make informed decisions
Acceptance criterion 1: analyse and view reports
Given population related data can be accessed by the Solution
When the Service Provider chooses to view reports on the data based on defined search criteria
Then the results are displayed
C34E5 - outcomes
As a Service Provider
I want to be able to set, monitor and measure Patient/Service User outcomes
So that the outcomes can be used to assess the value of changes to the co-ordination, integration and delivery of healthcare
Acceptance criterion 1: set outcome targets
Given population related data can be accessed by the Solution
When the Service Provider wants to assess the value of changes to the co-ordination, integration and delivery of healthcare
Then they can set outcome targets for Patients/Service Users
Acceptance criterion 2: measure and monitor outcomes
Given population related data can be accessed by the Solution
When the Service Provider wants to assess the value of changes to the co-ordination, integration and delivery of healthcare
Then they can view reports to measure and monitor outcomes
C34E6 - dashboard
As a Service Provider
I want to be able to view a tailored Population Health Management dashboard
So that I have information available to make informed decisions
Acceptance criterion 1: configure dashboard
Given the Service Provider is permitted to configure dashboards
When they choose to configure a dashboard
Then they can select the information that they would like to see on the dashboard
Acceptance criterion 2: view dashboard
Given the Service Provider has configured a dashboard
When they choose to view a dashboard
Then they can see the information that has been configured to display on the dashboard
Suppliers will have to attain compliance with these Standards during the compliance stage before they can be live on a framework with this Capability:
Suppliers will have to attain compliance with these Standards during the compliance stage before they can be live on a framework with this Capability:
- Interoperability Standard
- Overarching Standards
Suppliers will not be assessed or assured on these Roadmap Items as part of Onboarding