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The Subject Matter Expects (SMEs) have undertaken a review of the Testing Standard and have incorporated a new ‘Should’ requirement for Test Environments.
Outline Plan
All Suppliers must be fully compliant by the Effective Date.
Summary of Change
Testing: Requirement TEST-ENV-15 added |
Applicable Framework(s) | Requirement ID | Requirement Text | Level |
| TEST-ENV-15 | The Supplier should provide user access to their catalogue solutions to support testing and assurance activities undertaken by purchasing organisations. For example, activities may include testing a catalogue solution's interoperability with existing systems within a purchasing organisation's technical estate. As a minimum, the test environment should meet the following requirements: The Supplier shall be responsible for the provision and maintenance of a test environment The test environment shall be separate from the production environment and does not impact the performance or availability of the production environment The test environment shall be fully functional and representative of the latest production environment. In this context, the production version means a version of the solution that reflects the Supplier’s live estate for that solution. Where a Supplier has multiple versions, the Supplier will provide access to the majority installed version The Supplier shall provide suitable test data for the purposes of the test scope being undertaken and have the ability to refresh test data when required The Supplier shall provide instructions and support for accessing and using the test environment, and resolving issues and errors The Supplier shall ensure that the test environment is maintained and updated as necessary The Supplier shall provide adequate security measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of any data or systems used in the test environment The Supplier retains the authority to grant or revoke access to the test environment. However, access shall be withheld solely on the basis of legitimate concerns regarding the technical integrity of the test environment
Full Specification
The updated Testing Standard will be added at a later date. Proposed changes can be viewed in the Summary of Change above
Assurance Approach
Suppliers will be asked to complete the Testing Standard Traceability Matrix for TEST-ENV-15 and demonstrate how their Test Environment meets the requirement. The Solutions Assurance team will assess the Suppliers response.