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Overarching Standard


Data Migration is a mandatory Overarching Standard which applies to all Suppliers. If a Supplier is offering a Solution which does not store any data which would need to be migrated during a Data Migration process, they will need to provide evidence to that effect as part of the Compliance phase of the onboarding process. However it is expected that all Suppliers will have in place and will submit a generic, high level Data Migration Approach and Documented Data Extract (DDE) to NHS Digital for assessment during the Standards Compliance phase of onboarding. This can then be used and tailored when required.

The Data Migration Standard supports the safe and effective migration of data between Catalogue Solutions when a Practice (or other buying organisation such as a CCG, hub, Federation etc.) opts to change from one Catalogue Solution to another. Data Migration refers to the actions performed on multiple records stored in a Catalogue Solution, as opposed to the transfer of individual patient records e.g. via GP2GP, or the separate transfer of part of a patient record. This Standard covers the requirements for when a health and care organisation is moving from one Catalogue Solution to another, whether that be a complete switch of Foundation Solution(s) or of one or more specific Capabilities. In the scenario where one or more of the Solutions involved in the migration activity is not a Solution registered on the GP IT Futures Catalogue or on the Framework, then this Standard and process will not apply. This does not however relieve Suppliers who wish to onboard a Catalogue Solution from their obligations to achieve full compliance with this Standard.  

Suppliers shall provide a Data Migration Service, to support the safe and effective transfer of all data required to replicate each Patient’s Record in the Target Solution as it was recorded in the Source Solution at the time of migration. This includes the full set of patient records and Audit Trails, including documents and attached images as well as other clinical and administrative information such as tasks and Appointments where applicable to the individual migration event and will be in a human readable format without any undue degradation (i.e. flattening from structured data to plain text) or the need for access to the legacy Solution to be available. A successful and efficient Data Migration involves activities and responsibilities from several parties:

  • The Source Solution Supplier
  • The Target Solution Supplier
  • The Practice
  • CCGs, CSUs (as the organisations delivering IT support to Practices) and other buying organisations (STPs, Primary Care Networks, Federations etc.) who may be involved in or be overseeing a Data Migration event
  • NHS Digital

The need to migrate data from one Solution to another is normally triggered by the decision of a Practice or other buying organisation (such as a CCG, CSU, STP etc.) to use a different Catalogue Solution, whether from the same Supplier or a different one. However the need may also arise as a result of the merging or splitting of one or more Practices or the formation/closure of other health and care organisations providing primary care which involves the replacement or consolidation of existing IT systems.

Data Migration exercises inevitably involve access to, and processing of, significant amounts of sensitive personal information. Therefore all parties taking part in such activities, or providing any amount of service or support to such activities, must be conscious of the risks involved, and of their responsibilities to safeguard the confidentiality of all the data involved. All parties involved are required to be compliant with all UK legislation and in particular the following laws, policies, standards and guidelines in respect of Information Governance:

See Information Governance Standard for further information

It is the Practice, as Data Controller, that has ultimate responsibility for validating and signing-off a Data Migration, however, they cannot do this effectively without support from Suppliers.  To ensure a consistent understanding of responsibilities, this Standard, along with the associated Ancillary Document and the Processes set out within them, is aligned with Chapter 8c of the General Practice GPG, which provides guidance to organisations undertaking a Data Migration. 


Please refer to the Catalogue Solution Migration Process Ancillary Document.


Please refer to the Catalogue Solution Migration Process Ancillary Document.


Requirement IDRequirement TextApplies toLevel
ALL Solution Suppliers


Provide a Data Migration Approach document which details their approach to a Data Migration

Note: This is a high level, generic document to be provided to NHS Digital as part of Standards Compliance and then to be tailored according to the needs of each Data Migration undertaken



Provide a Documented Data Extract (DDE) that allows a Target Solution Supplier to understand and interpret the form and structure of the extracted data. This will include, but is not limited to:

  1. A description of the physical data included in the extract
  2. A logical model explaining the relationships between the data in the extract, and any physical primary/compound/foreign key information required to be able to understand and process the extract
  3. A mapping between the physical and logical models
  4. Details of units of measure for numeric fields where these are not clearly identified in the extract itself
  5. Full descriptions of the meaning of any coded values included in the extract
  6. Details of any business rules/logic that the Target Solution Supplier would have to understand to successfully import the extract
  7. Details of any exceptional or specific handling required for the Target Solution Supplier to successfully import the extract, e.g. where handling of certain data has to be treated differently if it was created between certain dates
  8. Rules for any data which the Source Solution derives from the extracted data but which is not included
  9. Any excluded data
  10. Any checks or validations (e.g. integrity checks) which the Target Solution Supplier needs to undertake to ensure the accuracy of the imported data
  11. Any documentation which would be required to support Solution reconstitution
  12. The format of the data extract to be provided

Note: This is an overarching DDE to be provided to NHS Digital as part of Standards Compliance and then tailored according to the specifics of each Data Migration undertaken



Provide the DDE to NHS Digital:

  • at the request of NHS Digital (e.g. for Standards Compliance)
  • at least annually
  • at the point of a significant Solution upgrade


Support, and/or provide mechanisms to support, the migration and/or re-integration of data which is stored solely in a Solution which is not the Source Solution where such a Solution is in useAll
Source Solution Suppliers only


Support the Practice or organisation for which data is bring migrated with improving the data quality in the Source Solution up to the minimum standard agreed by all parties in preparation for the data extracts  

See documents available here for guidance regarding data cleansing and preparation of data for a migration



Provide a minimum of two separate data extracts to the organisation for which data is being migrated and/or the Target Solution Supplier, including:

  • an initial sample set
  • a final data extract for data loading

NB. The provision of additional extracts may be required to facilitate the data transformation and data migration activities as detailed in the Data Migration Process set out in the relevant Ancillary Document



All data extracts will:

  • be in an encrypted electronic format
  • be in conformance with the DDE provided
  • be annotated with clear field descriptions
  • be provided to the Target Solution Supplier and/or organisation for which data is being migrated as instructed by the Practice (as Data Controller)
  • employ cryptographic techniques which conform to Encryption guidance for health and care organisations
  • contain the full set of patient records and audit trails, including documents and attached images as well as other clinical and administrative information such as tasks and appointments where applicable to the individual migration event
  • be in a human readable format without any undue degradation (i.e. flattening from structured data to plain text) or the need for access to the legacy Solution to be available


Provide a document and reports detailing any irregularities regarding the way in which data has been entered into the Source Solution (i.e. variances on the DDE), including reference to any dependencies on other Solutions and SuppliersSource


Provide access to the Source Solution, including data and audit trails in human readable format, and support services for the duration of the agreed Run-Off period as a minimum, according to the terms of the applicable contracts for that Data Migration and/or at the request of the responsible organisation.

Note: Reference access to the Source Solution may be required for some time after completion of the Data Migration activities 



Where a third party Supplier is used during data migration process, provide an automated mechanism for the third party Supplier to access and extract the data from the Source SolutionSource
Target Solution Suppliers only


Undertake the data transformation and mapping of data from the extracts provided by the Source Solution Supplier to a format which can be loaded into the Target SolutionTarget


Undertake the data transformation and mapping of data using the latest version of the approved mapping tables published by UK Terminology Centre (UKTC)Target


Where mapping cannot be completed using the UKTC mapping tables, provide and describe the mapping tables used during the data transformation activitiesTarget


Provide tables detailing any specific mappings between the Source Solution data and the Target SolutionTarget


Facilitate as many iterations of the data transformation and mapping as is required to address all errors, omissions, and irregularities to the satisfaction of the organisation responsible for the Data Migration

Note: If greater than five iterations of the data extract and transformation process are required, this will need to be reported to NHS Digital



Provide tools to enable the responsible organisation to undertake the mapping of non-standard, local codes where necessaryTarget


Provide the organisation for which data is being migrated with the transformed data and a Trial Environment to enable the validation of the integrity, accuracy and completeness of the dataTarget


Maintain an Issues Log of all issues encountered during the data transformation, including how and when each was resolvedTarget


Undertake any corrective action necessary to address issues raised regarding the data transformation and document this in the Issues LogTarget


Provide comprehensive aggregated reports to enable the organisation for which data is being migrated to verify the integrity, accuracy and completeness of the transformed data. As a minimum these will include:

  • counts of all coded data items from both Source and Target Solutions
  • comparisons of data in the Source Solution with data in the Target Solution (e.g. number of current Active Patients, active medications, results of routine QOF searches)
  • any variances


Reports will be available at all times from both the live and Trial Environments from the moment the Trial Environment is made availableTarget


Reports to be refreshed every time data is re-loadedTarget


Load the transformed data into the Target Solution once approved by the organisation responsible for the Data MigrationTarget


Provide staff, facilities, tools, training and support services, including floor-walking staff, to support the organisation in use of the Target Solution and to ensure that any obligations and responsibilities can continue to be met effectivelyTarget


Support additional training needs and requests post Business Go-Live as requested by the responsible organisationTarget


Applicable Capabilities

All suppliers Solutions delivering any Capabilities will need to meet this Standard.


Items on the Roadmap which impact or relate to this Standard

Suppliers will not be assessed or assured on these Roadmap Items as part of Onboarding

  • Cath Johnson              Review Complete
  • Damian Williams         Review Complete
  • David Allan-Smith       Review Complete
  • Phil Koczan                  Review Complete
  • Pooja Arora                  Review Complete
  • Vanessa Young             Review Complete
  • No labels