Management Information (MI) Reporting









Effective Date




There is a subset of this collection known as Patient Online Management Information (POMI), which is used by NHS England to monitor uptake and usage of online Services and is published regularly. There are also fields included as part of this collection which form part of the GP Workload Tool, a project commissioned by NHS England to aid in improving Patient access to General Practice as part of the goals set out in the Five Year Forward View.

All the necessary governance procedures have been completed for this collection:

  • There is a signed Direction to The Authority from NHS England

  • The collection has been approved by the Data Coordination Board (formerly SCCI) under reference DCB2236

Although the Direction issued from NHS England mandates that Practices provide the data, they must approve the collection via the Calculating Quality Reporting System (CQRS). Therefore, each month a list of participating Practices will be made available which Suppliers must apply to the data return. Information should not be returned for any Practices who have not consented to this collection via CQRS. 

Suppliers will need to adhere to requests made by The Authority within 5 working days including:

  • Suppliers to respond to any questions The Authority may have regarding the data submitted 

  • Where errors are discovered on a report, Suppliers will provide a corrected version


Requirement ID

Requirement Text


Requirement ID

Requirement Text



Each data submission will cover one calendar month

Between midnight (00:00) on the first day of the calendar month being reported and 23:59 on the last day of the calendar month being reported inclusive. For example, if the report is being produced in November 2015 then the reporting period will be between midnight (00:00) on the 01/10/2015 and 23:59 on the 31/10/2015 inclusive



Data to be submitted to The Authority on a monthly basis in the month following the reporting period

If the reporting period is October, then the data will be submitted in November i.e. a retrospective collection



Data to be submitted to The Authority within 10 working days of the end of each reporting period

If the reporting period is October, the data will be submitted within 10 working days after 31st October



Data to be submitted through the nominated The Authority Data Collection Service

This is the Secure Electronic File Transfer (SEFT) portal and details on using this are embedded below:



Data to be submitted in the format prescribed by The Authority

This is as a csv file and Suppliers have a choice between two templates, as below. Blank templates will be made available on the last working day of each month via the relevant SEFT folder.

  1. Long and skinny csv template.csv

  2. Tabular csv template.csv

Suppliers will inform The Authority which template they will be using



CSV data submissions will contain all fields in the same order as defined in the CSV file structure table and all applicable data as defined in the Data Fields Definition section.





Where a Supplier is not required to provide or cannot provide certain fields, these fields will be included within the data submitted, but left blank, rather than giving a value of '0'.

Suppliers will inform The Authority where there are fields that they are required to return but are unable to do so and explain the reasons for this.



Data will only be returned for Practices which have approved the collection using CQRS

A list of the ODS codes of all Practices which have approved the collection will be made available to Suppliers as a csv file on the last working day of each month via the relevant SEFT folder.

Upon receipt of the data, The Authority will validate that the latest version of this list has been applied



Suppliers to have a process for checking data quality in reports before they are submitted



Suppliers to ensure that the processes used to produce reports preserve the meaning of data items from one reporting period to the next, so that the content of a report can be compared between periods

In cases where the Supplier does need to change the process for producing reports in a manner that means reports cannot be compared between reporting periods, they will alert the The Authority Primary Care Data team


Data Fields Definition

The list of data fields which form this specification are listed below, along with their associated definition, format, and if they are part of Patient Online Management Information (POMI). Some data fields are required to be submitted for all submissions and some are required to be submitted by Suppliers delivering certain Capabilities.

Where a Supplier is offering multiple Solutions which support these Capabilities, a return may be submitted for each Solution individually or as a single submission covering all Solutions so long as it is made clear which Solution the data relates to.

All Submissions

These data items are to be provided for all submissions regardless of which other data items a Supplier is required to provide based on the Capabilities offered:

Field ID

Data Item




Field ID

Data Item






First day of reporting period which the report covers (the 1st of the month prior to the month in which the data is being submitted i.e. if data is being submitted in July 2018, this field will be 01/06/2018).

Date (dd/mm/yyyy)




Last day of reporting period which the report covers (the final day of the month prior to the month in which the data is being submitted i.e. if data is being submitted in July 2018, this field will be 30/06/2018).

Date (dd/mm/yyyy)




Name of Supplier returning the data.

String (63)




Name of Solution for which data is being returned.

String (63)



Supplier_ system_version

Version number of the Supplier Solution used at the practice.

String (63)




The GP Practice Code for the GP Practice for which the data is being returned.

String (6)


All Citizen Capabilities

These data items are to be provided by Suppliers delivering any Citizen Capability:

Data items are only to be returned once per Solution (i.e. where a single Solution delivers multiple Citizen Capabilities).

Field ID

Data Item




Field ID

Data Item






Total number of demographics update transactions: (this is the number of transactions involving an update of Patient demographic details, NOT a count of the fields updated; where a transaction includes the update of multiple demographic information fields, this should only be counted as a single transaction) 

  • via any Citizen Service

  • for Patients who are associated with at least one LOSA who is registered to use any Citizen Capability on their behalf whether as 'self' or 'proxy'

  • at any time within the reporting period

Numeric (integer)




Total number of transactions recorded by the Solution:

  • transaction took place at any time within the reporting period

  • Solution logins (each individual login should be counted separately; this DOES include re-logins after a system time-out) 

  • via View Record - Citizen Solution (each view/access of: any part of the Full Care Record, elements of the Detailed Coded Record, Summary Information Record, letters; if any element is viewed/accessed multiple times within the reporting period each view/access should be counted separately) 

  • via Appointments Management - Citizen Solution (Appointment scheduling transactions, Appointment cancellation transactions) 

  • via Prescription Ordering – Citizen Solution (prescription ordering transactions; where multiple items are included within a single transaction, this should only be counted once) 

  • via Communicate With Practice - Citizen Solution (messages sent from Patient to practice, messages sent from practice to Patient) 

  • all transactions from update_demographics_online_trans_count (field 619a)

  • Must be greater or equal to the sum of :

    • 610-appointment_scheduled_online_trans_count

    • 611-appointment_cancelled_online_trans_count

    • 612-prescription_online_trans_count

    • 613-comms_online_Patient_count

    • 614-comms_online_clinician_count

    • 615-online_record_view_count

    • 616-online_summary_record_view_count

    • 617-online_record_document_view_count

    • 619a-update_demographics_online_trans_count

    • 619b-other_online_trans_count


Numeric (integer)




Total number of logins to a Citizen Service:

  • at any time within the reporting period

  • by LOSAs

  • where the Citizen Service being logged into is provided by the same Supplier as provides the Patient Information Maintenance - GP Solution for the Practice

Numeric (integer)




Total number of logins to a Citizen Service:

  • at any time within the reporting period

  • by LOSAs

  • where the Citizen Service being logged into is provided by a different Supplier than provides the Patient Information Maintenance - GP Solution for the Practice

Numeric (integer)


Patient Information Maintenance - GP

These data items are to be provided by any Supplier delivering the Patient Information Maintenance - GP Capability:

Field ID

Data Item




Field ID

Data Item






Total number of Patients registered for at least one Citizen Service as at report_period_end who:

  • were registered for any Citizen Service for the first time during the reporting period (this does NOT include Patients who were previously registered, but for whom service access was changed during the reporting period.)

  • are active at the Practice (this DOES include Patients who moved from 'inactive' to 'active' during the reporting period)

  • had a VUA created and associated with their record, which enables the use of any Citizen Service on their behalf whether as 'self' or 'proxy' (this is a count of Patients associated with VUAs, NOT of the VUAs. Patients with both a 'self and 'proxy' association should only be counted once)

Numeric (integer)




Total number of VUAs enabled for the use of at least one Citizen Service as at report_period_end where:

  • VUA was created by the Practice during the reporting period (this does NOT include VUAs that were previously created, but where service access configuration was changed during the reporting period. It DOES include VUAs where the status changed from 'inactive' to 'active' during the reporting period)

  • VUA account is active and associated with at least one Active Patient whether as 'self' or 'proxy' (VUAs that enable both 'self' and 'proxy' association should only be counted once)

Numeric (integer)




Total number of Patients registered for at least one Citizen Service as at report_period_end who:

  • were registered for any Citizen Service as at report_period_end (this DOES include registrations completed within or at any point before the reporting period)

  • are active at the Practice

  • have a VUA associated with their record, which enables the use of any Citizen Service on their behalf whether as 'self' or 'proxy' (this is a count of Patients associated with VUAs, NOT of the VUAs. Patients with both a 'self and 'proxy' association should only be counted once)

Numeric (integer)




Total number of VUAs enabled for the use of at least one Citizen Service as at report_period_end where:

  • VUA was created by the Practice and exists at report_period_end (this DOES include VUAs created within or at any point before the reporting period)

  • VUA account is active and associated with at least one Active Patient whether as 'self' or 'proxy' (VUAs with both a 'self' and 'proxy' association should only be counted once)

Numeric (integer)




Functionality status in the Patient Information Maintenance - GP Solution at the Practice for enabling the use of Appointments Management - Citizen Capability for booking and/or cancelling Appointments as at reporting_end_date.

Flag (0, 1, 2, 9)




Total number of Patients registered to use Appointments Management - Citizen Capability as at report_period_end who:

  • were registered to use Appointments Management - Citizen Capability as at report_period_end (this DOES include registrations completed within or at any point before the reporting period)

  • are active at the Practice

  • have a VUA associated with their record, which enables the use of the Appointments Management - Citizen Capability on their behalf whether as 'self' or 'proxy' (this is a count of Patients associated with VUAs, NOT of the VUAs. Patients with both a 'self and 'proxy' association should only be counted once)

Numeric (integer)




Functionality status in the Patient Information Maintenance - GP Solution at the Practice for enabling the use of Prescription Ordering – Citizen Capability as at report_period_end.

Flag (0, 1, 2, 9)




Total number of Patients registered to use Prescription Ordering – Citizen Capability as at report_period_end who:

  • were registered to use Prescription Ordering – Citizen Capability as at report_period_end (this DOES include registrations completed within or at any point before the reporting period)

  • are active at the Practice

  • have a VUA associated with their record, which enables the use of the Prescription Ordering – Citizen Capability on their behalf whether as 'self' or 'proxy' (this is a count of Patients associated with VUAs, NOT of the VUAs. Patients with both a 'self and 'proxy' association should only be counted once)

Numeric (integer)




Functionality status in the Patient Information Maintenance - GP Solution at the Practice for enabling the use of Communicate With Practice - Citizen Capability as at report_period_end.

Flag (0, 1, 2, 9)




Total number of Patients registered to use Communicate With Practice - Citizen Capability as at report_period_end who:

  • were registered to use Communicate With Practice - Citizen Capability as report_period_end (this DOES include registrations completed within or at any point before the reporting period)

  • are active at the Practice

  • have a VUA associated with their record, which enables the use of the Communicate With Practice - Citizen Capability on their behalf whether as 'self' or 'proxy' (this is a count of Patients associated with VUAs, NOT of the VUAs. Patients with both a 'self and 'proxy' association should only be counted once)

Numeric (integer)




Functionality status in the Patient Information Maintenance - GP Solution at the Practice for enabling the use of the Document Access Level Record Access Service as at report_period_end.

Flag (0, 1, 2, 9)




Total number of Patients registered to use the Document Access Level Record Access Service at report_period_end who:

  • were registered to use the Document Access Level Record Access Service to view documents as at report_period_end (this DOES include registrations completed within or at any point before the reporting period)

  • are active at the Practice

  • have a VUA associated with their record, which enables the use of the Document Access Level Record Access Service to view documents on their behalf whether as 'self' or 'proxy' (this is a count of Patients associated with VUAs, NOT of the VUAs. Patients with both a 'self and 'proxy' association should only be counted once)

Numeric (integer)




Functionality status in the Patient Information Maintenance - GP Solution for enabling the use of the Full Record Record Access Service as at report_period_end.

Flag (0, 1, 2, 9)




Total number of Patients registered to use the Full Record Record Access Service to view their Full Record as at report_period_end who:

  • were registered to use the Full Record Record Access Service to view their Full Record as at report_period_end (this DOES include registrations completed within or at any point before the reporting period) 

  • are active at the Practice

  • have a VUA associated with their record, which enables the use of the Full Record Record Access Service to view documents on their behalf whether as 'self' or 'proxy' (this is a count of Patients associated with VUAs, NOT of the VUAs. Patients with both a 'self and 'proxy' association should only be counted once)

Numeric (integer)




Functionality status in the Patient Information Maintenance - GP Solution for enabling the use of the Summary Information Record Record Access Service as at report_period_end.

Flag (0, 1, 2, 9)




Total number of Patients registered to use the Summary Information Record Record Access Service to view their Summary Information Record as at report_period_end who:

  • were registered to use the Summary Information Record Record Access Service to view their Summary Information Record as at report_period_end (this DOES include registrations completed within or at any point before the reporting period)

  • are active at the Practice

  • have a VUA associated with their record, which enables the use of the Summary Information Record Record Access Service to view documents on their behalf whether as 'self' or 'proxy' (this is a count of Patients associated with VUAs, NOT of the VUAs. Patients with both a 'self and 'proxy' association should only be counted once)

Numeric (integer)




Functionality status in the Patient Information Maintenance - GP Solution for enabling the use of the Detailed Coded Record Record Access Service as at report_period_end.

Flag (0, 1, 2, 9)




Total number of Patients registered to use the Detailed Coded Record Record Access Service to view their Detailed Coded Record as at report_period_end who:

  • were registered to use Detailed Coded Record Record Access Service to view their Detailed Coded Record as at report_period_end (this DOES include registrations completed within or at any point before the reporting period)

  • are active at the Practice

  • have a VUA associated with their record, which enables the use of the Detailed Coded Record Record Access Service to view documents on their behalf whether as 'self' or 'proxy' (this is a count of Patients associated with VUAs, NOT of the VUAs. Patients with both a 'self and 'proxy' association should only be counted once)

Numeric (integer)




Total number of unique documents received into and stored by the Solution that were: (this does NOT include instances of duplicate documents being received and recorded against a Patient record)

  • recorded against a Patient record

  • recorded against a Patient record at any time within the reporting period (if the document is received by the system outside of the reporting period, but saved against a Patient record within the reporting period, then this WILL be included; if the document is received into the system within the reporting period, but not saved against a Patient record until outside the reporting period this will NOT be included)

  • received via any mechanism (i.e. electronic, scanned, manual etc. are all included)

If same data is stored by multiple Solutions, it will only be submitted once by one Supplier (see 1108 in Document Management)

Numeric (integer)




Total number of unique documents received into the system that were: (this does NOT include instances of duplicate documents being received and recorded against a Patient record)

  • recorded against a Patient record

  • recorded against a Patient record at any time within the reporting period (if the document is received by the system outside of the reporting period, but saved against a Patient record within the reporting period, then this WILL be included; if the document is received into the system within the reporting period, but not saved against a Patient record until outside the reporting period this will NOT be included)

  • received via scanning (i.e. documents received on paper and scanned as opposed to being received via an electronic format)

If same data is stored by multiple Solutions, it will only be submitted once by one Supplier (see 1109 in Document Management)

Numeric (integer)




Total number of unique documents received into the system that were: (this does NOT include instances of duplicate documents being received and recorded against a Patient record)

  • recorded against a Patient record

  • recorded against a Patient record at any time within the reporting period (if the document is received by the system outside of the reporting period, but saved against a Patient record within the reporting period, then this WILL be included; if the document is received into the system within the reporting period, but not saved against a Patient record until outside the reporting period this will NOT be included)

  • received electronically (i.e. documents received electronically as opposed to being received in paper format and scanned)

If same data is stored by multiple Solutions, it will only be submitted once by one Supplier (see 1110 in Document Management)

Numeric (integer)


Communicate With Practice - Citizen

These data items to be provided by any Supplier delivering the Communicate with Practice - Citizen Capability:

Field ID

Data Item




Field ID

Data Item






Total number of communications sent:

Numeric (integer)




Total number of communications sent:

Numeric (integer)


Appointments Management - Citizen

These data items to be provided by any Supplier delivering the Appointments Management - Citizen Capability:

Field ID

Data Item




Field ID

Data Item






All transactions from appointment_scheduled_trans_count (field 108) where:

Numeric (integer)




All transactions from appointment_scheduled_online_trans_count (field 610) where:

  • the scheduling transaction took place via Appointments Management - Citizen Solution 

  • the scheduling transaction took place within the reporting period, but outside of regular working hours (outside of regular working hours is defined as between 1830 and 0759 inclusive on weekdays; weekends i.e. 1830 Friday to 0759 Monday; all day bank holidays i.e. 0000 to 2359)

  • Must be less or equal to 108 appointment_scheduled_trans_count

Numeric (integer)




All transactions from appointment_cancelled_trans_count (field 109) where:

Numeric (integer)




All transactions from appointment_cancelled_online_trans_count (field 611) where:

  • the cancellation transaction took place via Appointments Management - Citizen Solution 

  • the cancellation transaction took place within the reporting period, but outside of regular working hours (outside of regular working hours is defined as between 1830 and 0759 inclusive on weekdays; weekends i.e. 1830 Friday to 0759 Monday; all day bank holidays i.e. 0000 to 2359)

  • Must be less or equal to 109 appointment_cancelled_trans_count

Numeric (integer)




All Appointments from appointment_scheduled_count (field 210) which were:

  • scheduled using the Appointments Management - Citizen Solution (A count as at the end of the reporting period of the number of Appointments booked via an online method based on the final status and booking method of each Slot made available for Patients to book in the period based on start time. NOT the number of transactions which took place for booking Appointments online i.e. an Appointment Slot which was booked online then cancelled will NOT be included in this count; an Appointment Slot which was booked over the phone, cancelled and then booked again via a Citizen Service WILL be included in this count)

  • Must be less than or equal to 209-appointment_available_online_count

  • Must be less than or equal to 210-appointment_scheduled_count

  • Must be less than or equal to 610-appointment_scheduled_online_trans_count

Numeric (integer)




All Appointments from appointment_cancelled_count (field 1220) which were:

  • cancelled using the Appointments Management - Citizen Solution (A count as at the end of the reporting period of the number of Appointments cancelled via an online method based on the final status and cancellation method of each Slot made available for Patients to book in the period based on start time. NOT the number of transactions which took place for cancelling Appointments online i.e. an Appointment Slot which is booked over the phone, then cancelled online WILL be included in this count; an Appointment which is booked, then cancelled online, then booked again will NOT be included in this count.)

Numeric (integer)


Prescription Ordering – Citizen

These data items to be provided by any Supplier delivering the Prescription Ordering - Citizen Capability:

Field ID

Data Item




Field ID

Data Item






All transactions from prescriptions_ordered_trans_count (field 308) where:

Numeric (integer)




All transactions from prescription_online_trans_count (field 612) where:

  • the ordering transaction took place via the Prescription Ordering - Citizen Solution 

  • the ordering transaction took place within the reporting period, but outside of regular working hours (outside of regular working hours is defined as between 1830 and 0759 inclusive on weekdays; weekends i.e. 1830 Friday to 0759 Monday; all day bank holidays i.e. 0000 to 2359)

Numeric (integer)




All transactions from prescription_online_trans_count (field 612) where:

Numeric (integer)


View Record - Citizen

These data items to be provided by any Supplier delivering the View Record - Citizen Capability:

Field ID

Data Item




Field ID

Data Item






Total number of accesses/views of any part of the Full Record:

  • using View Record - Citizen Solution 

  • by Patients enabled for the Full Record Record Access Service

  • at any time within the reporting period (if any element of the Full Record is viewed/accessed multiple times within the reporting period, each view/access should be counted separately)

Numeric (integer)




Total number of accesses/views of the Summary Information Record:

  • using View Record - Citizen Solution 

  • by Patients enabled for the Summary Information Record Record Access Service

  • at any time within the reporting period (if the Summary Information Record is viewed/accessed multiple times within the reporting period, each view/access should be counted separately)

Numeric (integer)




Total number of accesses/views of the Detailed Coded Record:

  • using View Record - Citizen Solution 

  • by Patients enabled for the Detailed Coded Record Record Access Service

  • at any time within the reporting period (if the Detailed Coded Record is viewed/accessed multiple times within the reporting period, each view/access should be counted separately)

Numeric (integer)




Total number of document accesses/views:

  • using View Record - Citizen Solution 

  • by Patients using the Document Access Level Record Access Service

  • at any time within the reporting period (if a letter is viewed/accessed multiple times within the reporting period, each view/access should be counted separately)

Numeric (integer)


Appointments Management - GP

These data items to be provided by any Supplier delivering the Appointments Management - GP Capability:

Field ID

Data Item




Field ID

Data Item






Total number of Slots that were available for Patients to book as Appointments: (Slots made available NOT Appointments which were booked/scheduled OR actually took place)

  • with a start date and time within the reporting period (based on start time of Appointment) 

  • bookable via any booking method

  • with any healthcare professional type

  • of any Slot Type (type of Appointment is defined as routine, emergency, or specialist clinics etc. terminology may differ between Supplier systems; where Appointment Slot was available for a Patient to book i.e. exclude any Slots marked as 'blocked' or 'non-bookable') 

  • of any duration

Numeric (integer)




All Slots from appointment_available_count (field 208) which were:

Numeric (integer)




Total number of Appointments as at report_period_end that were booked: (with status of 'booked' as at the end of the reporting period; terminology for 'booked' may differ between Supplier systems; status at the end of the reporting period may also be 'attended' or 'DNA') 

  • with a start date and time within the reporting period (based on start time of Appointment) 

  • via any booking method

  • with any healthcare professional type

  • of any Slot Type (type of Appointment is defined as routine, emergency, or specialist clinics etc. terminology may differ between Supplier Solutions) 

  • of any duration

  • of any attendance status

Numeric (integer)




Total number of Appointment scheduling transactions where: (this is a count of transactions resulting in an Appointment booking, NOT the number of Appointment Slots with a status of 'booked') 

  • the scheduling transaction took place at any time within the reporting period

  • the start date and time of the Appointment being booked may be within or outside of the reporting period

  • the scheduling transaction took place via any booking method

  • Appointment is with any healthcare professional type

  • Appointment is of any Slot Type

  • Appointment is of any duration

  • Appointment has any attendance status e.g. An Appointment scheduling transaction takes place on 23/01/2018 to schedule an Appointment for 02/02/2018. The report for January 2018 would include an Appointment scheduled transaction (field 108) but NOT an available Appointment (field 208) or a scheduled Appointment (field 210)

Numeric (integer)




Total number of Appointment cancellation transactions where: (this is a count of transactions resulting in an Appointment cancellation, NOT the number of Appointment Slots with a status of 'cancelled') 

  • the cancellation transaction took place at any time within the reporting period

  • the start date and time of the Appointment being cancelled may be within or outside of the reporting period

  • the cancellation transaction took place via any cancellation method

  • Appointment is with any healthcare professional type

  • Appointment is of any Slot Type

  • Appointment is of any duration

  • Appointment has any attendance status e.g. An Appointment cancellation transaction takes place on 23/01/2018 to cancel an Appointment for 02/02/2018. The report for January 2018 would include an Appointment cancelled transaction (field 109) but NOT an available Appointment (field 208), a scheduled Appointment (field 210) or a cancelled Appointment (field 1220)

Numeric (integer)




All Appointments from appointment_scheduled_count (field 210) where:

  • Appointment status is 'Did Not Attend' as at report_period_end_date (terminology for 'Did Not Attend' may differ between Supplier systems)

Numeric (integer)




All Appointments from appointment_dna_appt_count (field 212) which were:

Numeric (integer)




All Slots from appointment_available_count (field 208):

  • with a start date and time within core hours (defined as 8am to 6.30pm on weekdays) (core hours defined as 8am-6.30pm on weekdays except Good Friday, Christmas Day or bank holidays, as set out in the GMS contract. Based on Appointment start time i.e. a 10 minute Appointment scheduled to start at 6.25pm will be counted as a core hours Appointment; an Appointment scheduled to start at 8am will be counted as a core hours Appointment; an Appointment scheduled to start at 6.30pm will be counted as an extended hours Appointment)

Numeric (integer)




All Slots from appointment_available_count (field 208):

  • with a start date and time NOT in core hours (core hours defined as 8am-6.30pm on weekdays except Good Friday, Christmas Day or bank holidays, as set out in the GMS contract. Based on Appointment start time i.e. a 10 minute Appointment scheduled to start at 6.25pm will be counted as a core hours Appointment; an Appointment scheduled to start at 8am will be counted as a core hours Appointment; an Appointment scheduled to start at 6.30pm will be counted as an extended hours Appointment; this is a count of Appointments which do NOT fall within core hours)

Numeric (integer)




All Slots from appointment_available_count (field 208):

  • with duration of 10 minutes or less (an Appointment of exactly 10 minutes duration will be included in this count)

Numeric (integer)




All Slots from appointment_available_count (field 208):

  • with duration of more than 10 minutes (an Appointment of exactly 10 minutes duration will NOT be included in this count)

Numeric (integer)




All Slots from appointment_available_count (field 208):

  • of mode of Appointment: Face to face (a count as at the end of the reporting period of the number of Slots made available for Patients to book as a face to face Appointment i.e. if an Appointment Slot is initially made available as a face to face Appointment and then reassigned as a telephone Appointment, this will NOT be included in this count; Appointment mode groupings and terminology may differ between Supplier systems and The Authority will consult with Suppliers on this)

Numeric (integer)




All Slots from appointment_available_count (field 208):

  • of mode of Appointment: Telephone (a count as at the end of the reporting period of the number of Slots made available for Patients to book as a telephone Appointment i.e. if an Appointment Slot is initially made available as a face to face Appointment and then reassigned as a telephone Appointment, this WILL be included in this count; Appointment mode groupings and terminology may differ between Supplier systems and The Authority will consult with Suppliers on this)

Numeric (integer)




All Slots from appointment_available_count (field 208):

  • of mode of Appointment: Video (i.e. Skype) (a count as at the end of the reporting period of the number of Slots made available for Patients to book as a video Appointment i.e. if an Appointment Slot is initially made available as a video Appointment and then reassigned as a telephone Appointment, this will NOT be included in this count; Appointment mode groupings and terminology may differ between Supplier systems and The Authority will consult with Suppliers on this)

Numeric (integer)




All Slots from appointment_available_count (field 208):

  • of mode of Appointment: Home Visit (a count as at the end of the reporting period of the number of Slots made available for Patients to book as a home visit i.e. if an Appointment Slot is initially made available as a face to face Appointment and then reassigned as a home visit, this WILL be included in this count; Appointment mode groupings and terminology may differ between Supplier systems and The Authority will consult with Suppliers on this)

Numeric (integer)




All Slots from appointment_available_count (field 208):

  • of mode of Appointment: Online (a count as at the end of the reporting period of the number of Slots made available for Patients to book as an online Appointment i.e. if an Appointment Slot is initially made available as an online Appointment and then reassigned as a telephone Appointment, this will NOT be included in this count; Appointment mode groupings and terminology may differ between Supplier systems and The Authority will consult with Suppliers on this)

Numeric (integer)




All Slots from appointment_available_count (field 208):

  • of mode of Appointment: Other (a count as at the end of the reporting period of the number of Slots made available for Patients to book as any other mode of Appointment not given above; Appointment mode groupings and terminology may differ between Supplier systems and The Authority will consult with Suppliers on this; this count WILL include any unknowns)

Numeric (integer)




All Slots from appointment_available_count (field 208):

  • with healthcare professional type: General-Practitioner-(GP) (a count as at the end of the reporting period of the number of Slots made available for Patients to book with healthcare professional type of GP or similar i.e. if an Appointment Slot is initially made available with a GP and then reassigned to nurse, this will NOT be included in this count; healthcare professional groupings and terminology may differ between Supplier systems and The Authority will consult with Suppliers on this; see embedded document for a list of types to be included in this count)

Numeric (integer)




All Slots from appointment_available_count (field 208):

  • with healthcare professional type: Nurse (a count as at the end of the reporting period of the number of Slots made available for Patients to book with healthcare professional type of Nurse or similar i.e. if an Appointment Slot is initially made available with a Nurse and then reassigned to GP, this will NOT be included in this count; healthcare professional groupings may differ between Supplier systems and The Authority will consult with Suppliers on this; see embedded document for a list of types to be included in this count)

Numeric (integer)




All Slots from appointment_available_count (field 208):

  • with healthcare professional type: Other – Clinical (a count as at the end of the reporting period of the number of Slots made available for Patients to book with healthcare professional type of Other – Clinical i.e. if an Appointment Slot is initially made available with a Nurse and then reassigned to another clinical user other than Nurse or GP, this WILL be included in this count; healthcare professional groupings may differ between Supplier systems and The Authority will consult with Suppliers on this; see embedded document for a list of types to be included in this count)

Numeric (integer)




All Slots from appointment_available_count (field 208):

  • with healthcare professional type: Other (a count as at the end of the reporting period of the number of Slots made available for Patients to book with any other healthcare professional type, including clerical user types i.e. if an Appointment Slot is initially made available with a Nurse and then reassigned to another health care professional type which is not GP, Nurse or other clinical, this WILL be included in this count; see embedded document for a list of all the types which will NOT be included in this count; this count WILL include any unknowns)

Numeric (integer)




Total number of Appointments as at report_period_end that were cancelled: (with status of 'cancelled' as at the end of the reporting period; terminology for 'cancelled' may differ between Supplier systems) 

  • with a start date and time within the reporting period (based on start time of Appointment) 

  • using any method (A count as at the end of the reporting period of the number of Appointments cancelled based on the final status of each Slot made available for Patients to book in the period based on start time. NOT the number of transactions which took place for cancelling Appointments i.e. an Appointment Slot which is booked, then cancelled, then booked again will NOT be included in this count) 

  • with any healthcare professional type

  • of any Slot Type (type of Appointment is defined as routine, emergency, or specialist clinics etc. terminology may differ between Supplier systems) 

  • of any duration

Numeric (integer)




All Appointments from appointment_scheduled_count (field 210) which were:

  • with a start date and time within core hours (defined as 8am to 6.30pm on weekdays) (core hours defined as 8am-6.30pm on weekdays except Good Friday, Christmas Day or bank holidays, as set out in the GMS contract. Based on Appointment start time i.e. a 10 minute Appointment scheduled to start at 6.25pm will be counted as a core hours Appointment; an Appointment scheduled to start at 8am will be counted as a core hours Appointment; an Appointment scheduled to start at 6.30pm will be counted as an extended hours Appointment)

Numeric (integer)




All Appointments from appointment_scheduled_count (field 210) which were:

  • with a start date and time NOT in core hours (core hours defined as 8am-6.30pm on weekdays except Good Friday, Christmas Day or bank holidays, as set out in the GMS contract. Based on Appointment start time i.e. a 10 minute Appointment scheduled to start at 6.25pm will be counted as a core hours Appointment; an Appointment scheduled to start at 8am will be counted as a core hours Appointment; an Appointment scheduled to start at 6.30pm will be counted as an extended hours Appointment; this is a count of Appointments which do NOT fall within core hours)

Numeric (integer)




All Appointments from appointment_scheduled_count (field 210) where:

  • Appointment status is 'Attended' as at report_period_end_date (terminology for 'Attend' may differ between Supplier systems)

Numeric (integer)




All Appointments from appointment_scheduled_count (field 210) where:

  • of mode of Appointment: Face to face (a count as at the end of the reporting period of the number of Slots scheduled as a face to face Appointment i.e. if an Appointment Slot is initially scheduled as a face to face Appointment and then reassigned as a telephone Appointment, this will NOT be included in this count; Appointment mode groupings and terminology may differ between Supplier systems and The Authority will consult with Suppliers on this)

Numeric (integer)




All Appointments from appointment_scheduled_count (field 210) where:

  • of mode of Appointment: Telephone (a count as at the end of the reporting period of the number of Slots scheduled as a telephone Appointment i.e. if an Appointment Slot is initially scheduled as a face to face Appointment and then reassigned as a telephone Appointment, this WILL be included in this count; Appointment mode groupings and terminology may differ between Supplier systems and The Authority will consult with Suppliers on this)

Numeric (integer)




All Appointments from appointment_scheduled_count (field 210) where:

  • of mode of Appointment: Video (i.e. Skype) (a count as at the end of the reporting period of the number of Slots scheduled as a video Appointment i.e. if an Appointment Slot is initially scheduled as a video Appointment and then reassigned as a telephone Appointment, this will NOT be included in this count; Appointment mode groupings and terminology may differ between Supplier systems and The Authority will consult with Suppliers on this)

Numeric (integer)




All Appointments from appointment_scheduled_count (field 210) where:

  • of mode of Appointment: Home Visit (a count as at the end of the reporting period of the number of Slots scheduled as home visits i.e. if an Appointment Slot is initially scheduled as a face to face Appointment and then reassigned as a home visit, this WILL be included in this count; Appointment mode groupings and terminology may differ between Supplier systems and The Authority will consult with Suppliers on this)

Numeric (integer)




All Appointments from appointment_scheduled_count (field 210) where:

  • of mode of Appointment: Online (a count as at the end of the reporting period of the number of Slots scheduled as an online Appointment i.e. if an Appointment Slot is initially scheduled as an online Appointment and then reassigned as a telephone Appointment, this will NOT be included in this count; Appointment mode groupings and terminology may differ between Supplier systems and The Authority will consult with Suppliers on this)

Numeric (integer)




All Appointments from appointment_scheduled_count (field 210) where:

  • of mode of Appointment: Other (a count as at the end of the reporting period of the number of Slots scheduled as any other mode of Appointment not given above; Appointment mode groupings and terminology may differ between Supplier systems and The Authority will consult with Suppliers on this; this count WILL include any unknowns)

Numeric (integer)




All Appointments from appointment_scheduled_count (field 210) where:

  • with healthcare professional type: General-Practitioner-(GP)  (a count as at the end of the reporting period of the number of Slots scheduled with healthcare professional type of GP or similar i.e. if an Appointment Slot is initially scheduled with a GP and then reassigned to nurse, this will NOT be included in this count; healthcare professional groupings and terminology may differ between Supplier systems and The Authority will consult with Suppliers on this; see embedded document for a list of types to be included in this count)

Numeric (integer)




All Appointments from appointment_scheduled_count (field 210) where:

  • with healthcare professional type: Nurse (a count as at the end of the reporting period of the number of Slots scheduled with healthcare professional type of Nurse or similar i.e. if an Appointment Slot is initially scheduled with a Nurse and then reassigned to GP, this will NOT be included in this count; healthcare professional groupings may differ between Supplier systems and The Authority will consult with Suppliers on this; see embedded document for a list of types to be included in this count)

Numeric (integer)




All Appointments from appointment_scheduled_count (field 210) where:

  • with healthcare professional type: Other – Clinical (a count as at the end of the reporting period of the number of Slots scheduled with healthcare professional type of Other – Clinical i.e. if an Appointment Slot is initially scheduled with a Nurse and then reassigned to another clinical user other than Nurse or GP, this WILL be included in this count; healthcare professional groupings may differ between Supplier systems and The Authority will consult with Suppliers on this; see embedded document for a list of types to be included in this count)

Numeric (integer)




All Appointments from appointment_scheduled_count (field 210) where:

  • with healthcare professional type: Other (a count as at the end of the reporting period of the number of Slots scheduled with any other healthcare professional type, including clerical user types i.e. if an Appointment Slot is initially scheduled with a Nurse and then reassigned to another health care professional type which is not GP, Nurse or other clinical, this WILL be included in this count; see embedded document for a list of all the types which will NOT be included in this count; this count WILL include any unknowns)

Numeric (integer)




Sum of the time to third next available Appointment figures calculated for each scheduling transaction associated with Appointments:

  • with a start date and time within the reporting period (based on start time of Appointment) 

  • of any Slot Type (where Appointment Slot was available for a Patient to book i.e. exclude any 'blocked' or 'embargoed' Slots; terminology may differ between Supplier systems and The Authority will consult with Suppliers on this) 

  • with healthcare professional type: General-Practitioner-(GP) (healthcare professional groupings may differ between Supplier systems and The Authority will consult with Suppliers on this; see embedded document for a list of types to be included in this count) 

  • as per the methodology

Numeric (integer)




Sum of the time to third next available Appointment figures calculated for each scheduling transaction associated with Appointments:

  • with a start date and time within the reporting period (based on start time of Appointment) 

  • of any Slot Type (where Appointment Slot was available for a Patient to book i.e. exclude any 'blocked' or 'embargoed' Slots terminology may differ between Supplier systems and The Authority will consult with Suppliers on this) 

  • with healthcare professional type: Nurse (healthcare professional groupings may differ between Supplier systems and The Authority will consult with Suppliers on this; see embedded document for a list of types to be included in this count) 

  • as per the methodology

Numeric (integer)




Sum of the time to third next available Appointment figures calculated for each scheduling transaction associated with Appointments:

  • with a start date and time within the reporting period (based on start time of Appointment) 

  • of any Slot Type (where Appointment Slot was available for a Patient to book i.e. exclude any 'blocked' or 'embargoed' Slots terminology may differ between Supplier systems and The Authority will consult with Suppliers on this) 

  • with healthcare professional type: Other – Clinical (healthcare professional groupings may differ between Supplier systems and The Authority will consult with Suppliers on this; see embedded document for a list of types to be included in this count) 

  • as per the methodology

Numeric (integer)




Total number of time to third next available Appointment figures which were summed together to give field 1238

Numeric (integer)




Total number of time to third next available Appointment figures which were summed together to give field 1239

Numeric (integer)




Total number of time to third next available Appointment figures which were summed together to give field 1240

Numeric (integer)




All Appointments from appointment_attended_count (field 1224):

  • where Patient attending Appointment was of sex: Male (based on the sex of the Patient attending the Appointment NOT who booked it)

Numeric (integer)




All Appointments from appointment_attended_count (field 1224):

  • where Patient attending Appointment was of sex: Female (based on the sex of the Patient attending the Appointment NOT who booked it)


Numeric (integer)




All Appointments from appointment_attended_count (field 1224):

  • where Patient attending Appointment was of sex: Unknown (based on the sex of the Patient attending the Appointment NOT who booked it; this field WILL include Patients with sex recorded as 'indeterminate')

Numeric (integer)




All Appointments from appointment_attended_count (field 1224):

  • where Patient attending Appointment was of ethnicity group: White (based on the ethnicity group of the Patient attending the Appointment NOT who booked it; see Read/CTV3/SNOMED mapping embedded below)

Numeric (integer)




All Appointments from appointment_attended_count (field 1224):

  • where Patient attending Appointment was of ethnicity group: Mixed (based on the ethnicity group of the Patient attending the Appointment NOT who booked it; see Read/CTV3/SNOMED mapping embedded below)

Numeric (integer)




All Appointments from appointment_attended_count (field 1224):

  • where Patient attending Appointment was of ethnicity group: Asian or British Asian (based on the ethnicity group of the Patient attending the Appointment NOT who booked it)

Numeric (integer)




All Appointments from appointment_attended_count (field 1224):

  • where Patient attending Appointment was of ethnicity group: Black or Black British (based on the ethnicity group of the Patient attending the Appointment NOT who booked it)

Numeric (integer)




All Appointments from appointment_attended_count (field 1224):

  • where Patient attending Appointment was of ethnicity group: Other (based on the ethnicity group of the Patient attending the Appointment NOT who booked it)

Numeric (integer)




All Appointments from appointment_attended_count (field 1224):

  • where Patient attending Appointment was of ethnicity group: Unknown (based on the ethnicity group of the Patient attending the Appointment NOT who booked it)

Numeric (integer)




All Appointments from appointment_attended_count (field 1224):

  • where Patient attending Appointment was in age band: 0-1 year (based on the age of the Patient attending the Appointment NOT who booked it; Patients who are less than 1 year old)

Numeric (integer)




All Appointments from appointment_attended_count (field 1224):

  • where Patient attending Appointment was in age band: 1-5 years (based on the age of the Patient attending the Appointment NOT who booked it; age banding is inclusive i.e. a Patient aged 1 year and a Patient aged 5 years WILL both be included in this count)

Numeric (integer)




All Appointments from appointment_attended_count (field 1224):

  • where Patient attending Appointment was in age band: 6-15 years (based on the age of the Patient attending the Appointment NOT who booked it; age banding is inclusive i.e. a Patient aged 6 years and a Patient aged 15 years WILL both be included in this count)

Numeric (integer)




All Appointments from appointment_attended_count (field 1224):

  • where Patient attending Appointment was in age band: 16-45 years (based on the age of the Patient attending the Appointment NOT who booked it; age banding is inclusive i.e. a Patient aged 16 years and a Patient aged 45 years WILL both be included in this count)

Numeric (integer)




All Appointments from appointment_attended_count (field 1224):

  • where Patient attending Appointment was in age band: 46-64 years (based on the age of the Patient attending the Appointment NOT who booked it; age banding is inclusive i.e. a Patient aged 46 years and a Patient aged 64 years WILL both be included in this count)

Numeric (integer)




All Appointments from appointment_attended_count (field 1224):

  • where Patient attending Appointment was in age band: 65-80 years (based on the age of the Patient attending the Appointment NOT who booked it; age banding is inclusive i.e. a Patient aged 65 years and a Patient aged 80 years WILL both be included in this count)

Numeric (integer)




All Appointments from appointment_attended_count (field 1224):

  • where Patient attending Appointment was in age band: 81 years and over (based on the age of the Patient attending the Appointment NOT who booked it; Patients who are aged 81 years or older i.e. a Patient aged 81 WILL be included in this count)

Numeric (integer)




Total number of Patients who attended three or more Appointments in the period (a count as at the end of the reporting period of the number of Patients who attended three or more Appointments) 

  • with a start date and time within the reporting period (based on start time of Appointment) 

  • with attendance status of 'attended' (scheduled Appointments where Patients attended their Appointment; terminology for 'attended' may differ between Supplier systems) 

  • booked using any method

  • with any healthcare professional type

  • of any Slot Type (type of Appointment is defined as routine, emergency, or specialist clinics etc. terminology may differ between Supplier systems) 

  • of any duration

Numeric (integer)


Document Management

These data items to be provided by any Supplier delivering the Document Management Capability:

Field ID

Data Item




Field ID

Data Item






Total number of unique documents received into and stored by the Solution that were: (this does NOT include instances of duplicate documents being received and recorded against a Patient record)

  • recorded against a Patient record

  • recorded against a Patient record at any time within the reporting period (if the document is received by the system outside of the reporting period, but saved against a Patient record within the reporting period, then this WILL be included; if the document is received into the system within the reporting period, but not saved against a Patient record until outside the reporting period this will NOT be included)

  • received via any mechanism (i.e. electronic, scanned, manual etc. are all included)

If same data is stored by multiple Solutions, it will only be submitted once by one Supplier (see 1108 in Patient Information Maintenance - GP)

Numeric (integer)




Total number of unique documents received into and stored by the Solution that were: (this does NOT include instances of duplicate documents being received and recorded against a Patient record)

  • recorded against a Patient record

  • recorded against a Patient record at any time within the reporting period (if the document is received by the system outside of the reporting period, but saved against a Patient record within the reporting period, then this WILL be included; if the document is received into the system within the reporting period, but not saved against a Patient record until outside the reporting period this will NOT be included)

  • received via scanning (i.e. documents received on paper and scanned as opposed to being received via an electronic format)

If same data is stored by multiple Solutions, it will only be submitted once by one Supplier (see 1109 in Patient Information Maintenance - GP)

Numeric (integer)




Total number of unique documents received into and stored by the Solution that were: (this does NOT include instances of duplicate documents being received and recorded against a Patient record)

  • recorded against a Patient record

  • recorded against a Patient record at any time within the reporting period (if the document is received by the system outside of the reporting period, but saved against a Patient record within the reporting period, then this WILL be included; if the document is received into the system within the reporting period, but not saved against a Patient record until outside the reporting period this will NOT be included)

  • received electronically (i.e. documents received electronically as opposed to being received in paper format and scanned)

If same data is stored by multiple Solutions, it will only be submitted once by one Supplier (see 1110 in Patient Information Maintenance - GP)

Numeric (integer)



These data items to be provided by any Supplier delivering the Prescribing Capability:

Field ID

Data Item




Field ID

Data Item






Total number of prescription ordering transactions: (this is a count of transactions resulting in a prescription/s being ordered, NOT the number of items ordered; ordering several items in one transaction should only be counted as a single transaction) 

  • via any prescription ordering method

  • the ordering transaction took place within the reporting period

Numeric (integer)




Total number of prescription items ordered: (this is a count of the items ordered, NOT the number of transactions; if ordering several items in one transaction each item should be counted individually) 

  • via any prescription ordering method

  • the ordering transaction took place within the reporting period

Numeric (integer)


Ethnicity Mappings

The Ethnicity codes to use for each category within the Management Information (MI) reports are defined in the Patient Ethnicity tables.

Healthcare Professional Types

The following tables define the Healthcare Professional (HCP) types referenced in the reporting data items.

Third Next Available Appointment (TNA) Calculation Methodology

This page sets out the methodology by which TNA will be calculated by Suppliers and provided via the Management Information (MI) Reporting Specification. This will calculate a TNA figure based on each Appointment booking transaction associated with each Appointment in the reporting period (month). The figures for the number of days to the TNA identified by the methodology set out below based on each booking transaction will then be summed and returned as part of the Management Information (MI) Reporting Specification. 

There are six fields within the specification that need to be returned by Suppliers:

  • 1238 - third_next_appointment_time_GP_total

  • 1239 - third_next_appointment_time_nurse_total

  • 1240 - third_next_appointment_time_other_clinical_total

  • 1241 - third_next_appointment_time_GP_trans_count

  • 1242 - third_next_appointment_time_nurse_trans_count

  • 1243 - third_next_appointment_time_other_clinical_trans_count

There is a defined methodology which Suppliers are to follow to calculate these fields, however there are three options for how this could be applied to the system which should calculate the same output as set out below.

Applicable Capabilities

All Supplier Solutions will need to meet this Standard if they are delivering the Capability.


Creating a compliant implementation requires implementing the following dependent interface Standards:


Items on the Roadmap which impact or relate to this Standard

Items on the Roadmap which impact or relate to this Standard