Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery v1.2.0
ID | S24 |
Version | 1.2.0 |
Type | Overarching Standard |
Status | Published |
Effective Date | May 27, 2025 |
Contracting Vehicle(s) |
Ensures that Suppliers Solutions are supported by robust business continuity plans and disaster recovery measures.
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery is a mandatory technical Standard. This Standard is in place to ensure that services can be maintained in the event of disruptions to normal business. Suppliers will need to ensure that they have taken appropriate steps to remove, reduce, or mitigate the likelihood of events detrimentally impacting the levels of services that are provided.
The Authority's Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Standards have been developed to help Suppliers understand the minimum expectations that the Authority have for the maturity, scope and context of an organisation’s Business Continuity Management System (BCMS).
The BCMS is a management process that establishes, implements, operates, monitors, reviews, maintains and improves the organisation’s business continuity and should include organisational structure, policies and planning activities, responsibilities, procedures, processes and resources within its framework. This can be demonstrated by providing current ISO certifications or satisfactory audit reports.
Following receipt of the draft Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR) Plan (see requirement BC-DR-18) from the Supplier, the Authority shall:
Review and comment on the draft BCDR Plan as soon as reasonably practicable
Notify the Supplier in writing that it approves or rejects their draft BCDR Plan no later than twenty (20) Working Days after the date on which the draft BCDR Plan is first delivered to the Authority
Applicable Contracting Vehicle(s) | Requirement ID |