Onboarding Guidance

Onboarding Guidance


This guidance details how to sell digital products (Solutions) to the NHS using the Buying Catalogue, including related framework information and Supplier obligations. As of 2019, the Buying Catalogue has supported the GP IT Futures Framework and is now expanding in scope with the introduction of the Digital First Online Consultations and Video Consultations (DFOCVC) Framework. We recommend you read this guide in its entirety before submitting your Solution to the Buying Catalogue.

About the Catalogue

The Buying Catalogue is a procurement platform where clinical commissioners and other NHS buyers can find, evaluate and purchase digital products (Solution­s) and services intended to support Health and Social Care. To be listed on the Buying Catalogue, all Solutions must successfully demonstrate compliance with relevant NHS Standards. In order to sell from the Buying Catalogue, Solutions also must have been awarded to a Framework.

Frameworks supported:

  • GP IT Futures Framework 1 - this replaced GPSoC and allows CCGs to meet their commitments with regards to providing Core and Mandated Capabilities for GP Practices, as well as providing Enhanced Capabilities and to support Primary Care.

  • DFOCVC - This Framework is designed to provide Online and Video Consultation Capabilities and Associated Services to Health and Social Care.

Benefits of adding your Solution to the Buying Catalogue:

  • Visibility - The Buying Catalogue will be accessed frequently by digital service buyers within Health and Social Care.

  • Catalogue assured - By achieving compliance with NHS Standards, you can provide confidence to buyers that your Solution is reliable and safe for use in Health and Social Care.

  • Interoperability - Achieving compliance with the Interoperability Standard allows your Solution to work with any other Solutions that also complies with this Standard.

Is my Solution appropriate for the Buying Catalogue?

The DFOCVC Framework is open to any Solution that can meet at least one of the Capabilities, and the applicable Standards. We strongly recommend that you review the Capability & Standard Model to check that your Solution would be appropriate for this framework.

Please note that all Solutions must meet the overarching Standards, regardless of the Capabilities chosen. See Introduction to the Capabilities & Standards Model.

Solution Onboarding Process Overview

All companies need to register their intention to sell on the DFOCVC Framework.

After registration, there are four stages to onboarding each Solution to the Framework so that it can be made available to be sold on the Catalogue. The tables below provide a brief overview of each stage.

0. Catalogue Registration

The Digital Care Services Catalogue Agreement provides an overarching agreement for multiple Frameworks, including DFOCVC. Suppliers that have already executed a Digital Care Services Catalogue Agreement via GPIT Futures (Category A) do not need to repeat that step and should commence on-boarding with Stage 1, Catalogue Solution Registration.

What you do

What we do

What you do

What we do

Via email

If you do not already have a signed Catalogue Agreement:

Request a blank Catalogue Agreement from GPITF.commercial1@NHS.net


Complete Catalogue Agreement and related documents

Provide your company information.

Sign Catalogue Agreement.


Via email

send completed documentation to GPITF.commercial1@NHS.net

Review your submitted Catalogue Agreement.

Counter-sign your submitted Catalogue Agreement


Via email

Ask any clarification questions if we have them.

Notify you when we have accepted your Buying Catalogue Agreement and send you the counter-signed copy of the Agreement.

When you have received your countersigned Catalogue Agreement in stage 0, you can progress to the next stage as soon as you're ready.

1. Catalogue Solution Registration

Provide basic details of your Solution and select Capabilities

Before you select applicable Capabilities and Epics, we recommend that you review the full Capabilities & Standards Model to understand the relationship between Capabilities and Standards, as well as the requirements under each Capability and Standard.

Introduction to the Capabilities & Standards Model.

Online Consultation and Video Consultation Capabilities

Overarching Standards

Interop Standards

Supplier Defined Epics

If your Solution does not map to any of the May Epics within the Video Consultation or Online Consultation Capabilities then you have the option to define your own Epics that will map to one of these Capabilities.

You will need to clearly define your new Epics in the ‘Supplier Defined Epics’ template. Guidance on how to format these Epics can be found in the template also.


What you do

What we do

What you do

What we do

Via Solution Registration Form (1 form per Solution)

Provide basic details and key contacts for your Solution.

Confirm this is the formal submission of Solution scope for the DFOCVC Framework.

Select the applicable Capabilities and Epics, including any Supplier Defined Epics. Your Solution will be assessed against these in the next stage.


Via Supplier Defined Epics Template

Provide details on any Epics that you would like to include in the Capabilities Assessment - these should be new and not already defined in the Video Consultations and Online Consultation Capabilities.


Via Additional Services Template (1 excel file per Additional Service)

Provide details on any Additional Services


Via Associated Services Template

Provide details on any Associated Services


Via Email

Submit Solution Registration Form, as well as any Additional Services, Associated Services or Supplier Defined Epics to buying.catalogue@nhs.net referencing DFOCVC in the email title.

Submit service levels now or at stage 3.

Respond to any clarifications if we send them.

Via Email

Ask any clarification questions if we have them.

Confirm that we have received your completed Solution Registration Form.

Review your Associated Services and Additional Services submissions.

Review your Supplier Defined Epics submission.

Review your Service Levels, if provided.

Notify you if your submission has been accepted.

Set up and provide you with access to a secure Sharepoint site where all your subsequent submissions of evidence should be uploaded to.


When you have received access to your secure Sharepoint site in stage 1, you can progress to the next stages as soon as you're ready.

2. Capabilities Assessment

Provide evidence of Capabilities

For each Capability, the Supplier can choose whether to provide:

  • A recorded video demonstration (with optional voiceover or on screen narration describing what is happening and where each acceptance criteria is met); or

  • Schedule a Remote Live Witness Demonstration. During the Remote Live Witness demonstration, the Supplier will present evidence for all Capabilities and Epics that they have mapped to. The demonstration must be recorded by the Supplier and uploaded to their secure Sharepoint site.

The Supplier must provide evidence for:

  • Each of the Epics selected within their chosen Capabilities that are mapped to their Core Solution

  • Each of the Epics selected within their chosen Capabilities that are mapped to their Additional Services (if the Supplier has chosen to include any Additional Services))

  • Each of the Supplier Defined Epics (if the Supplier has chosen to include any Supplier Defined Epics)

In order to pass an Epic, all of the Acceptance Criteria under that Epic will need to be passed also. The demonstration should therefore provide evidence for every Acceptance Criteria within the Epic.

Recorded video demonstrations

The production quality of the video files provided will not be assessed. Your videos can be recorded simply, for example, using a software such as Web-ex, and recording a shared screen. The important thing is that the video provided is clear and easy to view. To this end, including Capability and Epic name in each video file name will be appreciated.

Narration—either verbal via voiceover or embedded via words on-screen—should be included in each video to indicate where each acceptance criterion is evidenced in each video.

Can I submit multiple videos?

You can submit one or multiple video files for each Capability. We recommend making the file(s) as small as possible to ensure that they can be uploaded and viewed.

What if I don't have any video recording software?

You don’t need specialised recording software. For example, you can create and record a screencast using Web-ex or other meeting application or software.

If you are not able to create videos, you can schedule a Remote Live Witness demonstration with us.

Will my videos be shown to the public?

Your video evidence will only be used for assessment and will not be published publicly on the Catalogue or elsewhere. However, all information submitted to the Buying Catalogue is subject to FOI requests.

Assessing your Capabilities

Once you have submitted your Solution details and Capability evidence, we will review your submission, including mapping information provided and the applicability of the Associated Services. If we have questions, we will email your lead contact for clarification. Once we have completed our review, we will notify your lead contact of the outcome.

At this point, we will assess your Capability Evidence. During this time, we may need to ask clarification questions and request more information to complete our assessment. These clarifications will be sent via email to your lead contact.

Each Capability has Epics, and each Epic has acceptance criteria. Each of these acceptance criteria will be reviewed and scored as passed or failed. To pass an Epic, all acceptance criteria for that Epic must be passed.

Each Capability has a minimum of One Must Epic; these Must Epics are mandatory in order to pass the Capability. All other Epics are May Epics and are Optional. We strongly advise you to select the May Epics that demonstrate the functionality of your Solution. If a May Epic is included, it will be assessed in the same way as a Must Epic. A failed May Epic will not prevent you from onboarding against a Capability provided you have passed the Must Epic.

All Epics passed will be displayed in the Catalogue Solution page listing and will be visible for Buyers.

Once we’ve completed our assessment, your lead contact will be notified of the outcome.

What you do

What we do

What you do

What we do

You must submit evidence demonstrating how your Solution meets the Capabilities and Epics you have selected in stage 1. Your evidence will be reviewed to determine if each Capability has been successfully met.


Video Evidence

If you choose to provide Video evidence, then upload your video files to your secure Sharepoint site and send confirmation of this to buying.catalogue@nhs.net.


Remote Live Witness Demo

If you selected to provide evidence via a Remote Live Witness Demo then we will contact you to arrange.


Via Email

Respond to any clarifications if we send them.

Receive outcome of Capability Assessment.

Assess your Capability evidence.


Via email

Ask any clarification questions if we have them.

Arrange Remote Live Witness Demo

Notify lead contact of Capability Assessment outcome.

You can progress to the next stage and submit evidence for Standards while you wait for the outcome of your Capability Assessment.

Please note that successful completion of Capability Assessment does not mean your Solution has been assured against NHS Standards. Solutions will not receive Compliant Status until successful completion of the Capability Assessment and Standards Compliance stages, and acceptance of your Solution page.

3. Standards Compliance

Provide evidence of Standards

How to submit evidence - Traceability Matrices

After you’ve submitted evidence for Capabilities (stage 2), you can submit evidence for Standards (stage 3). This stage will involve a detailed analysis of your Solution against each of the Overarching Standards and applicable Interoperability Standards which apply to your Solution.

Each Standard has a separate Traceability Matrix (TM), which is an Excel file that lists each piece of required evidence for that Standard as an individual line item. Based on the risk-based approach outlined below, each line item has been classified as either ‘Must’ (mandatory to implement) or ‘May’ (optional to implement).

You can submit most evidence for a Standard via its TM. Additional files such as screen shots or supporting documents can be included with your TM submission. The TMs for each Standard applicable to your Solution can be accessed via the Standards Folders set up for you in your secure Sharepoint site. Once you’ve finishing filling in the required information, you can upload the completed TM to the same Sharepoint folder. You can submit TMs for each Standard one at time.

Evaluating your Standards

The evidence you submit within your Traceability Matrices (TMs) will be evaluated for compliance, according to the risk-based approach outlined below.

Once we’ve evaluated each line item in a Standard, we will send an email notification to the Supplier lead contact confirming that updated TM with feedback has been uploaded to the Supplier’s Sharepoint. The feedback is intended to support the Supplier in providing additional evidence. Suppliers can re-submit TMs as many times as needed until all line items meet the minimum level required to pass compliance for that Standard.

Compliance approach - risk based

In order to establish our compliance criteria for each Standard, a risk-based approach has been applied to all aspects of each Standard, to determine what level of compliance evidence will be assessed by us, and which areas will be assessed by the buyer.

In general, central compliance will be applied when risks exist around the following areas:

  • Clinical safety

  • Information governance (including information security)

  • Central Spine Services and associated services

  • Interoperability

Where central risk mitigations have been identified, a risk level impact has been applied and mapped to mitigating actions. Examples of Standards’ risks/mitigations are shown below:

  • No risk impact: yes/no self-certified response

  • Low risk impact: a self-certified statement with a brief description of how you have met the line item

  • Medium risk impact: self-certified statement with an implementation description plus physical evidence which may include screenshot/video, API response message, evidence of external compliance/certification (for example, ISO)

  • High risk impact: witnessed tests, design documents

The compliance evaluation of your overarching Standards will also seek a proportionate risk-based approach. However, given the nature and variability within the overarching standards, the approach will be dependent on an understanding of the Solution being provided.

Compliance approach – ongoing

Ensuring that Solutions remain compliant to Standards post-evaluation is critical to provide buyers with assurance that Solutions continue to function as intended and do not present safety risks. All assured Solutions must follow the requirements in the Service Management Standard, which will explain how Suppliers should manage change to their Solution, including any related compliance activities, for example, change and regression testing.

Suppliers will have a responsibility to cooperate with any feedback activities or direct audits. The goal of both activities is to help identify and address any non-compliance and support the continued delivery of compliant Solutions to end users.

What you do

What we do

What you do

What we do

You will need to complete a Traceability Matrix for each Standard that your Solution has to be assured against. The list of Standards can be found in the Solution Registration Form that you completed for stage 1.


Via Sharepoint

Download Traceability Matrices for your Standards.

Upload completed Traceability Matrices for each Standard to the relevant Sharepoint folder for your Solution


Via email

Send confirmation that you have uploaded completed TMs to your Sharepoint folder to buying.catalogue@nhs.net 

Respond to feedback from us. This may include providing more information where required and working with us as we test each Standard against the requirements.

Submit service levels to buying.catalogue@nhs.net if not already provided.

Via email

Provide feedback or ask any clarification questions if we have them.

Send notification for each Standard when compliance is achieved.

Send notification for Solution when compliance with all Standards is achieved.


4. Solution Listing (what Buyers will see)

Having successfully passed both the Capabilities Assessment and the Standards Compliance stages, you can progress to populating your Catalogue Solution listing, which will form your Solution page. In this final stage, you will be asked to provide additional information relevant to potential Buyers.

Some aspects of the Solution Listing may vary by Framework, for example prices and performance levels.

We will moderate the Solution Listing to ensure it isn’t misleading and is presented within the spirit of the Commercial Standard before it is published.

What you do

What we do

What you do

What we do

Download Supplier Guide and familiarise yourself with what is required for the Solution Listing

Via Catalogue Solution Listing Template

Complete all mandatory sections and optional sections if applicable, taking note of character limits


Via Sharepoint

Upload completed Catalogue Solution Listing Template

Upload signed off Solution Listing final version.


Via email

Confirm to buying.catalogue@nhs.net that you have uploaded your completed Catalogue Solution Listing Template to your Sharepoint

Respond to feedback from us. This may include providing more information where required.

Confirm to buying.catalogue@nhs.net that you have uploaded your signed off Catalogue Solution Listing final version to your Sharepoint

Review your completed Solution Listing Template.

Create Solution Listing, which will be appear on the Catalogue

Add Authority data to Solution Listing.


Via email

Ask any clarification questions if we have them.

Send Solution Listing final version for sign off.


On Buying Catalogue

Solution Listing final version is Published





The following are all of the documentation that a Supplier will need to download, complete and return as part of Onboarding their Solution.


Document Name



Document Name


1 - Provide Basic Details of Solution & Select Capabilities

Solution Registration Form


1 - Provide Details of Associated Services

Associated Services Template


1 - Provide Details of Additional Service & Select Capabilities and Epics that it maps to.

NOTE - You will need one Additional Service Form per Additional Service

Additional Services Template


1 - Provide Details of Supplier Defined Epics, and which Capability they map to

Supplier Defined Epics Template


  1. - Solution Listing

Catalogue Solution Listing Template


Contact us

To ask questions about your Solution Onboarding submissions email the Catalogue support team at buying.catalogue@nhs.net.

For Guidance on the Catalogue Agreement process email GPITF.commercial1@NHS.net.