ID | D |
Type | Core Requirement |
Status | Published |
Release | V3.0 - March 2023 |
Core Level Requirements
Transformation & Innovation Level Requirements
Management and administration of diagnostic tests including requesting and viewing diagnostics.
User Stories
D-01.1 - Request Consultations | |
DCF Core Capability | |
As a Clinical Professional, I want, the ability to digitally request consultations with other clinical professionals, So that, I can get additional diagnosis support. Acceptance criteria 1:Given I have the system access to request a consultation, When I request a consultation, Then the request for a consultation is sent to the chosen clinical professional. Acceptance Criteria 2:Given that I have requested a consultation, When the consultation is performed and the patient record is updated with the consultation findings or clinical opinion, Then I get notified that the consultation has been completed and I can then view the result in the patient record. Additional Detail
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Application Function | Description |
AF338 Digitally Request Consultation | Request a consultation digitally and have the consultation and its results automatically recorded in the patient record |
D-02.1 - Consultation Results | |
DCF Core Capability | |
As a Clinical Professional, I want to be notified that the consultation that I requested has been completed and I want to be able to see these findings or clinical opinion in the patient record, So that I can take the appropriate course of action. Acceptance Criteria 1:Given I have requested a consultation, When the consultation is completed and the findings or clinical opinions are added to the patient record, Then I should be notified that the results are published. Acceptance Criteria 2:Given a consultation has been completed, When the consultation is completed and the findings or clinical opinion have been added to the patient record, Then I am able to view the findings or clinical opinion of the consultation. | |
Application Function | Description |
AF339 Send Results Notification | The ability of an application to send a notification to the clinician who ordered a consultation |
D-03.1 - Request Diagnostic Tests | |
DCF Core Capability | |
As a Clinical Professional, I want the ability to digitally request diagnostic tests, So that I can get accurate diagnosis results. Acceptance criteria 1:Given I have the system access to request diagnostic tests, When I request a diagnostic test, Then the request for a diagnostic test is sent to the chosen diagnostic service. Acceptance Criteria 2:Given that I have requested a diagnostic test, When the diagnostic test is performed and the patient record is updated with the test results, Then I get notified that the test has been completed and I can then view the result in the patient record. Supporting Information
Additional Detail
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Application Function | Description |
AF217 Place Test/Investigations Order | The ability to engage testing services in real time and record the action that a request has been made on the patient record.
The application must be able to support the following:
Standards Compliance | |
D-04.1 - Diagnostic Test Results | |
DCF Core Capability | |
As a Clinical Professional, I want to be notified that the diagnostic tests that I requested have been completed, and I want to be able to see these results in the patient record, within appropriate prescribing pathways So that I can take the appropriate course of action. Acceptance Criteria 1:Given I have requested a diagnostic test, When the test is completed and the results are added to the patient record, Then I should be notified that the results are published. Acceptance Criteria 2:Given a diagnostic test has been completed, When the test is completed and the results have been added to the patient record, Then I am able to view the results of the test. Acceptance Criteria 3:Given the need to record test results When results are added to the patient record Then they should be recorded in compliance with any relevant test result standard Supporting Information
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Application Function | Description |
AF173 Generate clinical alerts | The ability of an application to run algorithms based upon patient data (observations, conditions, test results etc.) to proactively identify conditions or deterioration in conditions and generate clinical alerts where issues are identified (scores are beyond defined thresholds). |
AF184 Send Results Notification | The ability of an application to send a notification to the clinician who ordered a test and concerned clinical groups where a test result indicates that a patient has an urgent health need. |
AF185 Results Acknowledgement | The ability of an application to request an acknowledgement from a clinician that results have been viewed and actioned where the results fall outside normal parameters for the specific clinical speciality of the requesting clinician. |
AF231 Visualise Test/Investigation results | The ability to visualise a set of corresponding results, e.g. via time-series graphs. This should include the ability to overlap significant events onto views, e.g. interventions, procedures |
AF229 View Test/Investigation Results | The ability to view the results of all tests/investigations carried out on behalf of a patient including any associated artefacts (images etc.) captured via the testing application. |
AF228 Receive and Process Test Results | The ability of an application to be able to receive and process results received from diagnostic results systems (including correlating results with requests). |
Standards Compliance | |
D-05.1- Integration of Diagnostics into Workflow | |
DCF Core Capability | |
As a Clinical Professional , I want automated alerts when ordering diagnostic tests and consultations including but not limited to duplication, inconsistent or conflicting test requests, So that I am aware of any issues with the request I am making while I am within the workflow. Acceptance Criteria 1:Given I have requested a diagnostic test or consultation, When the request I make triggers an alert within the diagnostic system (LIMS (Laboratory Management System) or RIS (Radiology Information Management)), Then I will see that alert within the workflow. Acceptance Criteria 2:Given I have requested a diagnostic test or consultation, When the request I make triggers an alert within the diagnostic system (e.g LIMS or RIS) Then I will be able to accept or override the alert, And this decision will be recorded for audit purposes. | |
Application Function | Description |
AF315 Configure Workflow rules | The ability to configure automated workflows consisting of sequences of tasks, data flows (messages), notifications and alerts which can be triggered via events (system or manually generated). |
D-06.1 - Historic Diagnostic Results and Images | |
DCF Core Capability | |
As a Clinical Professional, I want to be able to view the patient’s historic diagnostic results and images in a structured format, So that I can make clinical decisions with accurate data. Acceptance Criteria 1:Given I am viewing a patient record, When I view results, Then I should have the option to view historic results. Acceptance Criteria 2:Given the need to present historic diagnostic results When displaying the results from the patient record Then these should be presented in compliance with any relevant test standards Acceptance Criteria 3:Given the need to include images in results presented When including images in the patient record Then the system should comply with relevant medical imaging standards | |
Application Function | Description |
AF215 Order History - Patient | The ability to view a record of order requests made on behalf of a patient including:
This should be for current and/or historic care episodes |
Standards Compliance | |
Supporting Information
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STD030 Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) | |
D-06.2 - Diagnostic Results filtering | |
DCF Core Capability | |
As a Clinical Professional, I want to be able to filter historic results and images, So that I can find the results I am looking for quickly. Acceptance Criteria 1:Given I am viewing a patient record, When I view historic results, Then I should have the option to apply filters to the results And the applied filters should limit the visible results. | |
Application Function | Description |
AF215 Order History - Patient | The ability to view a record of order requests made on behalf of a patient including:
This should be for current and/or historic care episodes |
D-06.3 - Diagnostic Results verification | |
DCF Core Capability | |
As a clinical professional, I want the results displayed to include verification e.g. patient identifying information, barcoding, So that I can ensure that the results I am viewing match the patient I am treating. Acceptance Criteria 1:Given I am viewing a patient record, When I view the detailed results, Then I should see verification information within the results that matches the patient’s record, And I should be able to flag if the results don’t match the patient. Acceptance Criteria 2:Given the need to present diagnostic results When displaying the results from the patient record Then these should be presented in compliance with any relevant test standards Acceptance Criteria 3:Given the use of patient barcodes to identify the patient When displaying the barcode as part of the results Then follow the guidance in the AIDC standard for patient barcodes | |
Application Function | Description |
AF215 Order History - Patient | The ability to view a record of order requests made on behalf of a patient including:
This should be for current and/or historic care episodes |
Standards Compliance | |
D-07.1 - Diagnostic Order Progress | |
DCF Transformation & Innovation Capability | |
As a Clinical Professional, I want to view the progress of my order, So that I am assured that my order has not been overlooked. Acceptance Criteria 1:Given the need to create a new order When my order is opened Then an view of order progress is available | |
Application Function | Description |
AF360 Order acknowledgement | System issues an acknowledgement when an order is opened. When placing order clinician may request acknowledgement via an alert |
D-08.1 - Diagnostic Time Stamps | |
DCF Transformation & Innovation Capability | |
As a Clinical Professional, I want any investigation notes to be visibly time stamped So that, I can see which notes are current, and the timeline of notes Acceptance Criteria 1:Given the need to keep up to date with the patients progress When reviewing investigation notes Then notes are all time stamped | |
Application Function | Description |
AF215 Order History - Patient | The ability to view a record of order requests made on behalf of a patient including:
This should be for current and/or historic care episodes |
Standards Compliance | |
D-09.1 - Single User Interface for Tests and Diagnostics | |
DCF Transformation & Innovation Capability | |
As a Clinical Professional, I want to see test results and diagnostics in a single user interface So that, I don't have to jump between different user interfaces for all diagnostic information, Acceptance Criteria 1:Given the need to review tests and diagnostic results When reviewing the patients care record Then both test results and diagnostics are in the same user interface | |
Application Function | Description |
AF215 Order History - Patient | The ability to view a record of order requests made on behalf of a patient including:
This should be for current and/or historic care episodes |
D-10.1 - Urgent Diagnostic Results | |
DCF Transformation & Innovation Capability | |
As a Clinical Professional, I want, urgent diagnostic requests that are time-dependent to be flagged and, I need an alert attached to the time dependency So that, Urgent requests are prioritised and delivered in a timely manner Acceptance Criteria 1:Given the need to see urgent requests When reviewing the patients care record Then requests are prioritised and delivered in a timely manner | |
Application Function | Description |
AF226 Order alerts | The ability to generate an alert to the requestor when an order is delayed |
AF360 Order acknowledgement | System issues an acknowledgement when an order is opened. When placing order clinician may request acknowledgement via an alert |
AF361 Order Prioritisation | The system will allow an urgency to be set when placing an order to ensure that urgent orders receive prioritised attention and an appropriate escalation of alerts to manage the timeliness of order processing |
Applicable Standards |
The full list of standards applicable to the secondary care setting are contained at the link below The following standards apply more specifically to the requirements on this page STD028 Diagnostic Imaging Data Set STD030 Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) |