If you are a CCG in receipt of GMS funding for GP Practices, the NHS National Procurement Hub will assist you with all aspects of your Further Further Competition Off Catalogue process. They can be contacted at xxxx.
See what Catalogue Solutions are available to buy
Go to the Buying Catalogue [link] Catalogue and see what Catalogue Solutions are available. You can download further information about each Catalogue Solution.
All the Solutions listed on the Buying Catalogue are your longlist.
Create a shortlist
Review all the Catalogue Solutions on the Buying Catalogue and create a shortlist of Catalogue Solutions that can meet your requirements by using the Capabilities and other information on the Catalogue Solution Listing.
Sign the Call Off Order Form
The Call Off Order Form was completed as part of the tendering process, so you can send it to the Supplier so that they can sign it.
Once you have both signed the Call Off Order Form, you have awarded the contract to the winning supplier.
Send a copy of your Call Off Order Form to NHS Digital at gpitf.fulfilments@nhs.net. For organisations in receipt of GMS funding, NHS Digital will arrange payment to the Supplier. For all organisations, this lets NHS Digital know who has a Call Off Agreement, which enables them to notify you of any issues with your Supplier.
You should also provide feedback to the unsuccessful Suppliers; templates are available in Appendix 1: Sample feedback letter