Sample feedback letter
An unsuccessful bidder letter is the decision notice sent out to all unsuccessful suppliers once the evaluation decision has been made. This document is a template. It will need to be tailored to your call off procurement.
It is important that the descriptive section of the letter where bidders are informed of the relative advantages and characteristics of the winning bid is drafted in a way that is bespoke and individual to each unsuccessful bid. Including the same standard paragraph for each unsuccessful bidder is unlikely to meet the requirements for unsuccessful bidders to be afforded a clear understanding of the ways in which the winning bid scored more highly than their own.
Direct Award (where applicable) and Further Competition on Catalogue
[On Customer Organisation’s headed paper]
[insert date]
Dear [ ]
Re: GPIT Futures mini competition
This is an Award Decision Notice pursuant to Regulation 86 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.
I regret to inform you that, following an evaluation process in which we had shortlisted [Catalogue Solution], you have not been selected as the successful Supplier.
The Call Off Agreement will be awarded to [insert name of successful bidder].
The evaluation criteria were [insert evaluation criteria]. Your score against those criteria was [score]. The score the winning tender obtained was [score].
The reasons for the decision, including the characteristics and relative advantages of the winning tender, were as follows: [Set out description of these.]
Yours sincerely
Further Competition off Catalogue
[On Customer Organisation’s headed paper]
[insert date]
Dear [ ]
Re: GPIT Futures mini competition
This is an Award Decision Notice pursuant to Regulation 86 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.
I regret to inform you that, following the evaluation process, your offer in relation to our Invitation to Tender as contained within document with reference [insert reference] and dated [insert date] was unsuccessful.
The Call Off Agreement will be awarded to [insert name of successful bidder].
The evaluation criteria were [insert evaluation criteria]. Your score against those criteria was [score]. The score the winning tender obtained was [score].
The reasons for the decision, including the characteristics and relative advantages of the winning tender, were as follows: [Set out description of these.]
We would like to thank you for the time and effort spent in submitting your offer and assure you that the fact that you have been unsuccessful on this occasion will not affect any offers you may make in any other tendering processes with us.
Yours sincerely