ID | STD022 |
External ID | DCB0095 |
Version | 0.1 |
Link to standard | |
Standard Type | Data Standard (NHS) |
Status | Draft |
Effective Date | TBC |
In England, under the NHS Constitution, patients have ‘the right to access certain services commissioned by NHS bodies within maximum waiting times’. This information standard outlines the specification and requirements for an aggregate monthly data collection to monitor waiting times performance against the standards set out in the National Health Service Commissioning Board and Clinical Commissioning Groups (Responsibilities and Standing Rules) Regulations 2012, and the 2015 amendment.
Data are submitted to NHS England and NHS Improvement via NHS Digital’s Strategic Data Collection Service (SDCS) and form the basis of National Statistics for Consultant-led Referral to Treatment Waiting Times published by NHS England and NHS Improvement.
Any organisation that provides NHS consultant-led non-emergency services commissioned by English NHS commissioners, and for those patients for which English commissioners are responsible, should submit a monthly aggregate return to the NHS Digital’s online SDCS portal data collection system.
This includes acute trusts, specialist trusts, mental health trusts and any other provider of consultant-led services for NHS patients in England or provider of interface services4.
Requirement ID | Requirement Text | Level |
1 | Any organisation that provides NHS services that fall within the scope of RTT MUST submit waiting times data monthly to NHS England and NHS Improvement through NHS Digital’s online SDCS portal. | MUST |
2 | Where NHS care is funded and directly commissioned by a CCG or NHS England, Independent Sector providers SHOULD engage in the RTT data collection process by monitoring RTT times for NHS patients being seen/treated at their sites and by submitting this information to SDCS in the same way as NHS provider organisations. | SHOULD |
3 | Providers MUST ensure that any information provided is “submitted completely and accurately” (in accordance with NHS Standard Contract terms) | MUST |
4 | Commissioners MUST review monthly provider data for their commissioned patients to confirm it is accurate, in particular, to check for errors, inconsistencies and missing data. If any issues are identified, the commissioner must work with providers to resolve data quality issues. | MUST |
5 | Commissioners MUST ensure that any information provided is “submitted completely and accurately” (in accordance with NHS Standard Contract terms) | MUST |
6 | NHS England and NHS Improvement MUST collect and publish monthly national waiting times data. | MUST |
7 | NHS England and NHS Improvement SHOULD carry out validation checks on aggregate waiting times data and work with providers to resolve data quality issues identified at an aggregate level. | SHOULD |
8 | NHS England and NHS Improvement SHOULD publish national guidance on RTT waiting time recording and reporting. | SHOULD |
9 | NHS England and NHS Improvement SHOULD provide ongoing support to trusts on recording waiting times, responding to individual queries. | SHOULD |
ID | STD049 |
External ID | SCCI0021 |
Version | 0.1 |
Link to standard | |
Standard Type | Data Standard (NHS) |
Status | Draft |
Effective Date | TBC |
ICD-10 permits the systematic analysis, interpretation and comparison of morbidity data collected in different areas. The specified purpose of the ICD-10 is to provide a means of classifying diagnoses and is defined as a system of categories to which morbid entries are assigned according to established criteria.
ICD-10 is a comprehensive classification of causes of morbidity and mortality and is published by the World Health Organisation. ICD-10 permits the systematic analysis, interpretation and comparison of morbidity data collected in different areas. Thus, the specified purpose of the ICD-10 is to provide a means of classifying diagnoses and is defined as a system of categories to which morbid entries are assigned according to established criteria.
The following bodies must have regard to this information standard:
• the Secretary of State
• NHS England
• Monitor
• public bodies exercising functions in connection with health services or adult social care
• anyone providing publicly funded health services or adult social care commissioned by or on behalf of a public body.
In addition, this information standard applies to:
• NHS IT system and software suppliers who build/update software to support NHS business functions and interoperability, according to new and existing contractual arrangements
• public sector organisations providing information support to NHS health care providers.
Requirement ID | Requirement Text | Level |
STD049-1 | NHS IT System / Software Suppliers MUST use the data files and associated specifications released via TRUD (Technology Reference data Update Distribution) at to support the requirements listed below. | MUST |
STD049-2 | All Suppliers systems that use ICD-10 codes to support Admitted Patient Care Commissioning Data Sets (CDS), Central Returns for secondary uses as well as a number of other data collections as defined in the NHS Data Dictionary ( ) MUST be updated to ICD-10 5th Edition. | MUST |
STD049-3 | Suppliers systems MUST support the coding of consultant episodes finishing on and after 1 April 2016 in ICD-10 5th Edition. | MUST |
STD049-4 | Suppliers systems MUST support the coding of consultant episodes finishing on or before 31 March 2016 in ICD-10 4th Edition. | MUST |
STD049-5 | Suppliers system outputs MUST continue to abide by the interoperability guidance that regulates the submission of Commissioning Data Sets (CDS) etc to Secondary Uses Service (SUS). | MUST |
STD049-6 | IT System Suppliers that support SNOMED CT enabled sites MUST use the April 2016 Terminology Release Cross-maps, issued in mid-March 2016 via TRUD (Technology Reference data Update Distribution) at to support the above requirements. | MUST |
STD049-7 | IT System Suppliers that support legacy Read Code enabled sites MUST use the April 2016 Terminology Release Cross-maps, issued in mid-March 2016 via TRUD (Technology Reference data Update Distribution) at to support the above requirements. Note: In 2014 Information Standards Notices were issued in relation to the withdrawal of both Read V2 and Read V3. See ISN ISB 1553 and 1552 at | MUST |
STD049-8 | Suppliers systems MUST have integrity checks and validations to support data accuracy, for example, the coding of male conditions to females must be reported by the system. It is envisaged that checks will be performed via the User Interface or other methods acceptable to clinical coders. See ICD-10 5th Edition Codes and Titles and Metadata specification for information on integrity checks and validations. | MUST |
STD049-9 | IT System Suppliers SHOULD conform to ISB 0160 Clinical Risk Management: its Application in the Deployment and Use of Health IT Systems, if implementing ICD-10 5th Edition, requires a new release of your software. | SHOULD |
STD049-10 | IT System Suppliers MUST comply with the WHO Licence Agreement. | MUST |
Health & Care Organisations Requirements
Requirement ID | Requirement Text | Level |
1 | All “inpatient” episodes and day cases that contain diagnoses MUST be recorded to ICD-10 5th Edition to support mandatory data collections including Admitted Patient Care Commissioning Data Sets (CDS), Central Returns and other data collections as detailed in the NHS Data Model and Dictionary ( ) on 1 April 2016 (see # 6 below) and until further notice. | MUST |
2 | All Health Care Providers that are required to submit diagnoses for Admitted Patient Care Commissioning Data Sets (CDS), Central Returns for secondary uses as well as a number of other data collections as defined in the NHS Data Model and Dictionary MUST implement the updates in readiness for implementation on 1 April 2016. | MUST |
3 | Health Care Providers MUST implement ICD-10 5th Edition data files for 1 April 2016 as described in the ICD-10 Metadata specification available via the Technology Reference data Update Distribution Service (TRUD). | MUST |
4 | Health Care Providers MUST use the ICD-10 5th Edition book set and/or ICD-10 5th Edition eVersion and associated clinical coding standards. | MUST |
5 | Health Care Providers MUST conform to the “output” specification as provided in the NHS Data Model and Dictionary. See Additionally, see Appendix 1 for list of data set flows. | MUST |
6 | Health Care Providers MUST apply ICD-10 5th Edition to all Finished Consultant Episodes that finish on or after 1 April 2016. | MUST |
7 | Health Care Provider Systems MUST support the coding of consultant episodes in ICD10 4th Edition and ICD-10 5th Edition as part of the transition to the updated classification. | MUST |
8 | Health Care Provider Systems SHOULD retain copies of previous version of ICD-10 for reference. | |
9 | Health Care Providers MUST continue to abide by the interoperability guidance that regulates the submission of Commissioning Data Sets (CDS) etc to Secondary Uses Service (SUS). See | MUST |
10 | Health Care Providers SHOULD conform to ISB 0160 Clinical Risk Management: its Application in the Deployment and Use of Health IT Systems, if implementing ICD-10 5th Edition requires a new release of your software. | SHOULD |
11 | Health Care Providers MUST comply with the WHO Licence Agreement. | MUST |
ID | STD065 |
External ID | |
Version | 0.1 |
Link to standard | |
Standard Type | Data Standard (NHS) |
Status | Draft |
Effective Date | TBC |
OPCS-4 is a statistical classification for clinical coding of hospital interventions and procedures undertaken by the NHS. The classification is mandatory for use by health care providers to support various forms of data collections for secondary uses.
All Health Care Providers that are required to submit data on interventions and procedures for:
• Admitted Patient Care Commissioning Data Sets (CDS)
• Other data collections as defined in the NHS Data Model and Dictionary.
Requirement ID | Requirement Text | Level |
STD065-1 | Suppliers systems MUST use the data files and associated specifications released via TRUD to support the requirements listed below. | MUST |
STD065-2 | Suppliers systems that use OPCS-4 codes to support Admitted Patient Care Commissioning Data Sets (CDS), Central Returns for secondary uses as well as a number of other data collections as defined in the NHS Data Model and Dictionary and listed at Appendix 1 MUST be updated to OPCS-4.9 in line with the implementation date of 1 April 2020. | MUST |
STD065-3 | Suppliers systems MUST support the coding of consultant episodes finishing on or after 1 April 2020 in OPCS-4.9. | MUST |
STD065-4 | Suppliers systems MUST support the coding of consultant episodes finishing on or before 31 March 2020 in OPCS-4.8 or earlier versions as appropriate. | MUST |
STD065-5 | Where a Hospital Provider Spell contains episodes before and after 01/04/20 the suppliers systems MUST be able to support the use of both versions – OPCS-4.8 for episodes that end before 1/4/2020, and OPCS-4.9 for episodes that end on or after that date. | MUST |
STD065-6 | Suppliers systems outputs MUST continue to abide by the guidance that regulates the submission of Commissioning Data Sets (CDS) to Secondary Uses Service (SUS). | MUST |
STD065-7 | Suppliers systems that support SNOMED CT enabled sites MUST use the April 2020 Terminology Release Cross-maps, issued in mid-March 2020 via TRUD (Technology Reference data Update Distribution) to support the above requirements. | MUST |
STD065-8 | Suppliers systems MUST have integrity checks and validations to support data accuracy. Validation failures will be reported by the system in order to check for the entry of an incorrect OPCS-4 code or the display of an incorrect patient record. It is envisaged that checks will be performed via the User Interface or other methods appropriate to locally agreed clinical coding practice which ensures data integrity and compliance. See OPCS-4.9 Metadata file specification, available via TRUD, for information on integrity checks and validations. | MUST |
STD065-9 | Suppliers systems SHOULD conform to DCB0160 Clinical Risk Management: its Application in the Deployment and Use of Health IT Systems and DCB0129 Clinical Risk Management: its Application in the Manufacture of Health IT Systems, if implementing OPCS-4.9 requires a new release of your software. | SHOULD |
STD065-10 | Suppliers systems that use OPCS-4 MUST comply with the Licence Agreement which is available on TRUD (Technology Reference data Update Distribution). | MUST |
Health & Care Organisations Requirements
Requirement ID | Requirement Text | Level |
1 | All consultant episodes and day cases that contain interventions/operations MUST be recorded to OPCS-4.9 on or after 1 April 2020 (see # 6 below) and until further notice to support mandatory data collections including Admitted Patient Care Commissioning Data Sets (CDS), other Central Returns and data collections as detailed in the NHS Data Model and Dictionary ( ). | MUST |
2 | All Health Care Providers that are required to submit interventions/operations for Admitted Patient Care Commissioning Data Sets (CDS), Central Returns for secondary uses as well as a number of other data collections as defined in the NHS Data Model and Dictionary MUST implement the updates in readiness for implementation on 1 April 2020. | MUST |
3 | Health Care Providers MUST implement OPCS-4.9 data files for 1 April 2020 as described in the OPCS-4 Metadata file specification available via the Technology Reference data Update Distribution Service (TRUD). | MUST |
4 | Health Care Providers MUST use the OPCS-4.9 classification and associated classification coding standards available in the National Clinical Coding Standards OPCS-4.9 reference book. | MUST |
5 | Health Care Providers MUST conform to the “output” specification as provided in the NHS Data Model and Dictionary. See Appendix 1 for list of data set flows | MUST |
6 | Health Care Providers MUST apply OPCS-4.9 to all applicable Consultant Episodes that finish on or after 1 April 2020. | MUST |
7 | Health Care Provider Systems MUST support the clinical coding of consultant episodes in OPCS-4.8 and OPCS-4.9 as part of the transition to the updated classification. See Requirements for NHS IT Systems: rows three and four for details of transition. | MUST |
8 | Health Care Providers SHOULD retain reference copies of all previous versions of OPCS-4. | SHOULD |
9 | Health Care Providers MUST continue to abide by the guidance that regulates the submission of Commissioning Data Sets (CDS) to Secondary Uses Service (SUS). | MUST |
10 | Health Care Providers SHOULD conform to DCB0160 Clinical Risk Management: its Application in the Deployment and Use of Health IT Systems and DCB0129 Clinical Risk Management: its Application in the Manufacture of Health IT Systems, if implementing OPCS-4.9 requires a new release of your software. | SHOULD |
11 | Health Care Providers MUST comply with the Licence Agreement which is available on TRUD (Technology Reference data Update Distribution). | MUST |