Personal Demographics Service (PDS) V1..0.0

Personal Demographics Service (PDS) V1..0.0

TypeInteroperability Standard
Effective Date 


The Personal Demographics Service (PDS) is the national electronic database of NHS patient details such as name, address, date of birth and NHS Number (known as demographic information).


Applicable SuppliersRequirementLevel
Suppliers of new services or applications (i.e. those which are NOT currently deployed into an operational environment)

2018 PDS Integration Requirements – v1.0.

See below for supporting documents.

Suppliers of services which ARE currently deployed into an operational environment, and have an existing PDS compliance.

PDS Integration Requirements 2006-B, or a later version.


All suppliers are encouraged to work towards compliance with the latest version 2018 PDS Integration Requirements – v1.0.

Compliance and Assurance

To gain access to PDS suppliers follow the Common Assurance Process (CAP). CAP is an end-to-end assurance process, which involves a tailored (CAP) approach being developed which states what deliverable and compliance activities are conducted.

As part of the CAP suppliers will be asked to demonstrate adherence to the following specifications:

  • CAP Information Governance Compliance Requirements
  • External Interface Specification
  • NHS Messaging Implementation Manual
  • Personal Demographics Service Integration Requirements

These specifications contain a set of generic requirements applicable to all systems seeking compliance to a business domain. Compliance with these specifications is mandatory and established through the CAP.

The documents that define and support the compliance assurance and testing activity for the PDS compliance module are detailed within the above mentioned Foundation Module - Baseline Index V1.0.

For advice and support from the NHS Business Partners programme, please contact businesspartners@nhs.net or visit https://digital.nhs.uk/services/nhs-business-partners

Supporting Documentation

The following documents form the PDS integration baseline for local systems wishing to integrate with PDS. This new set of requirements apply to all new system suppliers wishing to complete PDS integration. Existing suppliers are not expected to implement the full scope of new requirements until '2018 PDS Integration Requirements – v1.0' is mandated for all suppliers.

The two documents below are listed in the 2018 PDS Integration Foundation Module - Baseline Index - v1.0 document as Guidance documents. They are of a historic nature but contain important information that is still relevant today.

The following document tells supplier which RBAC is relevant to PDS-related activities and enables suppliers to focus their approach accordingly. Suppliers are advised to focus their attention on sections 1, 3 and 4.

The following document provides useful background information on how a supplier might support business processes relating to BUS Sensitive patient records.


Creating a compliant implementation requires implementing the following dependent interface standards:

  • External Interface Specification (EIS)
  • NHS Messaging Implementation Manual (MIM)
  • Authentication and Access
