Application Functions (Community)
The Application Functions describe the abilities of the software functions in an EPR application by Capability. The Application Functions Catalogue extends links to the User Stories and Core Requirements.
ID | Capability | Application Function | Description |
AF113 | Appointments Management | Patient Communications | This is the ability of an application to send an electronic notification to a patient (via email/SMS). |
AF155 | Patient Record Management | View Patient Record (current) | This is the ability to view the data and documents added to a patient record as part of the current episode. |
AF156 | Patient Record Management | View Patient Record (historic) | This is the ability to view the data and documents added to a patient record as part of a historic episode. |
AF195 | Referral Management | Review Patient Referral | The ability of a receiving service/clinician to referrals new referrals that have been made which they can accept, reject or request further information. Where a referral is rejected or further information is required the sender must be notified and be able to provide additional supporting information in a resubmission of the referral. |
AF196 | Referral Management | View Patient Referral History | The ability of the system to display a view of referrals made on behalf of a patient and the outcome of those referrals. |
AF201 | Referral Management | Redirect referrals | The ability for an authorised user to redirect a referral to another clinical speciality |
AF297 | Documentation Provision | Send Correspondence | The ability of an application to send relevant documentation to a Patient. |
AF303 | Care Plans Management | Assign Tasks | The ability to enable an authorised user to assign/reassign tasks to a specific Clinician or team. |
AF316 | Care Plans Management | Cross Organisational Workflow | E.g. support transfer of patient from hospital to home Review of care plan by clinicians across multiple organisations |
AF317 | Digital Access Management | Patient access to records | The ability of an authenticated patient to be able to view their own medical record including:
Note: It must be possible for clinicians to be able to restrict information for sharing with the patient via the portal where necessary. |
AF319 | Documentation Provision | Patient information provision | The ability to send relevant information electronically to a patient. This includes the ability to assign patients to particular groups so that the information they receive is relevant. |
AF324 | Compliance Management | Audit | The ability of an application to provide comprehensive audit of all user actions including:
AF337 | Care Administration | Share summary patient data | the system to make every patient’s digitally recorded consent decisions electronically accessible to services across the Trust and region and with the national care record |
AF341 | Referral Management | Digital Presentation of Handover Data | The system provides a digital presentation of patient data including context as part of a digital handover to enable the sharing of relevant patient data without the need for paper based handover notes |
AF350 | Information Security | Provide Pseudonymised Patient Data | When sharing data with external data the system must provide the capability to de-identify, pseudonymize and re-identify records as required |
AF362 | Patient Connection | Accessibility | The system will allow configuration of accessibility settings such as font size, colours etc |
AF366 | Patient Record Management | Assign ownership | The ability of the system to assign an owner to a particular patient record and change the owner with a full audit trail of all owners assigned the record over time |
AF371 | Reporting | Produce Standard Reports | Produced all standard reports required by national bodies |
AF377 | Mobile Apps - Provide Single User Digital | Offline working | When working on a mobile device outside of network coverage, the device should support capture of data and upload when network coverage returns |
AF378 | Care Plan Coordination | Care plan sharing | The system should be able to share Care Plans across the Trust systems and with national bodies |
AF379 | Consent Management | Record Patient Consent to Data Sharing | The ability of the system to record the patients content to sharing data with other services e.g. Care Plan |
AF380 | Care Coordination | Create and maintain templates for care pathways | The ability of the system to allow appropriately privileged users to create and modify templates for the various care pathways |
AF381 | Safeguarding | Record Safeguarding information | The ability of the system to record safeguarding information |
AF382 | Safeguarding | Share Safeguarding information with other agencies | The ability of the system to share safeguarding information with othe agencies such as Police, Local Authorities |
AF383 | Safeguarding | Access to external Safeguarding information | The ability to access external sources of safeguarding information e.g. child protection plans, looked after status, statutory orders and CP-IS (Child Protection Information Sharing) |
AF384 | Safeguarding | Access to Personal Demographics Service (PDS) | The system should provide access to the PDS in order to access any relevant safeguaring information |
AF385 | Messaging | Secure messaging with patient | The ability of the system to communicate electronically with a patient
AF386 | Care Plans | View Clinical Availability | Display clinical and corporate calendars to support scheduling |
AF387 | Care Plans | Web based appoointment booking | Enable web based booking to allow patients or clinicians to book appointments without access to full calendars |
AF388 | Care Plans | Co-Production of Care Plans | Enable input from patient directly or via a clinician to input to the care plan created |
AF389 | Record Observations | Record Therapeutic Obeservation | Enable recording of therapeutic observations against the patient record |
AF395 | Medicine Management | Manage Depot Injection Stock | Ability of the system to record, sign in/out and check electronically the injection stocks |
AF390 | Self-Referral | Digital access to IAPT | Digital tools to enable self-referral and access to IAPT resources such as
AF391 | MHA Administration | MHA Administration | Ability to record and track mental health assessments |
AF392 | MHA Administration | Alerts to Care Providers | Generate alerts to care providers of important milestones to allow scheduling and ensure care is delivered in a timely manner e.g.
AF393 | MHA Administration | Section Renewal | Ability to enable section renewal and associated concurrent tasks |
AF394 | MHA Administration | Book and Request SOAD | Ability to create a SOAD request, including through the CQC system |
AF396 | Record Observations | Record Digital Therapeutic Interactions | Ability to record digital therapeutic interactions in the patient record |
AF397 | MHA Administration | Record section 117 flag | Ability to record eligibility for section 117 aftercare on patient record |
AF398 | Caseload Management | View caseload | Display caseload allocations for individuals and teams |
AF399 | Caseload Management | Caseload allocation | Manage allocation of resources to shifts to ensure appropriate allocation for the expected caseload |