Covid-19 Testing Results Data for GP Systems

Covid-19 Testing Results Data for GP Systems



TypeRoadmap Item


Covid-19 Testing Results Data for GP Systems


Make Covid-19 Test Results available to GP Practices

Date Added


Standards and Capabilities

Patient Information Maintenance, Interoperability

Change RouteUrgent Change
Change Type




Publication DateTBC
Effective Date


Incentives / Funding


Incentive Dates



Covid-19 mass testing results volumes, which flow to Keystone and on to GP systems, will significantly increase as there will be a scale up in testing.

The current platform was originally built on an existing pathology results flow that is not designed for mass testing volumes. The Covid-19 results flow is expected to increase to around 10 million records a day, possibly higher at exceptional periods, from February 2021.

Lord Bethell has requested the inclusion of all Patient test result data in the Patient record.

Currently, filtered data, e.g. LFT negative results, is being sent to GP systems to mitigate high volumes of test data in Keystone and the GP systems.

Outline Plan

Two options were identified that would provide GPs and Healthcare Professionals with test result data, however, only one of these meets Lord Bethell’s preference of populating the Patient record with all test result history.

  • Option 1: Provide an API that GPs and Healthcare Professionals can use to retrieve data from the Results Service datastore as and when required.
  • Option 2: All Covid-19 Test Result Data to be sent automatically to Keystone and GP Systems.

Both options were impact assessed before being presented for a decision to be made on which option(s) are to be implemented. Option 2 has been selected as the preferred means of providing GPs and Healthcare Professionals with test result data. 

Summary of Change

All test results (circa 10 million per day) will be pushed into Keystone and then on to GP Systems. Filtering of data to Keystone will be disabled.

The inclusion of auto-filing should be considered to reduce GP/Clinician administration.

The user interfaces may need to be modified to present large volumes of results in a more concise manner.


  • It is assumed that the GP systems providers should assume that other services such as MESH, SCR etc will scale appropriately.
  • It is assumed that the test results will flow to SCR subject to the current rule, but that LFDs will flow to GP systems.
  • It is assumed that GP Practices being migrated from Evolution to the other GP System providers will be captured within the new provider’s scope.

Requirements Information

Further information on the option selected can be accessed below: 


As a GP / Healthcare Professional

I want to see the most recent Covid-19 Test result for a Patient identified by their NHS Number

So that I can deliver appropriate clinical care using a dataset that provides the latest Covid-19 testing history for that Patient.

This will also support visibility of a longitudinal record of Covid-19 testing activity for Healthcare Professionals to view and provide ongoing clinical care, particularly in the context of long Covid-19.

As a GP / Healthcare Professional

I want to see all historic Covid-19 test results for a Patient identified by their NHS number

So that I can deliver appropriate clinical care using a dataset that provides full Covid-19 testing history for that Patient.

This will also support visibility of a longitudinal record of Covid-19 testing activity for Healthcare Professionals to view and provide ongoing clinical care, particularly in the context of long Covid-19.

Full Specification

A draft requirements specification has been shared with GP IT Futures, Supplier Managers and GP System providers.

A technical specification is being developed and will be shared with the same audience in due course.

Assurance Approach

NHS Digital and suppliers will undertake functional and non-functional assurance of the agreed solution(s) to ensure Healthcare Professionals can retrieve Covid-19 Test result data from the GP systems.