(Withdrawn) Reasonable Adjustments Flag

(Withdrawn) Reasonable Adjustments Flag

TypeRoadmap Item

TitleReasonable Adjustments Flag


Implementing RESTFul FHIR API for Reasonable Adjustments

Date Added 

Standards and Capabilities

Patient Information Maintenance
Change RouteManaged Capacity - Other
Change TypeNew
Publication DateTBC

Effective Date

Incentives / FundingNo
Incentive DatesN/A


Reasonable Adjustments Flagging is a national service which enables Patients with Reasonable Adjustment requirements to have their Reasonable Adjustments recorded to be available to care providers in contact with the Patient. The first phase of the service will support Patients with learning disabilities. The Service will enable a user to:

  • Create and Remove
    • A flag that indicates a patient has Reasonable Adjustment
    • The Reasonable Adjustments required to support the patients needs
  • Query
    • A flag that indicates a Patient has Reasonable Adjustment
    • The Reasonable Adjustments required to support the Patients needs depending on the users level of access i.e. RBAC

The pilot phase of the programme will be available via SCRa and on review will be extended to a FHIR REStful API hosted on NHS Digital Spine.


Reasonable Adjustments development roadmap

Reasonable adjustment flag background and requirements

Capability Associations and Interop Dependencies

This section lists the Capabilities this Standard is associated with and any other Interop Standards which are needed to meet this standard (subject to change or refinement)

Patient Information MaintenanceIs responsible for holding and organising the Patient Record and thus will allow users to add/edit/remove the RA flag and associated detail, or initiate a query on the Spine RA API