Onboarding Toolset Concepts

Onboarding Toolset Concepts

The below explains the concepts behind the Onboarding Toolset project.

Problem Statement

The current DSIC Onboarding Process is excessively manual, relying heavily on spreadsheets and emails to manage information and tasks flowing between us and Suppliers. The manual processes are prone to errors which cause delays. Based on current expectations, the growth in demand for the Onboarding Process will put additional pressure on the DSIC Programme.


An Onboarding Process which is managed online from a single location for both Supplier and NHSE representatives.


To make the Onboarding Process clearer, easier and faster for all parties, and to make it more efficient and less resource intensive for NHSE to administer and handle assessments.


To develop a toolset for both Suppliers and NHSE staff to use which guides them through the process, facilitates self-service and communication, and automates parts of the existing manual tasks.