Generic Review Process

Generic Review Process

The “Generic Review Process” is an abstracted model of the typical workflow that any given activity in the Onboarding Process is likely to follow. Each activity will have its own particular artefacts and workflows, so this Generic Review Process is intended for illustration purposes only.

Almost all activities are an exchange of information between the Supplier and the DSIC Programme, whereby the Supplier provides information/evidence and the DSIC Programme provides an outcome and feedback.

Where the outcome is a pass, the activity ends and the Supplier proceeds to the next activity.

Where the outcome is a fail, the Supplier can react to the feedback and provide different evidence, continuing the engagement.


Points of Note

  1. At present, most information/evidence is captured in pre-made forms, or submitted as Supplier-authored files.

  2. At the start of the activity, the Programme may already have information which should be pre-populated in the activity information/evidence (e.g. the name of a Solution is already known, the Supplier provided the required evidence under different circumstances and can reuse it).

  3. While information is being reviewed by the Programme, Suppliers are not able to make changes. If the information is rejected, the Supplier has the opportunity to make changes, guided by any feedback.

  4. In some cases the Supplier can withdraw from the activity; if an activity is mandatory, withdrawal may trigger the end of their onboarding journey.