Frameworks and Requirements Management Overview

Frameworks and Requirements Management Overview

The Framework infrastructure is a key component in the Onboarding Process. While there are only a few Proof of Capability Requirements which are impacted by the concept of Frameworks, Frameworks will drive the ongoing development of the Onboarding Toolset and it is important that Providers are comfortable with the concept.

What are Frameworks?

Frameworks are procurement vehicles; Solutions with a Framework award can be purchased by Buyers, through the Buying Catalogue, using funding associated with the Framework. Consequently, Frameworks are the commercial incentive for Solutions to onboard to the Buying Catalogue and to update their information. As more Frameworks are created, the demand on the Onboarding Process increases in terms of storage, variations on the journey, and number of Solutions being supported.

Requirements from the DSIC Capabilities and Standards Model

A Framework also defines the scope of the requirements that applicant Solutions must deliver; these are described using DSIC Capabilities and Standards (for more information see Digital Services for Integrated Care (DSIC) Capabilities & Standards and Introduction to Capabilities and Standards).

The DSIC Capabilities and Standards Model contains the full range of DSIC requirements, and exists independent on any given Framework.

Instead, Frameworks “package up” some of these Capabilities and Standards to define a particular scope.

For this Proof of Capability document, only DSIC Capabilities are considered in detail. Standards are out of scope.

Changes to DSIC Capabilities and Standards

The Capabilities and Standards Model is regularly updated via the DSIC Roadmap. This can involve adding new requirements, or uplifting or removing existing requirements. Roadmap Changes can also add or remove whole Capabilities.

Roadmap Changes can add, change or remove requirements in Capabilities and Standards that feature in a Framework. These changes can impact an in-flight Solution’s onboarding journey.

Any toolset should be cognisant that future developments will need to accommodate these regular changes.

Frameworks and the Onboarding Process

When a Solution begins onboarding to the Buying Catalogue, it will typically do so to meet the requirements defined by a Framework.

As part of Solution Registration, Suppliers must select the DSIC Capabilities and Epics (requirements within Capabilities) that they wish to be assessed against. The selections available are defined by those in the scope of the Framework.

The visual below shows how these components interact and relate to each other.


Additional Frameworks and Reusing Evidence

Frameworks may overlap and contain some of the same requirements. If the Solution applies to a new Framework, any evidence submitted during the original assurance activities can be reused. NHS SMEs will then confirm if new evidence is required or if the original evidence is sufficient.

Any requirements not previously passed or assured must be evidenced and assessed as normal.

The Proof of Capability Requirements do not cover the need for Solutions to have multiple Framework selections, but Providers should be aware of the longer term need for this functionality.

Framework Expiration

Frameworks have an expiration date. Solutions can onboard to the Buying Catalogue with a Framework which then expires; in this situation, the Solution remains on the Buying Catalogue and can still be purchased, but Framework funding is not available.

Onboarding without a Framework

When there is no Framework defining the scope of the requirements, the Solution must instead deliver at least 1 Capability, and all of the Overarching Standards.

The visual below shows how the components interact and relate to each other in this scenario.
